Sentences with phrase «completely change my mood»

This is because that one button that you press can completely change the mood and affect your date.
Music is the one thing that can completely change my mood in a matter of seconds.
Moving from the more expansive office space into the brightly colored, albeit sparse, soundproof room is the ultimate scene transition, completely changing the mood via a mere set change.
Enhancements may be made in warm or cool tones or light and shadow — all the subtle shifts that can completely change the mood of a composition.
Self - care is essential, and if creativity is a part of your make - up, filling your creative cup first thing in the morning can completely change the mood of the day.
Colorful tile can completely change the mood of a white kitchen.
I don't think there is anything that can completely change the mood of a room more than fresh flowers.

Not exact matches

«But by the time I finished writing them, my mood was completely changed
«In the League Cup, even though the team completely changed, I think the mood in the whole squad was the same.
60 min The mood of the match has changed completely.
But if sleep was shallow, and while you are changing diapers, the baby wakes completely, eats actively, he is in good mood.
Aside from pregnancy hormones running amok, your life is about to change in a big way, so it's completely normal for your moods to go haywire.
Not only do they pull a look together, they also can completely change the general look and mood of an outfit!
Speed Dating in Edinburgh is, more often than not, fun and exciting, you might walk in nervous and unsure of yourself, but by the time you walk back out at the end of the night your mood will have changed completely and you'll be feeling upbeat and positive, even if there wasn't particularly anyone there to grab your attention.
The change in mood and atmosphere is not completely successful and as the second half of the story, I found myself quickly losing interest.
I could be having the worst day and all I have to do is hop on my bike and take a ride to the beach — or grab my board and spend a few hours paddling around with the dolphins — and it changes my mood completely.
The cloud studies, by contrast, can seem, in their brushy airiness, like pictures of almost nothing, in which a streak of white or a scrape of the palette knife can change the mood completely.
As Mitchell Baker, executive chairwoman of the Mozilla Foundation says, the mood had turned around completely since 2010 — the year of the Arab Spring, when web companies were hailed as a tremendous force for positive change.
As I pin away I see my style emerge and it keeps shifting & changing over time just like the interior of my home, I'm always moving things around depending on my mood or the season.I too rarely need to buy anything new to get a completely new look.
Flooring choices can completely change the character of any space, so it is important to think about how it might affect the mood and look of your home.
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