Sentences with phrase «complex assemblages»

The phrase "complex assemblages" refers to the formation or combination of various intricate and interconnected elements or components. It suggests that something is made up of many different parts or pieces, which all interact and rely on each other to create a whole. Full definition
Since the mid-1990s, Alice Creischer has contested official representations of capitalism and liberal democracy by proposing historical counternarratives in complex assemblages of texts and images.
El Anatsui is an internationally acclaimed artist who transforms simple materials into complex assemblages that create distinctive visual impact.
But Essene notes that with the benefit of high temperatures and pressures, ceramists and experimental petrologists «have no difficulty in making complex assemblages» of synthetic materials in the lab.
An extraordinarily prolific maker of complex assemblage sculptures, Thornton Dial was plucked from relative obscurity in the 1980s by Bill Arnett, an Atlanta - based collector of art made by untrained black Southerners — an event that has become the stuff of legend.
The artist creates complex assemblages that appropriate familiar branded goods and imagery, reconfiguring them in an attempt to deconstruct the visual language of the consumerist aesthetic.
A gleaming, complex assemblage of metallic spokes and approximately 1,000 glass globes and discs, the 16 foot wide and 12 foot high sculpture hangs six inches off the ground inviting the viewer to examine and parse its unique structure.
Born in 1953, sculptor Chakaia Booker fuses ecological concerns with explorations of racial and economic difference, globalization, and gender by recycling discarded tires into complex assemblages.
Scientists endeavor to describe all the properties and behaviors of every component within these complex assemblages.
JASON REVOK Jason REVOK is an American contemporary artist noted for his complex assemblage works.
However, the painting evolved to a complex assemblage depicting an almost headless man under an umbrella.
Although each is a study in controlled, complex assemblage, they remain permissive of the vulgar disharmony that comes from an overwrought mash - up of visual and tactile elements.
By gathering the objects into a complex assemblage, then painting it black to obscure the identity of the original object, this had the effect of unifying it formally.
His colourful and complex assemblages are comprised of triangular forms in various sizes, cut from polystyrene, wrapped in Korean mulberry paper and tied with hand - twisted mulberry paper string.
Her pieces would cover up entire walls, and it was then that the trademark of her mature style was born: her complex assemblages consisted of chair backs, finials, furniture legs, mouldings, spindles, and bits of architectural ornamentation and they were completely painted in matte black.
Worry Will Vanish Horizon (2014), the title of the flagship video that lends its name to the entire exhibition, is a complex assemblage of imagery inspired from the human body and the natural world.
Windows and doors are complex assemblages of pieces and parts and hardware, often with movable parts and at points where their ceasing to function can have disastrous results...
It's an intriguing idea to perceive these bits of nature as «storehouses of information» — when viewed with this perspective in mind, these complex assemblages become imbued with an evocative power.
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