Sentences with phrase «complete dud»

This is surprisingly fun, given that there are actually very few complete duds on XBLA (the only game I've paid for and then deleted in pique is Wing Commander Arena.)
Not to mention complete duds such as Unbroken, Annie, The Gambler, and Exodus: Gods and Kings.
If these assets aren't actually complete duds, we could be looking at some real bargains...
PPT presentations are complete duds when the slides contain the text the speaker is reading.
Over the last nine years, the MCU has been a mixed bag, with some bonafide hits and a few complete duds.
The stock market has been a complete dud this year.
We also have not had a quality CDM since Gilberto almost a decade ago and have the awful Xhaka, a complete dud, as our star buy last year.
Yes, I know it's optimistic to expect Higuain to be a protagonist in the Champions League when he has so many examples of complete duds being thrown out there in the past.
For many reasons, including LGBT issues, Obama is a complete dud.
With a new site, you can end up with an awesome selection or a complete dud of a dating site.
As these novels have inspired people of all ages from all over the world to take up reading, even if this final film were a complete dud (and it's far from it), the legacy that Harry Potter leaves behind is to be applauded.
Ironically, it was a complete dud at the box office (largely because of Warner Bros» marketing and distribution of the film).
What saves the drama from being a complete dud are the performances, particularly from Pearce and Fanning.
But a committed performance by Armie Hammer, who's on screen from start to finish as an American soldier who has stepped on a mine and can't move, keeps it from being a complete dud.
The Raven is not necessarily a complete dud but it is not the biopic many were hoping for and certainly nothing terribly original.
The camera, one of the Xoom's biggest selling points, is a complete dud.
When this happens, you're left with a plan that's a complete dud since your debts can't be negotiated with your creditors due to them not having a working relationship with your debt relief company.
But it would have proved to be a complete dud... Aah, but surely that means the miners are way cheap now?
Not everyone feels like Star Fox Zero is a complete dud, but there's a vast swath of gamers who would've settled for the N64 version with HD graphics over Zero.
It may, in fact, prove a complete dud!
But with cellulosic ethanol proving to be a complete dud, corn growners and ethanol producers are lobbying to redefine corn ethanol as «advanced.»
Even ones that turned out to be complete duds.
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