Sentences with phrase «complex human conditions»

As an audience we are enthralled by her simple but manic aesthetic but this video sheds light on some very complex human conditions that have shaped the colorful works Kusama has become iconic for.
The study has produced more than 20 publications examining a range of complex human conditions, including cardiovascular disease, breast and lung cancer, and type I and II diabetes.

Not exact matches

The human condition is so complex.
It is far more challenging when trying to replicate processes of nature, because nature is wildy more complex than any human engineering, but as we get smarter and learn more we come closer adn closer to being able to simulate natural conditions and create the expected results.
Thus, for instance, the self - conscious freedom of human activity is made possible by the extremely complex order that it is privileged to appropriate, including the conditions which support life on this earth and the complexity of the human body.
Nonetheless, human beings are naturally religious when by that we mean that they possess, by virtue of their given ontological being, a complex set of innate features, capacities, powers, limitations, and tendencies that give them the capacity to think, perceive, feel, imagine, desire, and act religiously and that under the right conditions tend to predispose and direct them toward religion.
Yet, both became the making of changes in the institutional structure was not his chief concern and because his human vista was limited by the conditions of a simple peasant society east of the Mediterranean in the first century A.D., he obviously could not foresee or make pronouncements upon the vast complex of particular problems that confront Christians in today's world.
At this point Buddhism presents an instructive contrast to Christianity, for here [in Buddhism] one discovers unbelievably complex systems of meditation centering upon the image of death, but here death is a way to a dissolution of the human condition, and therefore to the abolition of pain and suffering.21
In moving from this well - ordered but repressive society to forms of social life which enable these dimensions of the human spirit to emerge in more concrete relationships, we must be prepared to live within conditions which are more complex, confused, and unsettling.
I maintained that, contrary to the commonly expressed or tacitly accepted view, the era of active evolution did not end with the appearance of the human zoological type: for by virtue of his acquirement of the gift of individual reflection Man displays the extraordinary quality of being able to totalize himself collectively upon himself, thus extending on a planetary scale the fundamental vital process which causes matter, under Certain conditions, to organize itself in elements which are ever more complex physically, and psychologically ever more centrated.
In fact, when social scientists contemplate the mutually conditioning relations among human development, family structures, law, commerce, and the overall culture, their situation is similar to that of natural scientists trying to make sense of such complex phenomena as the long - range weather or turbulence in fluids.
This complex mix of virus, host genes and tumor development may have relevance to a related human condition.
«Thus, it is clear that further studies must investigate an increasingly complex matrix of cell types and conditions to fully understand the role of human genetic variation in disease.»
«We found that the more complex, dynamic culturing conditions (like those used in this project) are necessary to accurately predict renal drug toxicity in human systems,» said Sakolish.
«Of course conditions for humans and other complex life will become impossible much sooner - and this is being accelerated by anthropogenic climate change.
«The risk of WNV transmission is complex and multifactorial; it concerns the virus, the vectors, the animal reservoirs, the environmental conditions and human behaviour.
Previously such studies could only be achieved by X-ray crystallography, but using the electron microscope will allow us to tackle protein complexes which no one has been able to crystallise, and to do this under conditions which are much closer to those in the human body.»
Cryo - EM offers the opportunity to study protein complexes in conditions closer to those in the human body.
Fruit flies are small insects that are often used for genetic research as they reproduce quickly, are easy to breed in laboratory conditions and share many of the same fundamental mechanisms and pathways found in more complex organisms such as humans.
«Historically, we have had trouble modeling human diseases caused by mutation of just one copy of a gene in mice, which impedes research on complex conditions and limits our discovery of therapeutics,» explained Srivastava, director of the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease and senior author on the study.
While these valves are safe and effective, their manufacturing remains complex and expensive as human cells must be cultured for a long time under heavily regulated conditions.
On the second floor of Lewis Thomas Lab at Princeton University, researchers are working to better understand the complex interactions between environmental conditions and human DNA.
These include the discovery of interbreeding between anatomically modern humans and extinct hominins; the development of an increasingly detailed description of the complex dispersal of modern humans out of Africa and their population expansion worldwide; and the characterization of many of the genetic adaptions of humans to local environmental conditions.
«These findings demonstrate yet again the power of our capabilities in human genetics for discovering major new targets and pathways involved in the most complex medical conditions.
Exhausting, brutally honest Iranian drama that raises complex moral questions into the human condition.
I follow Marx's focus on the development of human productive forces — a very complex process that is historically related to the material conditions of production and the class struggle.
«I depict the condition of humans who are often divided by complex, multilayered political, ethnic, racial, and religious systems.»
Through her artistic practice Pasquier explores our relationship with animals - how animals are made to represent human myths and conditions - a complex relationship that is particularly pertinent with regards to global ecology and our impact on the environment.
Likewise imbued with complex dualities, Friedman's figure is both delightful, a curious (if giant) wanderer who has found his way to the grounds, and poignant, his stance evoking the existential human condition.
Athens - based Christiana Soulou makes complex drawings that investigate the nature of being human and its many conditions.
The human condition is perhaps one of the most complex and intangible themes an artist could attempt to grapple with, but Bill Viola has based an entire career on it.
It is these imaginary chambers that emphasise the isolation of the represented figures and bring attention to their psychological condition; the act of placing the sitters in «invisible rooms» guides the focus of attention towards the complex human emotions that are felt but can't be seen.
«I depict the condition of humans who are often divided by complex, multilayered political, ethnic, racial, and religious systems: they co-exist yet their communication is limited and indirect.
Like Bruce Nauman's «mental spaces,» the work in Emotional Management documents several isolated incidents that mirror the complex, cyclical, and seemingly never - ending patterns of the human condition.
In these times of diversity and multicultural experience, the artist's image is both a cypher for the human condition as well as the foundation for complex iconography in which the cultural object stands to reflect the impact of societal norms on the individual.
The exhibition also raises a more crucial question: how to defend human rights and provide the ground for respect and dignity when concepts of personal liberties are determined by a complex legacy as well as by contemporary forms of social conditioning?
In collaboration with New York's Envoy Enterprises, Rose's exhibition uses photography and painting, incorporating various materials through ritualistic cycles of creation and destruction into complex, haunting collages that explore the fragility of the human condition.
In a recent interview, the Indonesian artist Entang Wiharso proclaimed: «I depict the condition of humans who are often divided by complex, multilayered political, ethnic, racial, and religious systems: they co-exist yet their communication is limited and indirect.»
From universal issues of power, loss and love to broader categories of ideology, philosophy and identity, Wiharso's work is layered with social, political and sexual critique, revealing a complex picture of the human condition.
While his work is quite literal and simple, the use of his body reflects the complex nature of the human condition.
Lending an outsider perspective to the limitless bounds of the American West, Walker explores the complex intersections of language, music, and the human condition amidst the backdrop of the natural environment.
He has developed a complex system of symbols consisting of various pictograms and colors as a means of tackling the question of the structure of the world, and with his system he aims to portray in symbols every aspect of the human condition in different combinations.
Her fearless investigation of the body is a complex consideration of the human condition, addressing topics of age, death, wounding and healing, resuscitation, fragmentation, birth, sexuality, gender and memory.
It is, at a global level, a complex system connected to many essential conditions for human life.
The actual climate is incredibly complex and chaotic, which makes it impossible for humans to predict climate conditions, let alone «model.»
For it was Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis which first popularised the idea that the biosphere is a massively complex nonlinear system that works to regulate many different subsystems towards a relatively narrow envelope of values necessary for the continuity of life on the planet through a tangle of negative feedbacks, in much the same way the human body maintains constant internal conditions necessary for life.
Our collection of resumes for Civil Structural Engineer reveals the following work activities: designing structures that can withstand weather conditions and human use, undertaking complex calculations, estimating project costs, managing budgets, and assessing the environmental impact of projects.
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