Sentences with phrase «complex factors»

It focuses on training specialists who can identify the cause of medical problems out of complex factors and manage them for the health and welfare of humanity.
People are motivated by many complex factors that change over the course of their lives.
To fully appreciate the company's exceptional track record, however, requires a detailed understanding of more complex factors.
Clients often encounter many complex factors when evaluating or locating land for sale.
While most personal injury cases can be handled independently, aviation accidents are much more complicated and include many complex factors.
And research now confirms that lasting weight loss, good overall health, and the current obesity epidemic involve an unexpected web of complex factors and root causes.
Now, in an age where we can no longer hide from things we might rather not know about the artists we follow, that choice involves even more complex factors.
As many complex factors contribute to rosacea, treatment is trial and error.
Thus in a sense, the experienced world is one complex factor in the composition of the many factors constituting the essence of the soul.
However, predicting a community structure, or the combination of organisms forming the community, in the natural ecosystem has been difficult because it involves complex factors such as ever - changing meteorological conditions and species interactions.
Easier to simply think that a dog «snapped» than to consider complex factors that resulted in that behavior.
Valuation experts, or business appraisers, will consider many complex factors for asset division purposes, such as the
However, many of us know that a number of other more complex factors come into play in seeking a career, such as our past experiences, mentoring, and the expectation of others.
Research from the University of Adelaide hopes to provide advances in the planning for flood risk, thanks to a new, faster method of assessing the highly complex factors that cause floods in a specific location.
It's important to also consider how additional, complex factors beyond the laboratory, such as verbal cues, level of alcohol intoxication, and interpersonal history between two people, might further contribute to muddying the waters in interpreting sexual interest accurately.
A Senate finance committee report released last year, however, suggested several complex factors were to blame for price differences between Canada and the U.S., including higher transportation costs in Canada, more onerous packaging requirements, disparate provincial regulatory requirements, a smaller Canadian consumer market — and tariffs.
Caroline Bowden examines whether cases containing complex factors, but wealthy spouses, should be easy to settle
Shakeel says he's uncomfortable with the notion that directors, with an intimate knowledge of the myriad complex factors that affect compensation and profitability, could be second - guessed by shareholders whose understanding may be lacking.
In Illinois, the Premises Liability Act, 740 ILCS 130, allows you to sue the owner or occupier of a premises when their negligence causes your injuries, but how liability is assigned can depend upon complex factors including legal nuances and agreements between the property owner and other parties who agree to be responsible in the event of an injury.
In light of these various complex factors the judge was unable to find the facts necessary to decide the liability issue on a summary trial and it would be unjust to decide the matter summarily.
Because of the varied and complex factors leading to their challenging behaviors, without a systematic focus on increasing the social competence and resilience in these children, they are faced with difficulties that might otherwise lead to significant social and emotional problems, such as anxiety, peer problems, and aggression.
«There are complex factors contributing to childhood obesity including biological and lifestyle factors, but increasing observational research reports that shorter sleep duration may be an additional risk factor associated with higher body mass index (BMI) among children.»
Risk management is a critical and complex factor in every aspect of the energy sector, whether it be in relation to the health and safety of people or the environment or in relation to managing legal and business risk in commercial transactions, developing projects or business operations.
There are complex factors affecting these decisions and of course FSM levels are only a proxy for deprivation.
The answer is a confluence of complex factors, including capital, demographics and innovation environment.
The U.S. stopped its policy of quantitative easing once the economy stabilized, due in part to the above policy and a multitude of other complex factors.
I bring an awareness that an individual's behavior and feelings are multidetermined by many complex factors - family of origin, societal, interpersonal relationships and individual characteristics and experiences.
The reason for overlaying that with caution is a number of more complex factors: the general election and the uncertainty that may result, the relative lack of growth in the eurozone and factors of uncertainty over Russia.
The strength of the U.S. dollar provides a simple and generally reliable way to cut through the complex factors that govern oil prices.
The 54 - year - old Downton Abbey actor travelled through Jerusalem for the American documentary, Jesus: Countdown to Calvary, speaking with academic experts and spiritual leaders to «deconstruct the week leading up to Jesus» death and untangle the complex factors that resulted in his crucifixion».
But their understanding of the complex factors behind the disparity has been very limited.
Many complex factors have influenced energy balance.
We don't expect him to understand law enforcement theory, or for him to understand the complex factors that are relevant to a community's safety.»
Islamic extremism has its roots in a number of complex factors but is best tackled by focusing on strengthening economies and societies across the region, a priority area where the UK will play a major role.
Computer models and landslide simulators — chutelike contraptions into which scientists unleash torrents of mud, water and debris — are yielding new clues about the complex factors that contribute to slope collapse.
Given the many, complex factors that affect fracture risk, it is not possible to pinpoint a single variable that is associated with lower hip fracture risk.
Either we trust the machine to get it right — which seems to me unrealistic given the complexity of the world and the limitations of the human mind — or you say «well, knowledge has this political component in which people contend (we hope) based on facts and on arguments and on models to try to see what works, but in the end we make a decision to the best of our ability on the complex factors that come into play when humans make decisions.»
«There are always these complex factors of how science is actually done,» Arbesman agrees.
«Our findings highlight the importance further study into the complex factors that lead to arthritis in psoriasis patients, as we may find ways to modify the risk once we fully understand it,» he added.
Dangerous carcinogenic compounds need to be identified and removed from our environment and the complex factors causing lung cancer need further research.
Despite major advances in scientific discovery, we are still in the infancy of understanding the complex factors that cause eczema.
Finally, we discuss some of the complex factors that can impact the course of chronic fatigue syndrome, including hormonal imbalances, immune deficiencies, the role of chronic infection, as well as nutrient deficiencies.
One model of that new kind of learning is already here: EcoMOBILE, a project that uses augmented reality — virtual elements intersecting with real - world experiences — to teach middle schoolers about ecosystem science and the complex factors that contribute to a natural habitat.
By making decisions and dealing with the consequences, students better understand the complex factors confronted by historical actors, and can exercise critical thinking and historical knowledge when asked to reflect on why their gameplay varied from the historical record.
is influenced by complex factors that must be addressed by collaborating systems.

Phrases with «complex factors»

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