Sentences with word «completionist»

For completionists out there, earning all of those stars can be a tricky proposition, as the objectives get harder and harder as you progress through the lengthy career.
It's a pretty great change up since it'll now take much longer to unlock everything in the game, keeping it interesting and goal oriented for the millions of completionists out there.
That wouldn't be an entirely accurate claim, however, as Kirby's Epic Yarn does manage to give a challenge for completionists in the form of beads.
They're minor, and loss is hardly the end of the world, but for completionists like me it'll keep you playing.
For completionists who want to find every piece of armor, every weapon, and collectible in the game — you have your work cut out for you — this method could see your time with the game exceed the 30 + hour mark and easily encroach on 3 - 40 or more.
Sonic Mania's main game mode will take a typical player between five and ten hours to complete, and the game provides the same sort of completionist replay value we saw in Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles.
As well as completionists who would like to find every documentation and video recordings.
When Rise of the Tomb Raider comes to PlayStation 4 in late 2016, you can expect to find at least a 15 - hour campaign, with completionists getting up to 40 hours of gameplay, according to Crystal Dynamics.
There are hidden chests full of weapons, art, music and 3D models to discover so completionists may expect to play the game after the credits have rolled.
There are also collectables strewn about the game's campaign, which fill in the background story as well as keep completionists busy.
The game looks stunning on Xbox One S and jaw - dropping on Xbox One X. Career mode has been given an overhaul and is much less daunting with a more accessible, concise, yet still comprehensive selection of events and championships that will keep completionists busy for weeks and months to come.
Give me a fleshed out Snake Pass 2 with more levels, more stuff for us guys who aren't completionists and maybe a co-op element and I'd easily pay the full asking price for a game like this.
As in all LEGO games the story levels are filled with hidden bonus items to find that aren't necessary to complete the level, some of which will require the special skills of characters that aren't available on the first play through giving completionists motivation to replay the story levels and extending the life of the game.
Yes — Beckett MOG is so bad that I am willing to resist my obsessive completionist ways when it comes to magazine collecting, just to starve the publisher of their $ 15.
Worth the trouble for Valkyria completionists at a deep discount, but I can't recommend it otherwise.
I guess you could say this derives from my inner completionist when it comes to games.
There is a lot to unlock in this game, something completionists will probably like.
This campaign structure is perfect for hardcore completionists who want to unlock each and every character there is.
In what is one of the worst funding quarters, there were no less than five sales of $ 15K Completionist packages in Feb 2017 alone.
Each unique area should probably have its own fast travel portal, something that would be especially helpful for completionists trying to collect every ability and power orb.
That's a substantial amount of time for anyone to invest in a game, not to mention the one hundred hours plus that it will take completionists.
This should please completionists or those planning on sticking with the game after the main story, which lasts around ten hours.
So, there is definitely enough replay value to keep completionists playing for some time.
Historical facts are almost always accompanied by real photographs from World War I. Collectible objects — which give Valiant Hearts some long - term replay value for completionist players who miss collectibles the first time through the game — are always historical objects that can be examined for additional information.
With Dream Drop Distance taking me about 20 hours to finish, 0.2 being roughly 3 and X Back Cover being another hour, you're getting around 25 hours out of 2.8 (that's not including extras and completionist runs) which is undoubtedly less than the previous collections roughly 50 hours each.
The new in - game objectives also speak to the inner completionist in me and expand the way I approach fights.
This will frustrate Trophy and Achievement completionists because there's no getting around the fact that without spending real money the game makes it an absolute chore to grind through earning loot boxes just to unlock a few random fighters for your team or basic and simplistic moves.
Yes, you are the closest to doing loot boxes properly, but they're still loot boxes and they're still terrible and you should be ashamed of yourselves for gnawing at jealousy and addictive / completionist tendencies with a real money component.
Once you've completed each world there is little replay value, aside from completionists who will want to search out all collectables and top every high scoreboard.
«These limited - edition replicas will give four passionate players the utmost bragging rights; being crowned as the nation's best completionists
Six new achievements will also be available for the rabid completionists out there.
Eidos Montreal's Tumblr Blog delivers the news, saying: «The Missing Link is approximately 5 hours long, but as always that varies depending on your playstyle and completionist urges
While completionists may want to come back to complete each creatures database entry.
The gameplay was shallow, despite the wealth of unlockables and improvements to be earned, and I wouldn't be surprised if the players who stuck it out and hit the level cap were just completionists hunting the exclusive Trophies.
Completionists love going after Korok seeds as well.
Chief among my complaints is the fact that while the game's progression system is excellent, showering rewards on kooky completionists like me who choose to finish every last thing, the actual tasks on the way to getting said rewards can really start to get old.
Some readers are still completionists though (* raises hand *) and would want to read them all — in order — if they liked them.
Misko's Treasure puts completionists back on the hunt for more treasure, though you'll have to locate those on your own.
This means completionists can turn the game down to Easy, and still manage to walk away with the game's Platinum Trophy.
Long - term, there is still an «endgame» of sorts for completionists looking to see every nook and cranny.
This may sound like it's for completionists only, but it's so addictive that it's hard not to just drive around with a stupid grin on your face, watching your number slowly creep up as pieces of crash barrier fall down like confetti.
Although Lee Yoo - young's subdued performance as the film's lead is compelling, even Joe Swanberg completionists will struggle to find insights here.
One pro is it seemed to be generally easy to beat a level, but much more difficult to 100 % it, so for non completionists like myself I don't think it would eat up a ton of time to «finish» this game
Only for masochists, Liam Neeson completionists and contrarians who deliberately love films that everyone else hates.
New V - Triggers significantly alter the flow and strategy of combat, while a gallery packed with hundreds of unlockables will keep completionists extra busy.
The six islands (with more awaiting completionists) unite a ton of nifty themes, from savannah brushfires to sinking ships, and the difficulty scales up at just the right pace.
RECOMMENDATION: Only for Bruce Willis completionists and those few morbid souls who want to see if it's possible for Rosamund Pike to look unattractive.
I've have had to force myself to pick different mechs and grind through the achievements for the sake of this review but also for my slight completionist nature.
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