Sentences with word «complexification»

The exhibition features a radical complexification of themes that have guided Brannon's oeuvre until today.
Moreover, there is an energy that Teilhard posits at each pole: «tangential energy» is the force that drives matter into complexification with all elements of the same order, and «radial energy» is the dynamism drawing a thing into convergence in the future, into ever further spiritualization.
In Teilhard's thought God immerses Himself into the creative dynamic of cosmic evolution so that spirit becomes the leading edge of material complexification.
Casti ends Complexification with a discussion of what we mean by the complex and complexity.
I would like to look upon my efforts as a process of differentiation or complexification of Teilhard's thought.
The idea of a sort of «emergence» of complexity, self - consciousness etc, whether described by quantum physics or not, invites the question why the universe allows such self - development, such self - complexification.
It is only by a leap of science - fiction (the kind exemplified by Teilhard de Chardin's «psychical dust» and subsequent «complexification» theory) that psychicalized cells can be transformed into my awareness of myself.
The truly penitent know that complexification is the enemy of forgiveness.
Viewed in this light, we may see the birth and deaths of stars, the emergence of life, its moments of complexification, and the eventual rise of consciousness as sacramental evidence of revelation's promise no less significant than God's calling of Abraham and the prophets.
Those who want to take their stand here but also a little bit over there, who identify intelligence with complexification, and who believe truths are never simple would benefit by reading Horowitz but probably won't.
They give expression to a very contemporary and vibrant faith that is both simpler and much more complex than the complexifications cherished by those who know only that we live in a secular society.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin has been perhaps the most eloquent apostle of Christian hope in recent years, discerning in the evolutionary process an increasing convergence and complexification that will finally result in the Omega point, the consummation and terminus of history foreshadowed in Jesus as the Christ.
But why do we, or more precisely how can we, fail to detect in this same process, and to the exact extent that it constitutes an organized whole — how fail to perceive, beneath what looks at first sight like a purely blind mechanical operation, the same process of «complexification» which, if our new concept is valid, constitutes the essential proceeding of Life?
There is no necessity that evolution take one and only one course.2 What does seem quite possible, though, is that the cosmos would still have embarked upon a course of complexification.
Teilhard depicted the ascent of evolution, including Man, as the complexification and intensification of a single twin faceted energy which simply emerges into a new and more spiritual (or «radial» as opposed to «tangential») dimension with the emergence of Man.
Complexification is in the same genre as his other two books.
But what role did these interactions play in the very emergence of life, in its Darwinian evolution and complexification?
Featuring the likes of Petra Cortright and Asher Penn, the press releases discusses a current «complexification, or re-vitalization of the now stale Wildean cliché of «life imitating art».»
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