Sentences with phrase «complex person»

It deals mainly with the internal struggles of complex people who've had to make difficult sacrifices to stay alive.
She's a remarkably true yet complex person who one character describes as «warm but also kinda scary».
If they can join in conversations with mutual respect for complex people, then... why not?
Yes, she is presented as a very complex person, but it is those complexities that make her such a strongly written character worth analyzing and understanding.
Teachers are also skilled at working with complex people in a complex environment.
A simple yet complex person full of life, empathy and a strong desire to never settle for just good enough.
When folded in and integrated with who we are, this compost makes for amazingly deep and beautifully complex people.
When we emphasize choice, we risk missing just how complex each person's situation is.
They are complex places with amazingly complex people trying to resolve complex challenges not of their making.
What happens when you have a number of complex people living together under one roof?
It will exacerbate further the split of general practice into those (usually corporate mega practices) who currently will cherry pick the easy, quick and straightforward people and leave the more complex people for small business GPs and the Aboriginal Health sector.
It's easy to hate Dillon's character at that moment, but Haggis wants us to see him, and everyone else, as complex people who can't be defined by a single act.
The film is shot in an earthy, offhanded style that feels improvised, allowing Tahir and Hannah to emerge as complex people with a variety of talents and flaws.
and then the funny persecution complex people can come on board..
We tend to take an all - or - nothing approach when it comes to sexuality, painting with broad brushes across complex people, ignoring nuance and making up a new law, one that — let's be honest — usually puts women at risk of abuse or shame - based rhetoric.
Those who prefer complex people are 65 % to 70 % more likely to give liberal answers to politically charged questions, including «Should burning your country's flag be illegal?»
Even though most people would disagree, it's safe to say that motorcyclists are pretty complex people.
The human element is so frequently and easily removed from online dating — complex people become simple profiles, the first conversation appears as simple text, and the waiting game can wreak havoc on nerves.
«Her» always treated Scarlett Johansson's character, the operating system Samantha, like a real and complex person which made her romance with the lonely Joaquin Phoenix totally relatable, despite its innate absurdity.
Anne Brafford, author of Positive Professionals: Creating High - Performing Profitable Firms Through the Science of Engagement, says, «To be effective, programs designed to build complex people skills like mindfulness can't end with a single training session.
The horror sneaks up on you as his characters morph from archetypes into more complex people.
Throw a few compliments now and then to warm up to them, and soon you would be making strong relationships with very complex people - all at the Introvert Dating Site.
Everyone has their reasons in Charlie, and Demme makes sure to portray all involved as complex people and not merely pieces in a solve - the - mystery board game.
«Searingly vivid, and grittily realistic, Sand of Bone slams the reader into a harsh desert world full of complex people, tense moral dilemmas, and an exhilarating jet of the weird.
I keep it simple on the outside complex within i live comfortably and find many things to do rather its car, working, hiking, or doing something new, im a pretty open person and live my life easy, I love meeting new people Hearing new views Deep conversations Im pretty much down for it all
It was like real life where layers of the characters unveil themselves, and you realize that these are good, complex people who struggle with their image and their obligations and their desire for happiness.
A lot of cases, what makes you an interesting and complex person, makes you a really horrible person to be with romantically.
@Gary Jesus was a complex person and he it is hard to interpret what he meant when he said he is «the way» to God.
Yes to meeting in real life the complex people of Haiti I've only ever known through a newspaper or a tv or a computer, and yes to seeing with my own eyes the community development work, and yes to everything that God has for us all together in each other.
Romney is a complex person and his religion is equally complex with many shades of silliness.
In order to respond intelligently and lovingly, we need to understand the hearts of the wonderfully diverse and complex people of the Middle East.
But Keats is a more complex person and «Lamia» a more complex poem than this reference to Newton might suggest.
You complex person, you!
I'd imagine that anyone who knows me would say that I'm a rather complex person, hard to figure out, and hard to predict / anticipate.
i'm a complex person.
Many daters think it's impolite to discuss politics too early on, but there's no rule against asking about simple versus complex people.
Onions... layers upon layers of onion:) Am I saying I'm a complex person?
They would describe me as a complex person, but nothing else wrong.
im a complex person with a complex life..
I'm a complex person, but that doesn't mean...
The Scorpio man is a complex person, Dating Advice.
I believe I am a complex person?
I'm a full Figured southern girl... I'm going through a divorce... I'm kind of a complex person I would have to say... I like living my life on the edge sometimes... I'm a pierced tattooed little bisexual freaky thing... I'm also spontaneous @ times... I'm a mixture of a lot of things smart, sexy, ou...
There's a dramatic plot twist and suddenly «The Gift» begins a roller coaster ride of surprises, each coming at a terrific pace — making you question what you thought you knew about these complex people and where this story was going.
In 1978, the American actress Deborah Kerr described her close friend and frequent collaborator Robert Mitchum as ``... a far more complex person...
Oscar is shown as being a flawed, complex person.
Contains the brutal violence, savage humor, and surprising moments of warmth that constitute McDonagh's unique voice, and good performances from McDormand and Rockwell in difficult and complex roles, playing difficult and complex people.
But in Winslet's hands, as written by the brilliant and imaginative Charlie Kaufman, she feels like a complex person rather than just an oddball type.
It's a tall order to make a comedy out of such issues, but that is the sort of film that is developing, and it actually could work, provided that we see the characters as well - rounded and complex people who can deliver heartfelt drama and breezy laughs whenever the times call for it.
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