Sentences with phrase «complicated complicating people»

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The infographic below, from, breaks down the complicated global relationship between Apple, its suppliers and manufacturers and the people whose livelihood depends on the iPhone's success.
After all, people often don't keep their relationship status up to date, don't use it in a serious way (in a complicated relationship with pizza, anyone?)
One complicating factor is that you may not hire the same person week after week.
This is a problem because people are complicated.
«People always say in health care that something is going to be better and it ends up being so complicated and sometimes worse,» says Parker.
When you look at processes, people tend to add elements over time, which makes things complicated and convoluted.
He's a brilliant, creative, complicated person with a ton of love in his heart.
Accountants are a type of professional that many people only associate with big - shot companies or individuals with complicated financial affairs.
Bury points out that a brand name has to work in many contexts — as a URL, a searchable company name and something that sounds right when spoken out loud — and shouldn't be so complicated that you're spelling it out for people.
Training people for the new economy is complicated and overwhelming.
And understand how complicated it will be to get people exactly what they want.
As a result, the software is appropriate for a site in which a designer constructs a complicated format but less - tech - savvy people are responsible for updating the pages: The designer need only provide instructions to editors on which styles to use where.
But for Meghan Markle, that was a little more complicated than for the average person.
Building a culture of engaged people gets even more complicated when 70 % of your employees work remotely all over North America.
Smart and talented people also often have a flair for the unusual, complicated or different.
Wujec loves to engage people and teams by having them draw how to make toast because in doing so, the process reveals unexpected truths about how we can solve our biggest and most complicated work problems.
And trust me, when people and markets are involved, that can get pretty complicated.
There are still regulations, of course, but all - in - all, the process is much less complicated than setting up a bank, credit union, or traditional loan company to cater to people's financial needs.
In order for a highly complicated technology like blockchain to be accessible and adopted by every single person in the U.S., just like their Social Security card is, we've got a lot of bootstrapping to do.
Amazon's option also comes with a slightly more complicated remote and user interface, making it a no - go for less technically inclined people.
Don't: Don't write a vague white paper with complicated terminology that doesn't do much to explain why people should invest.
However at least one person I talked to said the issue is complicated.
When you strip down the complicated investment vehicles — now being peddled for pennies on the dollar — there are people like Jack Hamersma, a boat salesman Packer wrote about who lost his job, was diagnosed with cancer and then had his house foreclosed upon.
Rosenberg often said he was «too dumb to make things complicated,» but added that he knew how to hire good people and was willing to take their considered advice.
Gerber relies on Basecamp, a popular web - based project management app, for more complicated tasks involving multiple people.
One plausible reason, says Gillett, is that the era marked «the initial wave of large - scale awareness and enthusiasm before people said, «Hey, this thing is going to be complicated and long - running.»»
«The kinds of things that people would have defined as technology in the 50s and 60s» are complicated and challenging to create.
Setting aside First Amendment issues for the moment, the more I tried to talk to people about the story, and about geo - fencing in particular, the clearer it became that this common practice is just complicated enough and new - ish to consumers that it warranted a closer look.
However, retirement is more complicated than most people think, and Gen Xers» confidence in their ability to manage their own finances may be impeding their chances of reaching a fully secure retirement.
Now that the company has 115 people on its payroll and satellite offices in Calgary and Regina, you'd think it'd be more complicated.
Most people want to plunge in and explain all the complicated details.
Designing a questionnaire is a more complicated science than most people think, Pingitore says.
If you're one of those people that thoroughly enjoys complicated situations and can take a step back to look at them unemotionally, while watching out for unintended consequences, you're going to love being an entrepreneur.
For finances, accounting, and a whole bunch of other things that are too complicated for me to wrap my head around, I hire talented and inspiring people to lead.
«Any time we get bogged down on these kinds of issues unrelated to the governing agenda, it serves to delay and to sometimes complicate the real job that we have to do for the American people,» Womack said.
Dylan writes: You make the claim that mutual fund markdown processes are more complicated then people sitting around the table, spit - balling numbers.
Over time, Zuckerberg told his rapt audience in Lagos, «you get to the point where you're running a company,» itself a complicated system segmented into groups of high - functioning people.
Tracking its growth is complicated in part because many people tweet via dashboards such as TweetDeck (making it hard for Twitter to aggregate the mass viewership that many advertisers covet).
People have way over complicated this,» Dr. Michael Joyner of the Mayo Clinic told LiveScience.
To many people over the age of 30, text messaging can seem like one of those strange, complicated behaviors only teenagers understand.
But here's the science: A 2012 study, by researchers at the University of Melbourne, the University of Leuven, and New York University, found that people with more complicated last names are judged more negatively.
However, for small businesses that employ only a few people, this is a much more complicated question.
«Taxes are way too complicated, and people spend way too much time worrying about ways to get them lower,» he said.
«Subtract anything that complicates an organization or how its people work.
No, it isn't easy to begin a business, but it's not as complicated or as scary as many people think, either.
«If you're in a bar with tons of other people and it's loud and you order something complicated, you clearly don't value people's time.
As people age, they tend to prefer physical stores more, and as they buy more complicated, expensive, or special products, they tend to gravitate to physical stores as well.
And it changes even more when people research complicated or important purchases, like travel and vacations.
People tend to complicate explanations to hide shortcomings in their own understanding.
Pretend that you're teaching your topic to a classroom full of children — people with limited vocabularies who don't understand complicated jargon.
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