Sentences with phrase «complicated place»

I mostly think, however, that the world is a much more complicated place than it was 30 years ago.
They leave destruction in their paths and make the world a much more complicated place to live than it needs to be.
«Titan turns out to be a very complicated place,» says Cassini team member Jonathan Lunine, of the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory.
Jerusalem is a uniquely complicated place, which makes the school even more notable.
«What we learned is that the world is a really complicated place
«Pluto has a very interesting history, and there is a lot of work that we need to do to understand this very complicated place,» New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern said during a press briefing Friday.
The universe he's waking up in, in Halo 4, is a lot more complicated place than the one he went to sleep in though.
While the world is a complicated place, Christian Patriarchy and Quiverfull explain exactly what your role is and what you must do to please God and carry out his will.
The baking aisle of your supermarket is a complicated place, stacked high with questions and more varieties of funfetti cake than you ever know you needed.
But alas, the world is a complicated place, and there is, in fact, more than one way to boil an egg.
It's profoundly human and otherworldly at the same time and lets you know unmistakably that you are in Ethiopia - this glorious and complicated place.
The world is a complicated place — just reading the newspaper lately can be overwhelming.
England, it turns out, is a complicated place.
Mars is an incredibly diverse and complicated place.
Microbiologists have known since the late 19th century that human intestines are a crowded and complicated place.
After all, your face is a complicated place.
How to Date a Divorced Man: Finding Love in a Complicated Place.
With these characters, with this fascinating, complicated place — and one that's at the forefront of so much of what we're talking about in real world politics — and the sense of atmosphere instilled by directors like Gerardo Naranjo, The Bridge is off to such an outstanding start that I can't wait to see what this creative team does not only with the rest of the serial killer story, but well beyond it.
It's 1979, and California's ever - changing seaside town of Santa Barbara is a complicated place to grow up in for Dorothea's teenage son, whose world is changed forever by the arrival of Crudup's character.
... The human mind is a complicated place... We hold on to things, images, words, ideas, histories that we don't even know we're holding on to.
Being a High Fantasy, I have an entire world to play with and it is, by necessity, a complicated place.
The modern web has become a complicated place.
This is a dense, complicated place that holds some amazing experiences for the patient visitor.
Well, Chris, I hate to be the one to break to you, but the world is a complicated place.
Reality is a complicated place.
It says that, humans not being capable of perceiving what is in their interests, and the world being such a dangerous, complicated place, political institutions need to exist above their reach.
But the planet is a really big, complicated place and the weather changes fast and randomly.
They sense that the road has become a more complicated place, and adjust their behavior accordingly.
The world of cryptocurrency is a complicated place, with many terms, acronyms and definitions to absorb and understand.
L... complicated place to work for.
«Our world is a busy and complicated place, full of impersonal demands and unrealistic expectations.
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