Sentences with phrase «complexity of the problem»

Considering the infinite complexities of the problem, a covenant to accomplish conciliar unity rather than the actual realization of the goal might be the most likely accomplishment.
The uncertainties in the models, theory, and observations of climate change and associated risks and the sheer complexity of the problem provide many rounds of ammunition for the agenda - driven, be they apocalyptic or denialist.
It is important, of course, to avoid oversimplifying the enigmatic complexities of the problem and to avoid painting an overoptimistic picture which ignores the dark realities and the unsolved problems which still exist in abundance.
Given the global complexity of this problem, the suggestion that any individual government can easily find billions more in unpaid tax simply through one Budget speech or a Finance Bill clause is not realistic.
The massive complexity of the problems it is tackling, from mapping the functioning brain to making petabytes of data meaningful and accessible to training a new generation of neuroscientists who are equipped to work across disciplines to make sense of it all, do not lend themselves to easily assembled and discretely defined teams and tasks — at least, not quickly.
If a lawyers» job is to listen and provide advice, than how can a lawyer develop a solution without knowing the full complexity of the problem?
Ultimately, the approach taken by Austin Hill and Adam Back may not look exactly like either of these strategies; however, the sheer complexity of the problem shows that there are still many challenges that lie ahead.
How can we invite children and family members to bring forth their imaginative and creative resources while coming to grips with the sociocultural complexity of problems
Considering the infinite complexities of the problem, a covenant to accomplish conciliar unity rather than the actual realization of the goal might be the most likely accomplishment of a «council» only 31 years away.
A definition of success that can only exist at that scale, whether it's the complexity of the problem, the business they want to build or the organization they imagine building
Given the sensitive political and economic nature of the topic, the complexity of the problem and the current tenuousness of the housing market, we imagine that Treasury's contribution will be not so much a shout, more like a polite throat - clearing.
That initial decision requires a host of subsidiary decisions, ratcheting up the complexity of the problem.
One of the invaluable consequences of the contemporary theological furor, particularly the death - of - God debate, has been the resolve to root out this jejune approach to the God - problem and to search for alternative categories of reflection which match the complexity of the problem.
The quite different narrative in the Gospel of John only increases the complexity of the problem.
The complexity of our problem, in short, arises from our situation in an historical process subject to time and change, irreversible in direction, in which the past is never wholly dead, but remains unalterably part of the situation we have to face in the present.
Later be came to see the complexity of the problem of strikes and violence, though he always insisted that the Golden Rule, love to the neighbor as oneself, was the basis for all social and economic actions.
When I was there a couple of months ago, I was absolutely overwhelmed with the devastation, the complexity of the problem and the seeming impossibility of any solution.
Here's another observation: to add to the complexity of the problem, it is often codependent.
If we agree that some portion of higher education should be devoted to helping us all to understand the depths and complexities of the problems that face us and to envisioning ways of mitigating impending catastrophes, then what would that look like?
An example of the complexity of the problem can be found in the content of many of the religious education text books used in our Catholic schools.
They never realized anything like the complexity of the problem they were trying to solve.19 This was true no matter what position they were taking.
If we perceive that this is the same greatest motive as evil then we begin to see the complexity of our problem.
«Meat Free Monday is easy, fun, and healthy and it helps to raise awareness of the complexity of problems related to meat.
«Meat Free Monday is easy, fun, and healthy and it helps to raise awareness of the complexity of problems related to meat,» say founders Martina Vondruska and Barbara Portaluri.
Given its infancy and the complexity of the problems it faces, the Government's failure to sufficiently address these issues is understandable — perhaps even excusable.
In response to the figures Defra minister Phil Woolas said that fuel poverty was a serious issue and that «cherry - picking figures does not do it justice or reflect the complexity of the problem».
Since 2007, the U.S. Department of Defense has recognized the critical importance and complexity of this problem, and has made significant investments in traumatic brain injury research.
These domination relationships allow Aziz and Mackenzie to reduce the complexity of the problem: If, for example, three players dominate all the others, those three can be sent away with their slices of cake — they'll be happy no matter who gets the remaining trimmings.
Because of the complexity of the problem, environmental skepticism was once tenable.
The reproduction assessment of Asian carp eggs in the St. Joseph River demonstrated the complexity of the problem where the length of the river, velocity and water temperatures can not be assessed individually.
The Lifestyle Change Program is customized for the individual patient according to complexity of problem, personal budget and intentions.
Hello Sandra, Thank you for your website it has helped me a lot already to understand the immensity and complexity of this problem.
Through our problem - based learning curriculum, the complexity of problems forces students to communicate with each other more than if they were just working on individual homework.
Instead, take time to honor and explore the complexity of the problem, asking questions to consider different angles.
After five to ten minutes, depending on the complexity of the problems, ask each group to send one student to the board to record the group's answers on a pre-drawn grid.
Shanahan emphasized the complexity of this problem as a teacher, since it's difficult to know how well a student is doing or to understand all the different content being taught.
Modern thinking on bullying acknowledges the complexity of the problem, and has shifted responsibility away from teachers and administrators, emphasizing instead the positive effects of broader networks and school - wide cultural transformations.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan's 1965 report on the structural causes of the fragmentation of the black family has been so hotly debated that serious research on the complexity of the problem has been undermined for decades.
The aim of the overlay is to help pupils breakdown the complexity of the problems; not always useful but has been for most students in the beginning.
You will want to wait and see how the students are faring with this topic before choosing the complexity of the problems you give them for this assessment.
How can educational researchers ensure that the context and complexity of the problems they investigate are taken into account when their research is put to use?
Recognizing the extent and complexity of the problem, the plan:
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