Sentences with phrase «complicated matter of»

With his flatly painted one - colour panels and sometimes eccentrically shaped paintings you might relate him to minimalism, though the simplicity he sought was a much more complicated matter of relationships, insides and outsides, singularities and relationships as much as the totemic and the enclosed.
Not only would it be enormously difficult to manipulate so many genes in a single person, but scientists would still have to reckon with the even more complicated matter of how the environment influences those genes.
Finally, there is the complicated matter of the vast quantity of antibiotics that U.S. doctors prescribe each year: some 3 million pounds, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Satan does however clamor Himself with those that dare to complicate matters of Religious Diversities regardless of Faith and Faithfulness
Clerics of these Churches met sometimes on free international (ecu - menical) Councils, where they freely discussed complicated matters of the doctrine.
However, protection orders can complicate matters of co-parenting, such as communication between parents regarding a child's illness, arranging and conducting parenting time exchanges, and facilitating telephone contact between a child and the other parent.

Not exact matches

Complicating matters, online retailers like Amazon have set a high bar for customer service that companies of all sizes are now expected to meet, says Hal Altman, president and co-founder of Motivational Fulfillment & Logistical Services in Chino, Calif..
Complicating matters, billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who has amassed an 8.7 percent stake in Dell, is leading a charge with major shareholder Southeastern Asset Management against the buyout with an offer of his own.
He acknowledged that the open source nature of its product complicates matters.
The unrelenting uproar over the federal government's proposed small - business tax reforms has gotten so complicated that it might be helpful to try setting aside some of the less worrisome parts before diving into what matters.
The report could hurt GM in legal proceedings and complicate matters for lawyer Kenneth Feinberg, the compensation expert hired by GM to settle some of the many lawsuits, said Carl Tobias, a law professor and product liability specialist at the University of Richmond in Virginia.
Complicating matters, with several thorny issues confronting the U.S., Bolton will inherit a staff of several hundred specialists from the Pentagon, State Department and U.S. intelligence agencies.
A highly publicized trading glitch reported by Nasdaq complicated matters, causing a delay in trading, and a slew of botched orders afterward.
Beyond thinking a million - pound payout is a matter of basic necessity, he is deeply insecure in his professional standing, confessing he no longer understands the «immensely complicated mathematical formulae» that drive his industry.
And health can complicate matters: If you fall ill, it can be much harder to work — but if you're healthy, a longer lifespan means your savings will need to cover more years of income.
The stream of workers migrating westward in search of jobs further complicates matters.
To complicate matters for India, its erstwhile ally Russia, which has become a close friend of China, is showing interest in establishing closer ties with Pakistan.
Further complicating matters for the Brexiters who want a full and complete severing of ties are industrial regulations those irreplaceable EU agencies enforce.
«Everyone has to do some level of diligence as a junior associate, but by rule the firm only really takes on interesting matters and complicated work.
Your ability to take complicated matters and turn them into easy - to - digest chunks is critical because you generally only have a few minutes of an investor's time to get them interested.
Further complicating matters is that many miners, particularly older ones, lack college degrees, an unintended consequence for decades of landing good - paying mining jobs right out of high school.
Complicating the matter is that Donald Trump often licenses his name for all kinds of things, including to builders and developers.
While this method seems simple on the surface, the addition of caps and spreads can complicate matters.
In fact, the increasing number of financing options available (currently over forty different types) may actually be complicating matters for small business owners.
Complicating matters further is Osteen's association with the prosperity gospel movement, and the related «Word of Faith» movement popular in some evangelical circles, which teaches that believing Christians can harness the power of prayerful speech: to reap material and financial rewards in this life as well as the next.
«Further complicating matters, many of these fundraisings are dubious, if not downright frauds.
A complicating matter is the measurement of the big topping pattern, which is roughly to 100.
The above comment is a reminder of no matter how complicated or complex a business and its products may be, there is a human story to be told.
To complicate matters, the Post reports Kushner will not work with foreign sovereign wealth funds or companies with business before the U.S. government to avoid potential conflicts of interest.
To make matters even more complicated, many brushes available today are shaped in between the two extremes and more of a hybrid of the two.
And the truth of the matter was much more complicated.
To complicate matters, the christian version of afterlife isn't the only one.
I do think that being an atheist in light of the complexity of creation (both on an infinite universe - sized level and on a microscopic atomic level) requires some amount of faith in something — even if it is faith in the ability of random pieces of matter to assemble themselves into something complicated.
Pieces of matter can sometimes assemble themselves into something complicated, but that has nothing to do with religion or a creator.
Further complicating the matter is the perhaps overly ambitious agenda of the volume — attempting not only to engage in Jewish - Christian dialogue from the perspective of Judaism, but, at the same time, to renew Jewish self - understanding and provide Christian responses.
All of these matters are complicated.
A moment, no matter how big or small or seemingly spiritual or unspiritual or complicated or simple, we got a glimpse of God in a special way.»
The issue was the simplistic thinkers in the clergy and laity who couldn't grasp that complicated matters like the end of life should prompt us to find depth and «flexibility» in what the Church has to say.
However, the continuity of structure and function from nonliving matter to living and from the simplest forms of life to the most complicated strongly suggests that even the most characteristic human activities such as thought and consciousness have an explanation, as yet only partly known, in chemical and physical phenomena.
The matter and circumstances of humanly and socially important decisions have become so much more complicated at the present time that the change amounts very nearly to a change of kind.
The essential difference between living and non-living matter consists in this: the living cell synthesizes its own complicated specific material from indifferent or non-specific simple compounds of the surrounding medium, while the crystal simply adds the molecules found in its supersaturated solution.
No matter how sophisticated, or at least complicated, theories of social contract may be, they are as thoroughly made up as nursery tales.
While I agree with some of your writings and have enjoyed your blogs, I would disagree here, only to say that you can not take such a wide swath judgement in matters so complicated as this.
Unfortunately, many of the theologies that have sought to describe the process of at - one - ment have been so complicated — sometimes so sub-Christian — in their assumptions that they have obscured rather than helped to explicate the truth of the matter.
It would be possible and more consistent to assume that all «matter,» including electrical fields, has a protopsychical nature, but can only become experienced when it is integrated in certain complicated physico - chemical systems and pertains to a stream of consciousness (cf. Part 6).
Lastly, dealing with God's foreknowledge can really be a complicated matter since it leads to tons of hypothetical questions.
An example of this would be the origin of life in general in dead matter which in its highest and most complicated possible forms develops in the direction of the frontier with living things.
Above all, the spiritual nature of the one human being in his unity must not be regarded, in the manner of pan-psychism or crude materialism, as a phenomenal manifestation or modality or complicated combination related to the «inner» side of matter generally.
What complicates the matter further is that each spiritual belief is built upon a whole framework of other spiritual beliefs, so that if one of them begins to collapse, the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.
To complicate matters, there are fans of rationalistic and speculative forms of process thought who dwell on how process metaphysics, including God, transcend any particular history, reading Whitehead and Hartshorne as though they were old historicists, like Paul Tillich.
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