Sentences with phrase «complex space»

It can model complex spaces, too, like an office, car trunk or cathedral.
The Geoffrey Young Gallery is pleased to present «The Place of Things,» a three - person show featuring the paintings and drawings of Joshua Marsh, the «longitude - location» paintings of Mike Glier, and new black and white photographs of complex spaces by James Welling.
The work of artist Kristine Schomaker, however, attempts in strikingly direct fashion to bridge the increasingly complex space between these two poles while acknowledging a deep - seated fascination with both.
These are the kinds of very complex space weather discussions that need to occur, and at the end of the day CO2 is DEPENDANT on these solar events as CO2 is ELECTRICAL from a conductivity standpoint in the oceans, connected to surface lows and outgassing and ocean surface ion counts.
It is a 5 star Luxury Hotel made up exclusively of suites that offer you the utmost comfort and space during your stay and complement the infinite combination of communal areas, services and facilities that are available in the complex
He works from drawings, photographs and his own recollections to re-imagine complex spaces emblematic of individual and cultural significance.
He paints places he knows, working from drawings, photographs and his own recollections to re-imagine complex spaces emblematic of individual and cultural significance.
Our primate ancestors learned to use their sense of sight to navigate complex spaces millions of years ago, but humans have been reading words for only a few thousand years.
Critics — including the entire congressional delegation from Florida, along with Harrison Schmitt and other former astronauts — dismiss the president's vision as a canard that will merely cut the sort of pioneering, complex space research that needs significant government investment and defer the great extraterrestrial journeys by a decade or more.
American astronauts had flown dozens of space shuttle missions, and Soviet cosmonauts were building ever more complex space stations, culminating with Mir, Artsebarsky and Krikalev's destination.
Calabi said that certain topological conditions call for the existence of nonflat, closed, complex spaces without Ricci curvature anywhere.
Malin Space Science Systems, Inc. (MSSS), has been presented the first - ever JPL Procurement Quality Assurance award for producing high - quality, complex space cameras and instrument systems supporting NASA's Juno project.
The layers of pattern in this sunroom create a fun complex space despite the small footprint and without much furniture.
The gaming market has certainly changed over the years, from simplistic shooters like Space Invaders to complex space operas like LucasArts Star Wars flight sim franchise.
This project will reflect themes posed within the exhibition, its context within the Wallace Collection and the possibility for engagement and disengagement in aesthetically complex spaces.
Aharon soon started to use visually simple yet conceptually complex spaces filled with light that were bathing in impersonal silence.
«Indigenous contexts are often very complex spaces; so, resources and effort will need to be targeted and focused.
In complex space, every number in a coordinate system describes not just one dimension but two.
Among a new generation of abstract painters who emerged combining color field painting with expressionism, the older generation also began infusing new elements of complex space and surface into their works.
As discussed above, in a grain consisting of 6 sets of chromosomes, capable of producing greater than 20,000 proteins, this testing may just be too small a window into a very complex space.
In a grain consisting of 6 sets of chromosomes, capable of producing greater than 23,000 proteins, this testing may just be too small a window into a very complex space.
In 2016, the Theatre Program expanded this notion to describe not only the complex space between idea and production, but also to open up new spaces of aesthetic, cultural and geographical exploration.
It's a game concerned with the pleasures of movement around a large, complex space.
The work of Finnish photographer Sanna Kannisto explores the complex space that exists between the natural world and those humans who desire to isolate, possess, and understand it in some way.
I wanted to introduce more abstract elements — some type of architectonic framework that could support the complex spaces I was constructing within parts of these new pictures.
His quest to carve a complex space between the two realms is elegantly showcased here: though evocative of blizzards, misty landscapes and watery reflections, it ultimately occupies an abstract terrain all of its own.
Both the absent factory and the first exhibition take shape here as an echo, a memory, or an origin myth, leaving a complex space for recollection, imagination, and interpretation.
Steele builds sculptures and installations in his studio and projects digital landscapes onto their surfaces, giving the images» physicality in a complex space.
We inhabit a complex space of parallel realities in which these two worlds — «analogue» and «digital» — constantly rub up against each other.
For the team at LawVu, it's a fascinating and exciting time to be involved in such a dynamic and complex space.
High - gloss and eggshell - colored white paint on the cladding, the molding and the ceiling form another contrast and give the complex space a ship - shaped unity.
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