Sentences with phrase «complexity of human nature»

He had long explored the complexities of human nature in history and society, but in this book he turned the problem around and looked at the subject which was involved, turning from the objective self which most analysts look at to the subjective self behind the object.
This exhibition of new works by Dave McDermott makes use of allegory to examine the complexities of human nature and the societies build around them.
Her photography reveals the complexities of human nature and relationships, challenging ideas of gender, beauty and identity.

Not exact matches

He will not require not merely that the new knowledge be used as the foundation of the proof, but that the very spirit and atmosphere of the new knowledge enter in such a way into thedemonstration of God's existence, that the complexities and confusions of human thought engendered by the new knowledge shall be resolved in harmonious unity in the postulate of God's existence, nature, and relation to created being.
The subject - matter and circumstances of important human and social decisions have increased in complexity to such an extent that the whole context has practically changed its nature.
consciousness is present in all matter, just like gravity it is inherent and innate to everything produced after the big bang, only its level of existence varies with evolution, highest is that of living things, at the top is us humans because of the biological nature of our existence we evolve fastest and our brains has attained the highest level of complexity
Then those that are left (surviving genocides and «nature») will get a clue and realize that only God has the ability to create the complexities of the human eye, circulatory system, the fact we have (had) the needed water and atmosphere was not a random perfection that just occurred... will change their minds and ask for forgiveness that was already granted them through Jesus, if they chose to accept it.
The premises are fair enough: that nihilism «involves a simplification of human nature, a reduction of its complexity and range, and an abridgment of its aspirations,» and that today's movies and television shows simplify human nature.
The growth contributions of the traditional therapies are, for the most part, concentrated in two areas — their illumination of the depths and complexity of human personality, and their insights about the nature and dynamics of deeply blocked growth (pathology).
Sermons composed of easy generalizations about either the nature of human problems or their solutions are popular precisely because they ignore the ambiguities, paradoxes, and complexities of existence.
We debate endlessly about Peace, Democracy, the Rights of Man, the conditions of racial and individual eugenics, the value and morality of scientific research pushed to the uttermost limit, and the true nature of the Kingdom of God; but here again, how can we fail to see that each of these inescapable questions has two aspects, and therefore two answers, according to whether we regard the human species as culminating in the individual or as pursuing a collective course towards higher levels of complexity and consciousness?
I know God exists, because the complexities of the human body, and the very beauty of nature tell me random acts were not enough to «create» all things.
Subsequent limited independence of the environment, with technical advance, allows human aggregations of a permanent nature and that increasing complexity of organization which we call civilization.
Being nice «The great complexity of human social interactions and the huge variation in what we find rewarding compared with other primates prompts questions about whether the anterior cingulate gyrus operates similarly in the human brain,» Matthew Apps and Narender Ramnani, who work on neuroimaging and human cognition at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, told Nature in an email.
The phrase is a fine combination of old - fashioned sexism and convenient biology - speak which, by reducing human individuals to a biological organism, «man», sweeps away social complexities and confines debate to the simplicities of what we often call «nature».
This complexity contributes to its aggressive nature and resistance to conventional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy,» says Fisher, Thelma Newmeyer Corman Endowed Chair in Cancer Research and co-leader of the Cancer Molecular Genetics research program at Massey Cancer Center, professor and chair of the Department of Human and Molecular Genetics at the VCU School of Medicine, and director of the VIMM.
The complexity of a human being, with many organs that work together and an advanced brain, is thus something that nature has enabled with efficient signal routes and multiple protein modifications.
• Addressing the human - specific nature of antibodies is possible using Organ - Chips that recreate the complexity of human biology, since novel antibody targets are not expressed in animals and therefore require alternatives to current preclinical experimental methods.
One of the challenges lies within science itself; scientific studies, by their very nature, attempt to isolate all of life's complexity down to two variables in order to study them while nutrition, as it's practised in the day to day lives of human beings, consists of an infinite number of important factors that are often not taken into account.
From then on, Hana must take care of the werewolf children all on her own, having to teach them to balance both their animal urges and the complexities of human life, turning the movie into a very literal depiction of nature versus nurture.
The same way that own ontology structure nature in different levels of reality with different physical laws, human beings have different layers, levels and planes of epistemological perception which structure and concretize its historical complexity in the cosmological context.
The ending of the novel is strong as well; Hornung delicately weaves a thread of modernity (and the complexities that it brings) into the age - old questions about human nature, and it seems a shame that the book ends shortly after it hits its stride.
Nonetheless, Dog Boy finds its strength in Hornung's attention to descriptive detail... [and] the ending of the novel is strong as well; Hornung delicately weaves a thread of modernity (and the complexities that it brings) into the age - old questions about human nature, and it seems a shame that the book ends shortly after it hits its stride.
A much - needed corrective to our sanitized, human - centric view of animals as machines or as pets that can be trained to perform stupid tricks, Wesley the Owl reasserts the powerful and sometimes icky otherworldliness and breathtaking complexity of nature.
Her images prompt questions around representation, perception and human experience and remind us of the complexity of the simplest things that can be observed in nature.
In one of her most famous statements concerning the art of Helen Frankenthaler, Rose hailed the freedom, spontaneity, openness and complexity of an image, not exclusively of the studio or the mind, but explicitly and intimately tied to nature and human emotions.
Fascinated by the complexity and subjective nature of human perception, I use color to initially attract viewers to the painting.
Writing about Frankenthaler in 1972, art critic Barbara Rose, spoke of «the freedom, spontaneity, openness and complexity of an image, not exclusively of the studio or the mind, but explicitly and intimately tied to nature and human emotions.»
In addition his interest in psychoanalysis led him to explore the complexities of the human mind and especially the nature of schizophrenia.
Whether portraying the quiet isolation of nature, or the bustle of human visitors within the park, the varying complexities of each drawing provide insight into the artist's vision.
Her images prompt questions around representation, perception and human experience and remind us of the complexity of the simplest things we observe in nature.
In her piece, Klein, spends a lot of time focused on the valuable body of social science research I've also explored here showing the normal nature of the wide range in human perceptions of global warming (and other kinds of risks saddled with complexity and uncertainty).
This «periodic table of character» offers researchers a framework for delving into the complexities of this important area of human nature.
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