Sentences with phrase «complex performance»

Instead, they would need more complex performance frameworks that took into account proficiency, growth in student performance, and other important outcomes.
Some meaty themes and complex performances add badly needed weight to this somewhat simplistic British comedy - drama.
For, let's face it, complex Performance Support Tools require extensive effort both from a design and technology perspective.
Our current work combines new measures of program quality, innovative approaches for detecting complex performance outcomes, and the synthesis of existing research to inform instructional design.
Major brands are looking to take complex performance marketing programs global, creating a significant opportunity for strategic leadership and innovative execution.
The researchers are now working on ways to improve the control of the material's bending and are experimenting with ways to gain more complex performance from robots made of moisture - responsive graphene oxide.
Hamill's return to Luke Skywalker is as complex a performance as we've ever seen in a Star Wars movie.
Also in the mix is Daniel Kaluuya from «Get Out,» a sleeper contender who delivered one of the most complex performances of the year.
And Johansson gives what may be her most complex performance with almost no dialogue.
Plus, this emotionally grounded adaptation of the science - fiction novel by Robert O'Brien showcases complex performances by three established stars that help to compensate for some thin plotting and narrative contrivances.
When working through various case studies and worked examples with the delegates, it became apparent that, while no two cases are the same, there seems more and more often to be a certain trend when dealing with complex performance management cases.
Research by Fred M. Newmann and his colleagues on «intellectual works» (previously called «authentic achievement») showed how more real - world and complex performance assessment improves student achievement as measured by national and state tests.
He quite unexpectedly gives his most complex performance since «Diner.»
But Goodman's most mysterious and complex performance came as Barton Fink «s unusual neighbor Charlie Meadows, and we'd like to know what made him tick.
Strikingly complex performances from Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman help give the film some deeper...
This new take on the Thomas Hardy classic vividly captures the story's modern themes through complex performances from a sharp cast.
It is a wonderfully complex performance from Benedict Cumberbatch who doesn't feel watered down in the slightest by the blockbuster material, approaching Dr. Strange with the same energy he embodies Alan Turing and Sherlock Holmes.
The filmmakers undermine the white savior trope by laying Ryan Gosling's inspirational teacher low with drug addiction, while Shareeka Epps» complex performance erodes the racial barriers obliquely referenced in Gosling's lectures on dialectics.
Though it gets off to an admittedly underwhelming start, The Upside of Anger eventually becomes a surprisingly involving little drama - anchored by an unexpectedly complex performance from Kevin Costner.
Hathway and Jason Sudeikis are great in the lead roles, the latter providing a particularly complex performance.
Who does soar, however, is Hanks, and his already - complex performance just deepens in the final act.
Featuring rich, intelligently complex performances from Emma Stone and Steve Carell and a dynamic, magnetically intimate script from Oscar - winner Simon Beaufoy, Dayton and Faris's latest wins in straight sets, proving in the end to be one of 2017's most impressive achievements.
Players will take hold of the Joy - Cons to rock along with the music as they create their own complex performances and rack up millions of points using personal free - form drum lines based on over a dozen different beats.
Drawing complex performances from all involved, Renner is on top form, with The Hurt Locker star delivering a deeply - grounded and an empathetic performance of a man who is still overcome with the grief of losing his child.
Not only did grad student Tim Blais write, sing, film, and edit all parts of this incredibly complex performance; he did it while working on his master's thesis in theoretical physics.
Dodge: Rubrics are great for evaluating complex performances, and creating a WebQuest is certainly one of those.
Coaches stop worrying about complex performance (i.e., real games) entirely, to concentrate on having students practice drills — at the expense of student engagement and genuine learning.
In New Hampshire, where the new accountability system will rely substantially on a bank of complex performance tasks developed and scored by teachers with support from the state, deputy commissioner Paul Leather explains, «We want to move forward on a continuum toward deeper assessment that is more challenging for students and teachers.
Out of the two female leads, Lorenza Izzo is clearly the better and I guess I can say gave a more sadistic and complex performance in comparison to Ana de Armas.
Fair notice also goes to the brooding, complex performance by young Keith Stanfield, who plays a teenager that is about to turn 18 and must leave the only home he's ever truly known.
When the movie adaptation premiered at the Berlin Film Festival in February, critics loved the caustic, complex performances of the film — the superb cast includes Richard Gere as Stan, a congressman running for governor; Rebecca Hall as his wife, Katelyn; Steve Coogan as his less successful brother, Paul; and acclaimed actress Laura Linney as Paul's wife, Claire.
Increase teacher knowledge and skills related to designing and implementing meaningful, complex performance assessments
By contrast, Helen Mirren's portrayal of the monarch in the 2006 British miniseries «Elizabeth I» offered a more complex performance.
Portman and Leigh both deliver grounded, complex performances as Lena and Ventriss.
In a particularly strong year for women in lead roles, I feel that Sheil gave the strongest, most complex performance that I saw, despite and perhaps because it is situated in Robert Greene's documentary.
It's not the most original of concepts, and writer - director Liz W. Garcia struggles with the tone throughout, but The Lifeguard is often saved by Kristen Bell's sensitive and complex performance.
The best directors can get a complex performance, emblematized in iconic moments and symbolic inflections and gestures, from almost anyone.
What Mr. Parker has committed to the screen is a righteously indignant, kinetic and well - acted film — Mr. Parker, as Turner, delivers a fierce, complex performance.
Fellow newbie Griffiths does forceful work too as the budding director who doesn't want anything getting in the way of his art, but Courtney and Fanning give tender and complex performances.
Paul Newman could win an Oscar for his strong, complex performance in The Color of Money.
When you peel away this film's complex performances, at the core of its drawn - out suicide spectacle is pain so extreme, so alienating, and, in the end, so pointless.
While the movie's focus is not solely on Green's character, his ability to bring this complex performance to life definitely makes him stand out from the bunch.
While Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty) and Naomi Watts (The Impossible) are sneaking up in hopes to dethrone her, Jennifer Lawrence remains your Best Actress frontrunner, with a complex performance that boasts shades of Meryl Streep, and is surely the best thing the movie has to offer.
Field, now sixty - nine years of age in an industry that has thrown actors away long before that turns in an amazing, complex performance as a woman who projects the loneliness of someone who has let life go by and as one who is falsely encouraged by a man way younger than she to fulfill the maxim of a TV motivational speaker.
Director David Gordon Green has long been brilliant at drawing out complex performances, and with lead Jake Gyllenhaal he's got the perfect person for the role.
Denzel Washington owns the screen from beginning to end with an intense, complex performance — which also features a vulnerability not usual with the actor.
It's a complex performance that will constantly keep you intrigued, even if the character's choices may frustrate you.
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