Sentences with phrase «completely depends upon you»

Inflation completely depends upon the economic conditions of a country.
Make sure that if the port 25 has been blocked in your current network or is blocked by your internet service provider then you can set SMTP port to 587 along with TLS or SSL encryption which completely depends upon the email you use.
It completely depends upon you that what type of dating you want to initiate, whether it must get involved to your personal life or you are thinking just to spend time on chats.
First of all, it completely depends upon kids how friendly they are with the strangers and how often they need either of the parent.
These rules are still in place for now, but may be substantially weakened or overturned completely depending upon the outcome of the appeal process to a recent DC Circuit Court decision.
Moreover completely depending upon insurance agents for information might not be a good idea as they are naturally prone to human errors and as long as it is your money and health is at stake, it is always better to check and authenticate things by yourself.
Perceptibly, the learning trail that you wish to choose completely depend upon your individual learning approach and also the time (in number of hours) that you can bestow for attending your training program on a weekly basis.

Not exact matches

They fail to distinguish two types of religious persons who may be part of this group: the first, who depend completely upon the literal interpretation of Scripture and tradition by an authoritarian pastor, and second, those who undertake rescue activity as the command of God, based upon a thoughtful and self - ratified interpretation of the ethical imperatives of the gospel.
Furthermore, the degree or intensity of viewer interest in a given program is irrelevant, since advertising dollars depend almost completely upon the number of viewers, not the viewers «interest in the message or program.
Thus it conceives the world of nature as something derived from and dependent upon something logical prior to itself, a world of immaterial ideas; but this is not a mental world or a world of mental activities or of things depending on mental activity although it is an intelligible world or a world in which mind, when mind comes into existence, finds itself completely at home.
I once cite «Realism and Idealism,» the passage about objective idealism in which Collingwood clearly states his conception of the world of nature: «Thus it conceives the world of nature as something derived from and dependent upon something logical prior to itself, a world of immaterial ideas; but this is not a mental world or a world of mental activities or of things depending on mental activity although it is an intelligible world or a world in which mind, when mind comes into existence, finds itself completely at home.
While the Humanists propose to solve the problem of the religious crisis by allowing only a religion which completely identifies itself with the spirit of secularism, and while the Modernists rely primarily upon the actuality and presence of the religious life, the Barthians wish to depend almost exclusively upon the Bible and on a church which recognizes the special worth of the Bible.
For the first time in history the answers to all three questions seem, for a large number of intellectuals at least, to depend completely upon the answer to the prior question: «Who are we?»
Teach your child that her moods don't have to depend completely upon external circumstances.
But even if as its rich - bitch villain Akerman is chewing scenery like her life — and the believability of her kinda awful co-star Lacy's performance — depends upon it, the remainder of the principals are sufficiently nuanced, or at least well - drawn, to keep them from being completely one dimensional.
Marketing and launch for a non fic title would, I imagine, be completely different and depend upon author platform.
Intermittent or regular anal gland emptying may still be needed depending upon the severity of your pet's condition, however Glandex can greatly reduce or completely eliminate the need for manual anal gland expressing.
That policy relevance depends completely upon assigning values to possible outcomes, and therefore is inseparable from models of possible prescriptive cures, — that the charge is self - contradictory (and impossible?)
In fact, depending upon your background and experience mix, applying to separate targets can mean completely restructuring the order of sections within the resume.
Since she will not depend upon him, she can not completely commit to him, thereby making lasting relationships almost impossible.
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