Sentences with phrase «complete fabrication»

The phrase "complete fabrication" means that something is completely made up or invented without any truth or basis in reality. Full definition
Serious your fact 1 could be real... some seemingly perfectly smart people making really stupid statements to justify complete fabrication... Yep, fact 1 might be the explanation.
The final work results from the artist's complete fabrication of a scene or scenario for the camera.
Oh my Gosh — every single statistic you cited has been discounted as complete fabrications by activists on the left.
What we do know is that these simplistic antropogenic inventions called religions are almost certainly complete fabrications with no real explanatory value.
Lies that have appeared on a resume can run from minor embellishments to complete fabrications on their qualifications and experiences.
Or is our «link» to Dez the same as all the other links we've had to every Wideout in this years FA class... Aka Complete fabrications from clickbait journalists
Do use all a favor and do a little bit of research before posting complete fabrications.
The Grand Budapest Hotel 15 votes Anderson's most complete fabrication yet, a fanatically and fantastically detailed, sugar - iced, calorie - stuffed, gleefully overripe Sachertorte of a film.
Precision's complete fabrication shop gives them the ability to build a one - off chassis for your special project.
We offer complete fabrication of our boats from our wide range of lengths and models along with customizations to make your boat your own.
Conner recently completed the fabrication of his first major public commission entitled Firefly Field, which will be permanently installed as the gateway to Houston's second oldest park, Woodland Park.
A handwritten note on the letter, apparently written by Senator Seitz, says «more complete fabrications from people with zero credibility.»
All are either complete fabrications or non-sexual comments portrayed in a sexualized fashion (for example, if a depressed person said they were ugly, would you tell them they were pretty?
Lies that have appeared on a resume can run from minor embellishments to complete fabrications of a candidate» qualifications and experiences.
The company called the reference to 100 subjects of racial discrimination «a complete fabrication with no basis in fact at all,» as there is currently only one plaintiff (Marcus Vaughn).
I am certain that Christianity is a complete fabrication by the greedy and misogynistic peoples of an ignorant time in human history..
It is entirely logical to conclude that the Christian god as presented in the bible, with all its contradictory and absurd characteristics, is a complete fabrication of human minds and does not exist in reality.
He is no different than Mickey Mouse or Iron Man, a COMPLETE fabrication.
But even if all of that is a complete fabrication; why do Christians cling to one verse in ONE of the 66 books of the Bible and act as if it were a Divine stamp that all of it is God's word?
It's a complete fabrication rooted in your theology that represents «defiance of God's will».
«Hatch chiles» are a complete fabrication.
As we know now, this was a complete fabrication meant to quell any potential grumblings so that supporters would remain focused on the supposed end game.
Disgusting, but certainly not a complete fabrication.
There are then articles in the press suggesting player A is unhappy / underpaid etc which are complete fabrication.
95 % are complete fabrication.
Since you say it, I know to NOT believe it as its either a complete fabrication or the twisted truth, bent to serve whatever purpose you serve.
This is because the NPP's evidence that more than 76,000 foreigners presumed to the Togolese is a «complete fabrication».
The publication is a complete fabrication and a calculated attempt by mischievous persons to water down the huge interest shown by cadres, supporters and sympathisers of the revolution since news broke that the celebration would be held in Ho.
Please be advised: Reports that Archbishop Duncan Williams has been banned from traveling to the United States are a complete fabrication.
That is a complete fabrication
Miriam Clegg has described claims in the Daily Telegraph that she influenced her husband's response to the row with Lord Rennard as a «complete fabrication».
It was a complete fabrication.
«This is a complete fabrication and a ridiculous notion,» said Greg Walden (R - Ore.)
Have you ever had a thought, believed it to be true, and realized later on it was actually a complete fabrication?
The manufacturer (WaterOz) has confirmed that the metal purity used to produce their product is really three nines (0.999), but this does not deter the sales company from advertising six nines purity, obviously a complete fabrication.
It's almost as if he read Too Big To Fail by Andrew Ross Sorkin and rather than recreating history and giving moviegoers something to chew on, he leaves some of the same situations but changes the names of the players and companies to where some of it is recognizable, some is a direct copy, and some of it a complete fabrication.
But here's the problem — Jackman's character is a complete fabrication — he never existed.
These reports are complete fabrications.
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