Sentences with phrase «complex truth»

History and science have simply opened the way to a much more complex truth concerning who we are and what we are as humans.
Maybe I had only convinced myself that I had some noble goal of seeking and recording a more complex truth than most, but I loved hearing the easy one.
But it's well worth a visit for dynamic individual works and as a reminder of what art can do: broadcast or insinuate messages into the larger culture, embody complex truths, absorb fear, preserve memory.
It is through the struggle of grappling with baffling problems, of confronting complex truth and mind - stretching mysteries that one finds deep satisfactions from his religious life.
Art made during that time was deeply affected by the outbreak of the disease, not only because artists were afflicted personally, but because art can be, according to art critic Holland Carter, useful to «broadcast messages into the larger culture, embody complex truths, absorb fear, preserve memory.»
Their trouble, he says, is that God gave them reason to guide them to the complex truths of faith, but they abused and disregarded this gift.
Doesn't matter what faith, stereotypes makes it easier for Hollywood shuffle the complex truths of our world under the carpet.
This article takes a deep dive into the complex truth about the IGF - 1 connection to cancer and heart disease.
Suddenly I was compelled to enter the circus that was online dating... The major drawback of Internet dating is that it's impossible to render the complex truth of a life in a small box on a screen.
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