Sentences with phrase «complex books»

This is good news for more complex book layouts.
I've heard their call center is not the best, so be prepared for long wait times and representatives who struggle with complex bookings.
Typically between 1 and 3 days depending on how many books are currently being worked on and how complex your book is.
It will take much more capability on the part of the software and the hardware to run it than we have now to make well - formatted complex books easier to do.
One researcher now wants schools to set time aside for pupils to read more complex books.
Authors of complex books should know about EPUB3, the latest version of EPUB, based on the latest HTML5 standard.
ANA's website is complicated, but allows really complex bookings like these to be done 100 % online, something I can't say the same for United.
But until then, author / publishers may experience problems creating complex books for Kindles and iPads.
«The Private Eye» — which is, in some ways a take on detectives that's the opposite of everything I'm doing with «Copernicus Jones,» given how colorful and really - futuristic it is — is a really complex book that, frankly, might be really hard for a publisher to sell.
And the power of reading that one night on my couch in my apartment in Charlottesville, Virginia, knowing that it had been spoken only half a mile from where I was living, and amidst this incredibly complex book and this incredibly complex writer and man, but the simplicity of that call literally was a life - changing moment for me.
The new Kindle Fire HD tablets and the exciting advancements in fixed layout capabilities available in KF8 have expanded the digital options for publishers with complex book designs.
In this tale of a six - year - old's last summer before starting school, a humorous and poetic text combines with surreal and multilayered artwork to create a unique, complex book about the universality of fear and uncertainty.
Cassie's editing and communication style make her an easy fit in today's complex book projects.
I found Blio an intriguing alternative for complex book content, if not (at this point) a serious substitute for portable devices.
In complex books, it is typically hierarchical, containing nested parts, chapters, and sections.
Ebooks By Design have converted various titles into multiple - format digital editions for us (Starwalker Press), ranging from big and hideously complex books, with diagrams, illustrations, indexes and tables, to smaller and more simple ones with mostly text.
It's a great feature for complex books and series», albeit one that's only available on selected titles.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ message is the simplest Good News on earth, but the Bible is the most profound, complex Book that requires one's everything.
It's a complex book, with many threads brought together by Byatt's typically gorgeous and atmospheric prose.
Textbooks are entirely different publishing world for digital versions because they are more complex books.
Using Exact Editions expertise in digitizing content, complex books can now be displayed with full respect to how they are intended to look in print.
However, having run a complex book through the SW and Amazon wizards, it's not impossible to get things right.
If you're creating a complex book like a children's book, cookbook, or textbook, you're better off delivering it in a fixed - layout format, so that every element of your book will stay in place exactly how you designed it.
Visual Design for the Modern Web also offers authors an excellent example of successful information architecture for logically organizing the chapters of a complex book.
A short pitch line takes a complex book plot and summarizes it down to an enticing teaser.
We tried Nook Press for publishing the English ERG and weren't surprised to see a young tool have trouble digesting such a big and complex book.
A more complex book might be made up of parts and chapters: Part 1 Chapter 1, 2, 3 etc Part 2 Chapters 4, 5, 6 Part 3... etc..
Though it may cost as little as 25 cents a page to convert a novel that has no graphics or footnotes it can cost $ 1 per page or higher to convert a complex book with tables, graphs, scientific formulas, hyperlinks and footnotes.
When hiring for a complex book interior (like a cookbook or children's book), look for a designer who understands your audience and any genre - specific challenges.
It's not a complex book at all.
The agents are so knowledgeable that they're more likely to give you tips on how to improve your flight, rather than needing to be guided through complex bookings.
An essay by curator Sarah Suzuki uses an extended investigation of «Snow» (1964 — 1969), a complex book - sculpture, as a touchstone from which to further investigate Roth's use of language, iconography, technical innovations and relationships to other artists.
Advising authorised persons in relation to an ongoing investigation by US regulators (the SEC and the DOJ) and the UK Financial Conduct Authority into the obligations and practices regarding the mark - to - market of a complex book of credit default swaps involving detailed and expert analysis of the marking of tranche trades and index trades.
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