Sentences with phrase «complex time»

The new skill tree is far more complex this time round, and a huge improvement over the first game, and the game itself also looks amazing in the outside environment in particular.
In an increasingly complex time, it can be difficult to know the right path.
Description: Today's school leaders are operating in extremely complex times.
Our extraordinarily promising, challenging and complex times call for new leadership in education worldwide.
Ernesto Bazan's black - and - white photographs, from the vivid street life he captured in the first years after his arrival in Cuba in 1992, to the contemplative panoramic images of ISLA taken taken in the years just prior to his departure in 2006, documents one of the most complex times for the island country.
The cases center on three questions: whether and how to accommodate divisive but politically endorsed speech, how to handle student protests in politically complex times, and how to manage controversy and critical thinking in your classroom.
That's a tricky one and I'm not sure I can share my highly complex time / materials / optimum edition size algorithm with you; --RRB-
The estimation method may be a more complex time judgment, because it implies the quantification of duration in time units while the comparison method only requires a comparison between durations [8].
We've got aquatic wastelands and complex time loops.
Tunzelmann takes an extremely complex time period and renders it understandable in a style that is lively, witty, controversial, irreverent and, above all else, highly readable.
transformed from a simple interface game into a fairly complex time & resource management strategy WITH puzzles AND quests, too!
Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.
For PSP owners who cherish the intricacy of micromanagement, both 2005's Generation of Chaos and 2007 sequel Aedis Eclipse, have provided two of the portable's most complex time sinks.
Capable of working, and solving complex time - sensitive issues, under immense stress while still acting in a calm and collected manner.
«It's reflective of a less complex time in history and of people's increasing quest to return to cocooning, moving away from the fast - paced urban and social - media world in search of more natural living, simplicity, peace and refuge,» said Mathieu Hamel, assistant brand manager for Sico Paint.
With Ian Sommerville, he experimented with photography's potential as a form of memory - device, photographing and rephotographing his own pictures in increasingly complex time - image arrangements.
The accusation against Klein comes a politically complex time for the state Senate, which is narrowly divided between Republicans and Democrats.
On Tuesday, Google executives also pointed out that the journalism companies it is hoping to help are «facing challenging, even more complex times» as advertisting revenues shrink and many turn to paywalls.
Just as the cultural transformation we are experiencing in the last part of the twentieth century is extremely complex, the period of the Protestant reformation was a complex time of changes for Christianity.
It is in the business for profit, not for reality, for the expansion of the businesses, corporations and monopolies that support it, not for the depth of insight needed in our complex times.
It is designed to reassure and motivate rather than to stimulate thought about what it means to be a Christian in our complex time.
It didn't take too long for the words «red tape» to become shorthand for bureaucratic practices, redundant paperwork or complex time - consuming approval procedures — anything contributing to the mounting stack of paper, delaying action or postponing a decision.
For a moment in these complex times, the World Cup brings us all together — in spontaneous communitas in cafes, pubs and living rooms yelling like maniacs at the television, dancing and celebrating a well - kicked GOOOAALLL — united in the love for this sport.
The poignant and candid Boys Don't Cry can be seen as a «Rebel Without a Cause» for these culturally diverse and complex times, with the two misfit girls enacting a version of the James Dean / Natalie Wood romance with utmost conviction.
And it definitely shows, because judging by the trailer, «Looper» is going to be an absolutely wild ride, from the complex time travel plot to the slick action.
John Cooper, director of the festival, said, «These films and voices offer a creative lens to view our complex times.
Instead, he sets up a complex time - delayed catastrophe.
It is essential that the realm of education focuses on global education and global citizenship in these unsettling and complex times.
However, as frightening as the conditions are currently, I can tell you that I personally know many educators who take this moment to reignite their fire for teaching, for leading, for making sure that students have the language skills to navigate themselves and their families through these complex times.
In these complex times in education, clear solutions are needed.
It's been a complex time for any big city teachers union.»
A complex time travel novel that explores alternate realities, a future no one wants to face, and sets the Thunder Mountain universe going into the future.
So fitting to the Star Ocean series and unique to video games in general with its complex time signatures and distinctive instrumentation.
With a beautiful watercolour presentation and a strange and complex time - control mechanic, it manages to be one of the most graceful and imaginative pieces of gaming we've seen in a long time.
It will also include Chambers» slash paintings, which are composed of ribbons cut from of his own pre-existing paintings, suggesting a complex time - based production process.
As a whole, the exhibit offers a statement about humanity and the troubling and complex times in which we live.
During her talk, Tallant listed the artists she was commissioning to promote «new understandings of hospitality for our increasingly globalised and complex times».
We can indeed find a different way during these complex times — and invite your community to join you in making these ever - important shifts!
We can indeed find a different way during these complex times — and invite you to join the NWEI community in connecting our individual values and actions to the larger picture, finding power to make real change in our lives, communities, and in the world at large.
In these complex times, integrating sustainability education and engagement into all aspects of education and programming is essential.
You can order your copy of A Different Way today, and engage your network in a discussion group on making a positive impact during these complex times.
We've got it — people can fit solar system cycles to any complex time series.
11) Planning a laundry trip becomes a military - style operation that requires a complex timing strategy and ample spare change.
In these increasingly complex times, maintaining a long - term relationship is challenging enough; when you add ex-spouses and children from previous marriages into the mix, making a happy life together can seem daunting.
Drawing on our training in counseling psychology and education, we bring our expertise to helping you and your child develop the critical skills needed to navigate these complex times.
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