Sentences with phrase «completely normal process»

While this is a completely normal process, if you suspect that this is occurring, seek support from a qualified health practitioner.
This is a completely normal process.
This is a completely normal process and despite the seemingly counterproductive relationship between these two hormones, men do need estrogen for normal physiologic function.
The lack of any SCP3 expression in the current experiments might suggest that the germ cell differentiation from ES cells did not go through the meiosis via a completely normal process.
It is a completely normal process to be nervous over which provider to choose.

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The physical prehensions which are added to this primordial nature, do not as yet have to be brought to unity, but are prehended in terms of God's conceptual unity, and are thereby instantaneously absorbed into that unity: «in the process he [God] acquires a consequent multiplicity, which the primordial character absorbs into its own unity» (PR 349).19 The completely determinate final unity which Whitehead terms «satisfaction,» which is the culmination in a normal concrescence, and which is reached though phases of indeterminateness of the mutual relations of the elements which partake in the concrescence (PR 25 - 26, 211 - 212)-- this completely determinate unity is not a finishing point for God, but a permanent characteristic of God.
Our children do not have these issues, but several of them do have Sensory processing issues, though they appear to be completely normal, I knew something was «off».
Remember that breastfeeding is a learning process for both mama and baby, so it's completely normal for some babies and mothers to take longer to get the hang of it.
Many boys will have nocturnal emissions or «wet dreams» and these are completely normal and occur during sleep when a boy has an erection at night and releases semen and sperm in a process called ejaculation.
This is a completely normal activity and a part of the developmental process.
It was a blessing to be in the care of women who felt that birth is a completely natural normal process and their priority was a healthy baby and healthy mama.
Before the learning process is complete, your baby might need feeding at night, which is completely normal.
These are completely normal and reasonable physiological characteristics of this age: during the shallow sleep the brain is actively developing, information obtained during his waking time is being processed and analyzed; the body is storing energy and strength for the next day.
Researchers think this process may not completely reprogram the adult donor's DNA to resemble that of a fresh embryo; if that's true, cloned animals might age faster than normal animals, in essence starting out at the age of the donor.
For some reason, many people (me included in the past) feel like vacation is a time to completely disregard normal eating habits and budget constraints and spend enormous amounts of money eating processed foods at overpriced restaurants.
This is a completely normal and necessary process — men's bodies need estrogen for healthy physiologic functions, including the following:
Your puppy losing its teeth is something that's a normal and totally expected process that usually goes completely unnoticed.
Nipping Nipping is a behavior that is completely normal among dogs, especially puppies, and has a lot to do with a puppy's learning process.
Windows» new «Fresh Start» feature makes this process much simpler, allowing normal PC users to completely reinstall Windows in a few clicks.
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