Sentences with phrase «complex cultural phenomenon»

It's a fraught and complex cultural phenomenon, linked to a number of related shifts: increased political polarisation and extremism, the rise of social media and postmodern philosophy.
Moreover, self - imposed or external stigmatisation is expressed as formal and thematic constraints that have generated specific and complex cultural phenomena, including types of texts (newspaper strips, periodical comic books, graphic novels), genres (superheroes, political satire, humour, horror, romance, pornography, crime, biography, reportage, etc.) and dedicated «subcultures» - there must be a better term — around them.

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The naïve moralism in this area can be maintained only by ignoring the facts that inebriety is as much a symptom as a cause of the disturbed interpersonal life of the alcoholic, that alcoholism is a complex disease involving physical, cultural, and socio - psychological as well as moral factors, and that homelessness is in itself a complex phenomenon, not the simple product of excessive drinking.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recognizes the significance of this phenomenon, stating, «[s] tudents unable to navigate through a complex digital landscape will no longer be able to participate fully in the economic, social and cultural life around them.»
The exhibition pokes, prods, and reexamines the complex legacies of «passing,» the phenomenon of the «one drop» rule, and the navigation of an internal dual / pluralistic cultural identity.
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