Sentences with phrase «complex associations»

This model provides a detailed picture of the potentially complex associations between depressive symptoms and self - efficacy constructs.
Categories with more complex associations in terms of health such as eggs, meat as well as sugar and sweeteners have fallen at the tail end of the spectrum of category growth.
You can include details of how you managed the accounts of your apartment complex associations, etc..
Yet the current study also provides evidence that attachment patterns may have more complex associations with caregiving than previously considered.
The images and objects he creates pose questions about the limits of representation by examining complex associations between found photographs, videos, and sounds from documentaries, photojournalism, and online media streams.
«We know from previous research that kids struggle to form complex associations in the moment, so we thought that with some time off and periods of sleep they might be able to do better,» he said.
«They can make complex associations, they just need more time to do it.»
Honeybees may not need key brain structures known as mushroom bodies in order to learn complex associations between odors and rewards, according to new research published in PLOS Computational Biology.
Although Hank Willis Thomas's 2006 photo Black Power (from the Branded Series) seems to suggest similar, albeit complex associations.
It particularly addresses the legacy of modernist women artists such as Virginia Overton and Eva Hesse and their use of simple materials to address complex associations, concepts, and themes.
Einarsson's text - based works, coupled with graphics from various subcultures and other installation elements, evoke cerebral and visceral readings based on complex associations and what the artist calls a «new take on Minimalism,» in which he investigates the viewer's physical relationship with the art.
As she unravels and liberates mediums from their proscribed roles, she constantly broadens her unique grasp of material and its extension as a form capable of conveying complex associations relating to language, communication and the body's relationship within space.
Exploring the relationship between materiality and perception, Kelly examines complex associations between found photographs, videos, and sounds from documentaries, photojournalism, and online media streams.
New technologies are coming to the fore that allow interrogation of the types of cells interacting with tumors, in particular providing intelligence on the broad variety of complex associations between tumor cells and the immune system.
When a Lutheran and a Catholic each talk of faith, does each define the word by some comprehensive abstract system, or by the complex associations the word has in a great range of shared biblical texts, such as Romans 1 with its talk of faith as that by which we live, I Corinthians 13 with its association of faith with hope and love, and Hebrews 11 with its definition of faith as assurance and conviction?
A mouse's memory of a single fearful event is one thing; the complex associations of human memory, powered by a dense network of neuronal connections, is quite another.
One example is sponges and their complex association with bacteria that produce fascinating substances.
Other authors of «Investigating the Complex Association Between Viral Ecology, Environment, and Northeast Pacific Sea Star Wasting» are graduate student Kalia S.I. Bistolas; Eva M. Quijano Cardé, doctoral student in veterinary medicine; Jason B. Button» 14; Parker J. Foster» 15; Jacob M. Flanzenbaum» 17; Chaunte K. Lewis» 16; and researcher Jan Kocian.
HELLP Syndrome, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura or Both: Appraising the Complex Association and Proposing a Stepwise Practical Plan for Differential Diagnosis
At PBE2018 Simona Radutoiu will give a talk on: «Lotus japonicus and rhizobia interactions; from simple to complex associations»
These constructs form a basis on which all other more individualized neuroses are woven and re-woven through a complex association of desires, attachments, and experiences.
Little is known about the mode of inheritance; that is, whether they are simple as progressive retinal atrophy and sebaceous adenitis are in some breeds or are, like hip dysplasia, a complex association of many genes.
The obsessive use of bovine by - products and the complex associations we attribute to cattle allows a multiplicity of readings of Mntambo's work.
In more recent years, flags have taken on more complicated meaning — Jasper Johns created a series of works with the American flag as its subject in order to mine the complex associations, both positive and negative, with the flag as a visual object.
By drawing historical, cultural, and political metaphors out of basic materials, Allora and Calzadilla's works explore the complex associations between an object and its meaning.
Stephen has also undertaken substantial drafting work in relation to commercial agreements including for a private golf club in a complex association agreement with a Premier League football club.
These complex associations should be taken into consideration when planning prevention and intervention efforts to reduce aggression or school bullying and to promote positive peer relationships.
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