Sentences with phrase «components during starvation»

It functions in the clearance of misfolded proteins and damaged organelles, as well as recycling of cytosolic components during starvation to compensate for nutrient deprivation.

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In addition to recycling components of the cell to provide nutrients during starvation and acting as quality control for the organelles and proteins inside cells, autophagy helps eliminate pathogens such as viruses, parasites, and bacteria that get inside the cell.
A stress assembly that confers cell viability by preseriving ERES components during amino - acid starvation Elife 3: e04132 (2014)
It involves cell degradation of unnecessary or dysfunctional cellular components, which ensures cellular survival during starvation by maintaining cellular energy levels.
In our earlier post on fasting for migraines, commenter js290 linked to a very nice post by Ned Kock, in which he talked about the components of weight loss during starvation.
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