Sentences with phrase «complex movie»

It's plodding, meandering, and, while I'm okay with complex movies, this one is just too convoluted and messy for its own good.
If you are the type that loves to think, analyze and discuss complex movies, you will be challenged and satisfied.
Second place to Chastain, who valiantly makes a fraught, complex movie heroine out of a nonsensically written character.
I can't juggle and I can't lift heavy objects and I can't follow complex movie plots, but this is something I can do better than most.
Made from lightweight, weather - resistant aramid fibre, each speaker is custom made to control sound dispersion and minimise vibrations, meaning complex movie and music soundtracks sound incredible.
Lion is a complex movie, with its profound themes of home and identity, and its tonally disparate halves.
The preview is a must - see, a demonstration of how Hollywood could package a complex movie without giving away the goods.
Answers are few, but the journey to seek them is what makes «Annihilation» a compelling and complex movie.
maybe with a good script and sam raimi on his side he can make a good blockbuster, but i doubt if he has the mental capacity or the talent of Neill Blomkamp to create Good and complex movies with crazy special effects that can work in so many levels.
But the complex movie that might have been is still on the drawing board, teasing us with a deeper story that's disappointingly out of reach.
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