Sentences with phrase «complex calculations used»

There are other complex calculations used to arrive at the amount of life insurance you should own but they more often than not come close to the above.
The FICO score is a complex calculation used to gauge a person's credit worthiness.
Based on the same time - honored, complex calculations it uses to predict -LSB-...]

Not exact matches

Because its price increases, both its «miners,» whose computers do complex calculations to earn the currency, and those who buy bitcoins from others feel reluctant to use them as currency by spending them.
There only used to be one method for calculating home - office expenses, which requires complex calculations to determine the correct deduction.
To ensure that everyone agrees on the transactions, miners use complex, computing - intensive mathematical calculations to seal them into the ledger so that no one can alter them later.
The «light molecule» is, potentially, the building block of technology that uses some form of tangible light — from light sculptures to lightsabers to (perhaps more practically) computers that can perform vastly more complex calculations than today's machines.
Previously, the most precise measurement of the constant was indirect, relying on a measurement of the electron's magnetic properties and using complex theoretical calculations to infer the constant's value.
One of the worst combinations would be when I had to use the visual systems in my brain simultaneously for both complex thinking, or sensory interpretation and intense balance calculations.
With a quantum computer, APL researchers have now shown that these calculations can be done much faster and model much more complex objects than would be possible using even on the most powerful classical supercomputers.
In order to make sense of a wealth of experimental data advanced ab initio calculations were used to build a rough picture of the electronic structures of these complexes, which was then refined using the experimentally obtained data to provide a final quantitive picture of the electronic structure.»
Joel Moore, a theorist at the University of California, Berkeley, and his co-workers built on Kane's calculations to show that three - dimensional blocks of material would also display quantum effects, although the way electrons moved along the surface would be more complex than in the flat sheet used by Kane.
These high - performance computing systems, capable of a billion billion calculations per second, will be used to tackle complex problems by modeling large - scale systems.
The data must be analyzed using sophisticated model atmospheres created by the team in 3D and included complex calculations that run for weeks on powerful super computers.
The theorists described the proton movement using complex calculations, including density functional theory and molecular dynamics simulations.
Chemistry professor Balakrishnan Naduvalath is using complex theoretical calculations to explore how molecules behave at temperatures close to absolute zero and under conditions important in astrophysics.
Explaining how to use place value (grids) for more complex calculations by going forwards or backwards three places to convert between g and kg or kg and g.
Teachers / students can extend previous work and use the number line for increasingly complex whole number calculations and to compare multi-digit whole numbers.
Response Effect sizes (ESs) are complex calculations, used to standardize measures of the impact of interventions.
Due to the sometimes complex calculations the banks use to determine this amount — consumers have been left in the dark when trying to make a decision on whether the cost of refinancing early is worth it or not.
Our tests use a set of complex calculations, but in the end we reduce everything about a stock to two simple grades: one for its growth potential and one for its value appeal.
Credit reporting agencies like Equifax and TransUnion use very complex calculations to come up with their scores, and small changes in your credit history can cause it to rise or fall.
Due to the sometimes complex calculations the banks use to determine this amount — consumers have been left in the dark -LSB-...]
Redeemable miles and elite qualifying miles will be earned using a complex calculation based upon the fare and distance traveled and varies with each airline.
Tilted, elongated and balanced on their axes, the artist uses complex mathematical calculations to explore possible alternate realities in two - dimensional form.
The Coefficient 5.35 in the formula RF = 5.35 ln (CO2 / CO2 - orig) comes from basic physical principles based on radiation transfer calculations using complex models, as the note in table 6.2 so clearly shows.
In the meantime we redid all the forcing calculations from Miller et al to make sure they were correct and found that in one case — the iRF for the historical (all - forcing) simulation, land - use had been effectively neglected (it was a complex error, but had the effect of not including LU as a forcing).
As a result, satellite estimates of sea levels involve the use of complex models, approximations, other measurements and calculations.
Do you have a reference I can use to advance my understanding that's geared toward the theoretical concept rather than the complex calculations?
Real science occasionally uses back - of - the - envelope calculations to identify interesting questions or to double check answers, but the real results come from much more complex calculations that take into account many more factors... but apparently you have trouble realizing that your Excel - based chicken - scratchings aren't the be-all and end - all of climate science.
I explore ideas using hierarchies of idealized atmosphere - ocean models, ranging from simple mathematical descriptions to complex coupled numerical calculations.
So for example; let's say you are covering a truck which you paid $ 50,000 for on the forecourt (the calculation gets more complex if you are buying a second hand vehicle — the insurer will use a guide amount to the value of the vehicle, and not necessarily the amount you paid for it).
The Illinois car insurance industry in general uses a complex series of calculations to determine the potential risk of any given consumer, and the car insurance industry is no exception to this rule.
It's common knowledge that filing a claim will almost certainly have an effect on your premiums for a period of time, but it's almost impossible to know how much and for how long because insurance companies use such complex calculations to determine rates.
All insurance companies use complex calculations to determine rates for policyholders.
This is because sophisticated computers that use a lot of electricity are required to deal with complex mathematical calculations when verifying millions of crypto transactions around the world.
Companies that invested in data years ago will now be looking at how they can make the most use of these large information banks, and AI provides the opportunity to set a simple end goal and have the computer learn and formulate the complex solution, whether that's quickly analysing mountains of information or scaling calculations or predictions accordingly.
Our collection of resumes for Civil Structural Engineer reveals the following work activities: designing structures that can withstand weather conditions and human use, undertaking complex calculations, estimating project costs, managing budgets, and assessing the environmental impact of projects.
Though much of pharmacy technician math is based on simple arithmetic and proportions, other more complex math using algebra and dimensional analysis will be needed to solve certain dosing calculations.
Typical resume samples for this job mention duties like using computer aided design software, updating designs and checking for accuracy, performing complex calculations, and visiting construction sites.
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