Sentences with phrase «complexities of technology»

I was surprised, however, to see that lawyers rank as their fifth greatest challenge the increasing complexity of technology (12 percent).
This may sound expensive when compared to hybrids from Skagen, Fossil, and others; but it does reflect the extent and complexity of the technology inside.
In 2011, Congress passed legislative reforms to patent law in response to growing concerns that the patent system was unable to deal with challenges presented by the ever growing number of patent applications being submitted and the increasing complexity of the technology for which a patent is being requested.
The work of the Multiple Listing Issues and Policies Committee has become increasingly difficult as the amount and complexity of technology involved in MLS and in real estate brokerage have grown.
The greatest gulf is in addressing the increasing complexity of technology.
Well, it's so radically different and disruptive that few people are even talking about it, and describing it can easily get mired in the complexity of the technologies that will be used to support it.
To rid the world of bioweapons and nukes, we must accept paradoxes and understand the complexities of the technology, argue two fascinatingly forensic books
The complexity of the technology and tasks required to design targeted drugs and study their efficacy has grown so great that groups of scientists with varied expertise are required to continue to move the field forward, he adds.
Given the complexity of the technology, costs and risks involved, the strategies described here will remain a proof - of - concept and unlikely see a practical use in clinical medicine.»
Even with that caution, I would get long missives trying to start a conversation that I could not respond to because people just do not understand the complexities of the technology they are trying to use.
The complexity of the technology completely eliminated that kind of approach.
It also increases comfort with tools and allows her to see the complexities of technology.
The researchers note the complexity of technology integration and recommend that teacher educators support and promote opportunities for continuing education and professional development in teachers» growth of technological pedagogical content knowledge.
While preservice teacher reflection should obviously focus on more than issues of and with technology, reflective practice provides a meaningful opportunity for preservice teachers to consider the complexity of technology's place in their future teaching.
We understand the complexities of the technologies developed by our clients and use that knowledge to efficiently and effectively protect and expand their portfolios.
In a recent issue of Canadian Lawyer 4Students, e-discovery lawyer Dera Nevin pointed out it's an area that could be of great interest to budding lawyers because they've grown up understanding the complexity of technology but «a lot of people perhaps mistakenly misunderstand e-discovery as an administrative [area] and not a legal area.»
When consulting with decision makers, he translates the complexities of technology into plain terms, educates and assists in making beneficial choices for the firm.
It's an area that could be of great interest to budding lawyers because they've grown up understanding the complexity of technology, says Nevin, adding she would like to see it integrated into law school curriculum.
Of course, this very - limited - purpose explanation hides the complexity of the technology that allows the shared ledger to function, particularly for anonymous transactions.
«The Internet of Medical Things will continue to evolve and deliver value by getting the complexities of technology out of the way and connecting — or better yet, reconnecting — doctors with patients,» he told TechNewsWorld.
Apart from having to download an extra app (which, to be fair, took a matter of seconds), the set up was incredibly straightforward considering the complexity of the technology.
Finding articles that explain in simple terms the complexities of these technologies is difficult.
The complexity of technology and skills needed to design targeted cancer drugs has become so great that categories of scientists with different types of expertise are required to keep the momentum moving forward.
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