Sentences with phrase «complex than carbohydrates»

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Spelt is also loaded with complex carbohydrates and for some people it is easier to digest than wheat.
«Some of them are nothing more than refined white grape juice, with no fiber, and no complex carbohydrates.
Complex carbohydrates are crucial for athletic performance, so much so that many Olympic athletes have been advised to consume diets containing 60 - 70 percent of their total calories in carbohydrates — what could be better than an Idaho Potato?
According to the USDA, consumption has increased more than 70 % in the past 12 years, as consumers have grown more aware of the sweet potato's richness in vitamin A, beta carotene, complex carbohydrates, and fiber.
4) Weight Control: As part of a calorie - conscious eating regime, almonds, which are high in monounsaturated fats, can help obese adults lose weight easier than a diet high in complex carbohydrates, according to a study in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders.
Complex carbohydrates, like those found in whole grains and oats, are used up slowly and will help your child stay alert longer than a breakfast of simple carbohydrates.
Proteins (such as eggs and yogurt), and complex carbohydrates (like whole grain bread and cereals) are better breakfast choices than simple carbohydrates or sugar.
Whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables are appropriate complex carbohydrate choices, since they have more nutritional value than sugar and processed starches.
Rather than sourcing carbohydrates from corn or wheat, this dry kibble uses barley and rice as healthy sources of complex carbohydrates and fiber.
Potatoes and legumes provide complex carbohydrates and fiber rather than corn, wheat, or soy products.
Rather than corn, wheat, or soy, this dry dog food uses rice, barley, and oats as sources of complex carbohydrates for energy.
This is because complex carbohydrates are better than the simple ones such as honey, corn syrup or plain sugar, because the simple sugars burn up too quickly and release a quick injection of glucose in your blood.
Those complex carbohydrates break down more slowly than their refined counterparts and are helpful for maintaining efficient production of mood - regulating neurotransmitter serotonin.
Generally speaking, naturally produced complex - carbohydrate foods are better than processed, packaged foods which contain simple carbohydrates and trans fats.
If you are prone to gaining weight and you gain weight pretty easily, use only complex carbohydrates in an amount of not more than 30 grams.
For people with diabetes sugars do not produce a greater glucose response (glycemic index) than complex carbohydrates.
Whole - wheat pretzels are high in complex carbohydrates and provide more fiber than their more refined counterparts, making them a more filling option.
They can state «no sugar» or «low sugar» on the nutrition label because maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate, but it will impact blood sugar more than table sugar (table sugar is sucrose, which, by the way, is not a simple sugar — it is two molecules, glucose and fructose, bonded together).
Complex carbs have more vitamins, minerals, and fiber than refined carbohydrates such as sugar, white pasta, and white bread.
In fact, research shows that adding raw nuts, like almonds, to your diet helps you lose more weight than if you stuck to plain old complex carbohydrates like bread.
The assayed Ma - Pi 2 diet [20] is lower in energy than the traditional one recommended for diabetic patients, but safe, with adequate satiating effect due to the high fiber content, adequate in protein (12 % of the total energy), with an acceptable amino acid score, low in fat (15 % of the total energy), and high in complex carbohydrates (73 %).
Dr. Davis discusses the fact that the amylopectin A which is uniquely found in wheat and not other sources of carbs raises blood sugar to a much higher degree than most other carbohydrates sources, regardless of whether they are simple or «complex» carbs.
Maltodextrin is a group of complex sugars, rather than one carbohydrate.
Sweet potatoes are a great source of complex carbohydrates, which means less sugar, more nutrients, and a meal that will keep you feeling full longer than with traditional noodles.
Not only do plants carry a higher yield of protein per 100 grams than animal foods, but their antioxidants, complex carbohydrates and fiber offer health promoting properties, including anti-aging, energy balancing, and anti-inflammatory effects, making plants a much better source of protein for humans.
Perhaps you should consider reducing your sodium intake to no more than 1500 mg a day, avoid ALL oils, all white flours and processed foods, and consume a diet primarily consisting of complex carbohydrates, such as beans, potatoes, brown rice, oats etc with veggies.
In one study, a low - calorie diet supplemented with almonds caused 62 % greater weight loss than the same diet supplemented with complex carbohydrates (7).
My goal through this blog and my health coaching is to help men and women create lifestyles that are abundant in nutrient dense foods like complex carbohydrates, whole grains, healthy fats and more greens than you could ever ask for!
Brown rice syrup is composed of about 50 % complex carbohydrates, which break down more slowly in the bloodstream than simple carbohydrates but it has all of its nutrients removed.
Sugar is digested more quickly than grains, or complex carbohydrates.
Digesting complex, high - fiber carbohydrates like high - fiber vegetables and cereals burn more calories than simple carbohydrates.
In general eating whole grains and less processed complex carbohydrates is better than eating...
Those who exercise substantially can tolerate more fruit and complex carbohydrates than those with a more sedentary lifestyle.
Complex Carbohydrates in the form of whole plant foods other than white potato is what im advocating.
Replacing saturated fat by unsaturated fat seems to both decrease LDL and increase HDL and looks like a better option than complex carbohydrates.
The GI has proven to be a more useful nutritional concept than is the chemical classification of carbohydrate (as simple or complex, as sugars or starches, or as available or unavailable), permitting new insights into the relation between the physiologic effects of carbohydrate - rich foods and health.
If you would like some information from a very different perspective than you have likely encountered previously, check out Dr. McDougall, who specifically recommends a very high (complex, starch - based) carbohydrate diet.
Simple sugars such as sucrose (table sugar) and juice (fructose) are composed of only one or two sugar molecules and are converted to blood glucose faster than more complex carbohydrates like whole grains and vegetables.
All these are complex carbohydrates, which release their energy more slowly than simple carbohydrates (for a detailed explanation of the two, see this article).
4) Weight Control: As part of a calorie - conscious eating regime, almonds, which are high in monounsaturated fats, can help obese adults lose weight easier than a diet high in complex carbohydrates, according to a study in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders.
Most vegetarian diets, even ones that include eggs and dairy products, often have less saturated fat and cholesterol and more complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin C and E and carotenoids than diets that include meat.
Next, limit your intake of complex carbohydrates, like pasta and grains, as much as possible — no more than one cup a day.
Obviously, a stone is a complex issue unattributable to a single cause, but I would like to see a response to the idea that low - carb diets contribute to kidney stones - other paleo sources seem to allow for more carbohydrate than what I interpret Grain Brain as recommending.
For example, a 170 - pound person would be instructed to eat 1,700 calories per day, including 255 calories from protein (64 grams), 1,190 calories from carbohydrates (297 grams) from a variety of (mostly complex) carbohydrates, and 255 calories fat (28 grams), of which no more than 9 grams could be saturated.»
A high complex - carbohydrate diet is nothing more than a high - glucose diet, or a high - sugar diet.
There are several reasons why it is much better to consume more complex carbohydrates than simple carbohydrates, including:
Researchers at the Creighton Diabetes Center in Nebraska discovered that when participants ate a cooked whole barley or unrefined (high in fibre) barley flakes for breakfast, their blood sugar was 600 % lower than when they ate oatmeal — which is proved to be one of the best complex carbohydrates and type of fibre to consume for diabetics!
Furthermore, the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, which reduces saturated fat to 7 % and emphasizes an increase in complex carbohydrates rather than simple carbohydrates, lowered total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol without increasing triglyceride concentrations (77).
Instead, we use malted barley, a natural sweetener produced from sprouted barley, which is basically a carbohydrate comprised mostly of complex carbohydrates rather than the «sugar» carbohydrates.
Smathers pointed out that, while all carbohydrates function as relatively quick energy sources, simple carbs cause bursts of energy much more quickly than complex carbs because of the quicker rate at which they are digested and absorbed.
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