Sentences with phrase «complex facts»

A tireless worker, and dedicated to her clients, she has a unique ability to break extremely complex fact patterns into understandable presentations, which is a rare talent.
Hiring a detail - oriented attorney, who can organize complex facts into understandable information, is key to your defense.
The legal issues surrounding traumatic brain injuries can involve motor - vehicle laws, premise liability and other complex facts and circumstances.
Clients seek the advice of lawyers on matters that require expertise, experience, and judgment, and the ability to evaluate complex facts in light of nuances in the law.
One of the speakers, Don Johnston, pointed out that courts had long used independent experts in admiralty cases to understand the potentially complex fact scenarios arising at sea, and wondered what was so objectionable about courts using experts in IT cases, where the technology would be at least as murky.
Familiarity promotes comfort and confidence that the court is «getting it right» in close cases with complex fact patterns.
Complex facts about the human body are reinterpreted as stylish infographics that astonish, amuse, and inform.
Visualizing complex facts and ideas began as a soothing approach for Hagan in 2008, when she felt burnt out keyboarding her doctoral thesis.
Don has spent his career helping clients resolve contentious litigation cases involving complex facts and legal issues.
Those of you who think there's really no problem with the state of Canadian causation jurisprudence, that it's merely a matter of complex facts making the law's application difficult (in some cases), now have a recent case to quote from... well, actually two, but the 2nd quotes the first.
He is able to distil complex facts into clear and concise arguments.»
Andrew Thompson «writes excellent opinions, untangling very complex facts and law with clarity and economy.»
What winning litigation teams and litigation consultants strive to do is similar in that, to achieve their goals, they must take complex fact patterns and legal positions and make them both easy to understand and persuasive.
Using written documents, the spoken word and graphic materials, RPC communicates complex facts clearly and succinctly.
Judges are in thrall to formalism, over-reliant on precedent, entranced by the past, timid around complex facts; they're unwilling to admit that their job in hard cases is to look forward, to «complete» statutes and search beyond the record so they can offer pragmatic solutions to difficult social problems.
Litigators understand their value increases given more complex facts and law, and the difficulty in the presentation of the evidence.
· Performing analyses to assess complex fact patterns and preparing reports and schedules summarizing findings for review by senior colleagues and clients
What is more, as Judge Posner points out, the two trends of deference to administrative decision - makers and reluctance to engage with complex facts are related.
In this next diagram, you have a route of events over time, all characterized by the same object, and «ingression» would here not mean «coming in,» but being an «ingredient» in the complex fact which describes the situation over the route of events.
We contain multitudes and effective messaging should recognize this complex fact.
Judges read hundreds of pages a day and they need ease and comfort to facilitate getting what are typically both complex facts and legal issues.
We know that kidnapping cases often result from a complex fact scenario.
I will reduce the complex facts to the ones that are important here.
If you want to understand the complex facts, talk to someone like Benedict Evans (Andreessen Horowitz, one of the handful of the Valley's top VC firms) or Antonio Garcia Martinez (former FB employee) who really understand FB's business and the real details of their advertising model.
Complex facts or high conflict situations may still be resolved in mediation, but more sessions may be required.
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