Sentences with phrase «comprehensive agenda»

This priority has given rise to an ambitious and comprehensive agenda of reforms to make the global financial system more resilient.
Second is the linkage between homosexuality and a comprehensive agenda of social change.
While religious leaders have the attention of politicians and the media, they must advance a comprehensive agenda for urban change informed by the principle of subsidiarity.
The policy sets out a comprehensive agenda for national co-ordinated action on waste across six areas, and marks a fundamental shift in the approach to waste management and resource recovery.
«The speaker laid out a comprehensive agenda this week on issues like education, reproductive rights and criminal justice reform, so we have a lot of work to do here in Albany and that is what we will be focusing on,» said Michael Whyland, spokesman for Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, D - Bronx.
«The speaker laid out a comprehensive agenda this week on issues like education, reproductive rights and criminal justice reform, so we have a lot of work to do here in Albany and that is what we will be focusing on,» said Heastie's spokesman, Michael Whyland.
«This new task force is part of a comprehensive agenda — along with fighting for stronger rent laws in Albany — to protect tenants and prevent harassment.
Mike Whyland, a spokesman for Heastie said, «the Speaker laid out a comprehensive agenda this week on issues like education, reproductive rights, and criminal justice reform, so we have a lot of work to do here in Albany and that is what we will be focusing on.»
«These are crises, but they're also opportunities,» Cuomo said, «and they're opportunities to bring reform to the state, and put together a comprehensive agenda, and get the legislature to act.»
We planned a comprehensive agenda that included our guest in visiting classrooms and interacting with staff and students throughout the day.
We have a comprehensive agenda for the session, but I am often asked — if I could get only one major thing -LSB-...]
Through its work with educators, entrepreneurs, researchers, and leading thinkers, Digital Promise supports a comprehensive agenda to benefit lifelong learning and provide Americans with the knowledge and skills needed to compete in the global economy.
The newfound flexibility provided by ESSA gives states an opportunity to enact a comprehensive agenda to address all aspects of the teacher pipeline, beginning in the 2017 - 2018 school year.
DeVos's singular advocacy for privatization instead of a comprehensive agenda for strengthening our public schools is undermining the role of the Department of Education as promoting evidence - based strategies for improving the content and delivery of public education to the nation's 50 million school children.
Responding to demand, extra sessions on OTAs and online marketing are being added to a comprehensive agenda which features seminars on investment, extended stay hotels, mixed - use developments, and future prospects for the sector, as well as a case study, cocktail party and tour of local serviced apartment developments.
In January, the governor announced a «comprehensive agenda to combat climate change» that called for aggressive increases in energy storage, development of at least 800 MW of offshore wind resources and new energy efficiency targets.
· The negotiations for the Law of the Sea [LOS] Conventions had four procedural cornerstones: 1) universal participation, 2) consensus decisionmaking, 3) a comprehensive agenda, and 4) consideration of proposed deals as a package.
The Montreal process was actually similar to LOS, but without the comprehensive agenda and the insistence on package deals.
The Legal Services Corporation issued a comprehensive agenda for applying technology to meet the needs of the underserved.
I have prepared two Social Justice Reports and Native Title Reports in this period, which set out a comprehensive agenda for how I will perform my functions and provide a substantial overview of the new arrangements.
An overarching or umbrella structure, which has the authority and leadership needed to ensure a coordinated approach across organizational entities, can effectively plan, promote, and implement a comprehensive agenda for young children.
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