Sentences with phrase «completely asleep»

With some kinds of sedation, you're awake but super relaxed, and with others you are completely asleep.
Even at this late hour the vast majority of first world populations are completely asleep.
Our patients are completely asleep during surgery and are unable to feel or move.
The surgery required general anesthesia where the animal is completely asleep and unable to feel or move.
Sometimes this doesn't work either; in that case the last resort will be, our Veterinarian will give injectable sedatives having your pet partially or completely asleep for the grooming as per needs of groomer.
When Fido is completely asleep and does not feel any pain, drips are placed to maintain blood pressure, while tubes are inserted in his windpipe to help him breathe.
He can do this role in his sleep, and conveniently enough, his character spends a majority of the film with his head down or completely asleep.
But then it gets worse: after a while playing the slutty waitress, the higher paid gigs do quickly come her way — her promotion being now a «Sleeping Beauty», or a girl who takes a substance drug that will keep her completely asleep over night and won't be awoken by the physical acts old men perform on her while naked.
Too much and the yeasts will either a) «flush» and overrun the bacteria, or b) fall completely asleep and do nothing.
I used to have to nurse him almost completely asleep for him to go down in his crib, but now he will lay down awake without crying.
At night, he falls asleep with his bottle and if he doesn't, I rock him until he is completely asleep.
Feed your baby before putting her down for the night, but try to lay her down before she's actually completely asleep.
Once the reflux is under control (i.e. your child is no longer in pain) try not holding him until he falls completely asleep.
Either I miss the drowsy stage and she's completely asleep by the time I get her into her crib, or as soon as I put her down her eyes fly open, she starts crying and the nap is officially over no matter how much I try to get her back to sleep.
As the months went by, I would end the nursing earlier and earlier until she was comfortable being put in her crib, before she was completely asleep.
I went from being completely asleep to basically resuscitating my son while still not even completely awake.
If you tuck him into bed when he's drowsy but not overtired or completely asleep, it will be easier for him to learn to fall asleep on his own.
If he is sleepy enough to go on to sleep, you can put him down gently and pat his back until he falls completely asleep.

Not exact matches

While our own government in Ottawa silently condones the plans for further integration with the U.S., and while our provincial governments continue to be completely sound asleep on this vitally important topic, irony of ironies, at this writing 15 U.S. states have expressed concern that the big business sponsored Security and Prosperity Partnership is a process that, wait for it, is a threat to states» rights and to the sovereignty of the United States.
It is completely appropriate to point fingers of blame at politicians and so - called «economic development agencies» — especially the failed Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. — that were asleep at the switch as the Kraft Heinz food - processing conglomerate prepared to shutter its almost 100 - year - old Oscar Mayer plant in Madison.
(Dan bought me the series for Christmas, and we were supposed to read the books together, out loud, as we had done the entire Harry Potter series, but Dan kept falling asleep after a few pages, which was completely UNACCEPTABLE to me, so I went on without him.
The only anchor I have at the moment is this, my son is asleep and I would be completely a «bad Mommy» if I woke him up to make a, near midnight, whooper run.
Alex Sandro was supposed to be marking the Malian, but completely fell asleep, allowing him to slide in and slam the ball into the roof of the net to tie the score.
As a pediatrician who was frustrated by how many parents failed to find help using CIO, I did extensive research and even have published an ebook about this important subject (When «Crying it Out» Doesn't Work, by Mary Kathleen Fay, M.D.) I think the fundamental problem is that for CIO to work, the child must be completely healthy and sleeping normally once they fall asleep.
One of the reasons I was comfortable enough to sleep beside Max is because I stay completely still when I sleep; I can fall asleep with a full drink in my hand and wake up hours later to discover I hadn't spilled a drop.
Allow your baby to completely finish one side before you offer the other by waiting until he falls asleep, pulls off himself, or stops actively sucking and swallowing.
We finally just got the 3 year old potty trained during the day time, and now I am trying to figure out how to get him to stay dry while asleep so that he will be completely pull up free.
Perhaps with some gentle encouragement or perhaps completely naturally, our son will learn to fall asleep without us near.
In addition to having difficulty getting comfortable enough to fall asleep, your baby's sleeping patterns might be completely disrupted due to increased wakings at night.
Children must be able to completely recreate by themselves all the conditions under which they fell asleep when they have normal, nighttime wakings.
Another issue many parents encounter is the baby that refuses to fall asleep, even when it's bedtime and mommy and daddy are completely worn out.
Now once again, I am not condemning parents who do not stay with their children until they fall asleep completely.
she loves this and calms down completely, she even falls asleep.
The fact that the canopy can completely cover your baby leaves you with a confidence that they can enjoy a walk or fall asleep while being completely protected.
If your child falls asleep along their smooth ride just pull the canopy down as it transforms into a completely enclosed sun tent with a peek - a-boo window so you can still take little glances at your resting child.
At the same time, he completely stopped being able to fall asleep on his own.
There are a lot of babies that are completely okay with falling asleep for naps / bedtime with a pacifier and not really caring that it falls out at night.
They will not respond to you, and will usually fall back asleep without completely waking up.
If you feel like your baby is spending all day asleep, they probably are, and that's completely normal.
If you notice that your newborn tends to fall asleep in a noisier environment as opposed to a completely silent environment, she will likely benefit from a white noise machine.
Even before this experiment, I'd started to see that motherhood is a series of never finishing a task completely in one sitting, which is why I'd sometimes prefer to wait until the baby is asleep to get things done.
If your baby likes these and he gradually falls asleep, it's time to completely quit using the pacifier.
Just Because: At some point all babies * go through some kind of five - star sleep regression where they completely forget how to sleep through the night, and start waking up in shorter and shorter intervals until they've gone completely back to newborn sleep patterns — including, of course, the complete inability to self - soothe or fall asleep without parental aid (preferably in the form of singing).
«In theory cable companies are a public utility, in theory their prices are supervisable by the state, but they've fallen asleep on the job and let cable prices rise completely out of control.»
When you're chronically stressed, you could be completely exhausted and still struggling to fall asleep or get a sufficient amount of good quality sleep, or you could be sleeping more than 12 hours and still feel pretty beaten up.
Completely anecdotally, I've found that an ice pack on my forehead or the back of my neck helps me fall asleep if I'm having trouble
His attention improved, disruptiveness at home and in school disappeared, irritability and anxiety vanished completely, and he was able to fall asleep easily and stay asleep throughout the night.
I have now completely recovered and fall asleep easily and naturally, but many years... Read More →
I struggle to fall asleep, feeling very alert & heart rate very quik, normally an hour or more to drift off, and then when I do fall asleep, I awake around 4 am each night to go for a very lenghty urination, and then struggle to get back to sleep there - after, very restless and completely unrefreshed when I wake.
Allow your baby to completely finish one side before you offer the other by waiting until he falls asleep, pulls off himself, or stops actively sucking and swallowing.
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