Sentences with phrase «complex landscape»

The goal is no longer simply to maximize productivity, but to optimize across a far more complex landscape of production, environmental, and social justice outcomes.
But legal challenges could complicate an already complex landscape for the rules.
This project shows the amount of expertise I have in handling complex landscape design projects, also highlighting how perfectly I am able to blend different design concepts into one project.
Adding to the complex nature of regulation is the equally complex landscape of representative bodies and government initiatives.
We collaborate with students, staff and parents and prepare landscape master plans and detailed designs to solve complex landscape planning and site design issues.
Hence the exhibition unfolds like a long and complex landscape of various scenes set in the rooms of the museum.
Evolutionary branching in complex landscapes.
The ocean floor here is riddled with underwater grottos, high sea beds, valleys, cliffs and hillocks, which are home to a huge array of tropical sea life and offer complex landscape just waiting to be explored by the intrepid visitor.
But in areas with complex landscapes like Montana, data points so widely spaced are inadequate to reflect variability in terrain and vegetation and their influence on climate.
In many organisations, the explosion of information has brought a sizeable increase in storage and retrieval costs, not to mention impacts to productivity, and the need to maintain a more complex landscape of systems.
«What emerges is a really complex landscape of mutation, where each cancer seems to have been generated by a different combination of mutation processes,» said Professor Mike Stratton, author and Director of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
It is in moderately complex landscapes that it is most effective to deploy local conservation management measures to enhance biodiversity, such as flowering border zones.
That optional 3 - D is put to good use in this go around, creating a depth and energy in the stunningly complex landscape, that becomes a character in a way.
Dale Wild, Cityserve's Head of Service, said: «Our support for the Royal Wedding Celebrations communicated through the diverse and culturally complex landscape of our children in Birmingham will no doubt unite everyone in celebrating the Royal Wedding in a way not seen before.»
The complex consists of a small five - star hotel and 580 4 - star apartments which are built in a traditional Bulgarian style with its red - tiled roofs and deep eaves and are spread throughout the attractive complex landscape filled with cascading streams, natural paths and plenty of flora.
His dense and complex landscapes meticulously scrutinise and warp preconceptions of the material world.
Comprised of large - scale works in pastel, the artist will present psychologically - infused and complex landscapes inspired by the veritable topographies of Iceland and North Wales, featuring subtle lone figures hidden beneath the immense complexity of pictorial detail.
Acrobatic amazons with hip hop swagger pull shapes like they fell out of a Matisse painting and into the 21st century, competing for attention with vibrant hand - carved totem poles that look like archaic incarnations of 90s computer game characters, and his earlier complex landscapes that stagger down the page in a torrent of spontaneous action.
This blog provides up - to - date information about the ever - changing complex landscape of legal obligations in the area of political law.»
Plan sponsors and administrators must navigate difficult economic conditions and an increasingly complex landscape of statutory and regulatory requirements, while plan participants grow more anxious, and litigious, whenever they perceive a threat to their benefits.
The scientists said one - third of the Great Barrier Reef lies beyond the seaward edge of the shallower reefs, and the discovery of this prominent undersea landslide and its vast debris field in the deep Great Barrier Reef reveals a far more complex landscape than previously known.
For the good of everyone, it might be better if they stayed there, far from the complex landscape of actual life.
Despite its many benefits, influencer marketing is a complex landscape, and brands often make mistakes that cause them to have setbacks.
But as straightforward as influencer marketing may appear, it can be a complex landscape to navigate, requiring a strategic plan and optimization to make it work.
All too often innovations are marketed as «green» based on gains in a single metric, when the complex landscape of ecological challenges requires a holistic approach.
In the wake of Public Health England's new calorie cutting initiative, Reading Scientific Services Ltd (RSSL) is taking on the reformulation challenge with its dedicated product development service designed to help food and drink manufacturers tackle an increasingly complex landscape.
But this typology may provide a framework to help us understand some aspects of the complex landscape of climate communication.
Drawing on the integrated advantages of Chinalco and Rio Tinto as well as China and the West in resources exploration, the JV will focus on prospecting and deep exploration of metallogenic belts in a complex landscape.
To learn more, Zanders and her colleagues used genetic mapping to reveal the complex landscape of multiple meiotic drive genes on chromosome 3 of S. kambucha.
«Having a more complete and enhanced understanding of this past dynamic and complex landscape will help in restoring an ecologically diverse and functional system,» Elliott said.
Cities are not islands: they exist in a complex landscape that we need to understand better both theoretically and empirically.»
«The kind of sites we identified were those with a complex landscape that contained a lot of micro-climates — mountains, valleys, slopes, caves, et cetera,» said Anderson.
Resistance to treatment can originate from many sources — the immune system, the complex landscape of a tumor, or a patient's own genes.
Dr Tariq Sadiq, Director of ADREU and Reader in Sexual Health and HIV Medicine, said: «This is a highly exciting and innovative approach to overcoming the substantial challenges to getting great technology adopted into the NHS by shedding light on potential routes through the complex landscape of factors and obstacles in our health systems.»
«A complex landscape has both vulnerabilities and resilience to climate change.»
These complex landscapes provide clean water, wildlife habitat and climate benefits, yet, historically their value has been measured in just one way: bushels per acre.
As the authors put it, these analyses «portray a complex landscape of long - range gene - element connectivity across ranges of hundreds of kilobases to several megabases, including interactions among unrelated genes.»
Three views of one run of the model: Left: a complex landscape, generated by a method described in the paper.
As tempting as it is to reduce affairs to sex and lies, I prefer to use infidelity as a portal into the complex landscape of relationships and the boundaries we draw to bind them.
Unlocking the potential of this complex landscape by detailing the protocols and indeed ethics when fabricating humanity.
Like the ongoing war on drugs, Villeneuve's film presents a complex landscape of violence wherein rulebooks have been forsaken - and on both sides.
Knowledge about instructional content is critical, but so is the ability to politically navigate the complex landscape of education and build partnerships among stakeholders to work together to support student learning.
While many of these initiatives won't involve experience in industry, the report is right in saying that teachers may find it difficult to navigate the complex landscape of STEM engagement.
This complex landscape can be stressful and scary.
Still, Jenkins said dual - enrollment classes can also help students better understand the complex landscape of higher education, especially in California.
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