Sentences with phrase «comprehensive body»

• We ensure that the four activities identified above are informed by a solid, balanced and comprehensive body of evidence, readily accessible to ourselves and to others.
Multidisciplinary artist, Evoca1 is showcasing his most comprehensive body of work, from graphite drawings oil paintings, wooden sculptures and videos.
As educational choice continues to grow as part of the national policy debate, all of us need to ask questions and examine the big picture, including comprehensive bodies of empirical research, before jumping to conclusions.
These efforts promote skills - building and academic engagement in young people, improve public institutions, and ultimately, help create a more equitable country in which a more comprehensive body of voices is represented in decision - making.
StolenSpace is thrilled to be hosting Dominican born street artist, Evoca1 (Elio Mercado), as he showcases what he has called his «most comprehensive body of work to date».
are building the world's most comprehensive body of research quantifying the impacts of climate change
Customer retention is crucial if you want your SaaS to keep growing, and one of the best ways to up your rates is by providing a free, comprehensive body of content to answer common user questions, troubleshoot problems, and generally keep your users informed of your software's latest updates.
I am blown away by their comprehensive body of work.»
Cancer researchers can use this comprehensive body of information to better understand the biology of ovarian cancer and improve the diagnosis and treatment of this dreaded disease.»
Do stay tuned though, because I am working on a comprehensive body weight progression and regression guide!
Peter Weir is an iconic Australian director who is celebrated for his comprehensive body of cinematic work both locally and abroad.
Although ideally a high school diploma would be a sufficient measurement of readiness, these documents rarely evaluate the comprehensive body of academic and lifelong learning skills necessary to succeed in college and careers.
The comprehensive body of research regarding our program has consistently demonstrated its significant influence on three areas:
The Volkswagen Golf R 400 receives a powerful engine tune as well as a comprehensive body kit and interior upgrade over the standard 2015 Golf R.
On top of that, the car also received a fancy exterior graphics design, a comprehensive body kit program, and a retooled interior that includes a full body roll cage.
With more than 30 years in the recording and videogame industries, Will Loconto brings a comprehensive body of knowledge, experience, and creativity to his work.
On a more practical level, by not having gallery representation in New York all this time, there has never been an opportunity to see a comprehensive body of my work.
Structure & Material features a comprehensive body of work by each artist and includes recent acquisitions from the Arts Council Collection and installations made in response to Longside Gallery.
Our trip started with a palette cleansing hike at the White Sands National Monument in New Mexico which set the tone for the 4 days spent in Marfa visiting, discussing and drawing Donald Judd's comprehensive body of work.
After learning about this exciting project, T: The New York Times Style Magazine visited the foundation to preview this comprehensive body of previously unexplored material on Rauschenberg's life and career.
The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Archives, consisting of Robert Rauschenberg's personal papers and the records from his Florida and New York studios, is the most comprehensive body of information on the artist's life and career.
Portfolio building, beginning a comprehensive body of work, how to apply for grants both NI and Ire.
In the final semester, degree candidates focus on creating a comprehensive body of work under the guidance of a thesis committee.
Their trip started with a hike at the White Sands National Monument in New Mexico which set the tone for the four days spent in Marfa visiting, discussing, and drawing Donald Judd's comprehensive body of work.
The duo will be launching their London debut with a comprehensive body of new and recent large - scale works in their distinctive air - brushed style created through the meticulous layering of spraypaint on canvas.
Encompassing four decades of the artist's work, the exhibition brings together a comprehensive body of artist's books, drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures as well as large - scale installations
The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Archives contain the most comprehensive body of information on the artist's life and career.
The Climate Impact Lab's team of economists, climate scientists, data engineers, and risk analysts are building the world's most comprehensive body of research quantifying the impacts of climate change sector - by - sector, community - by - community around the world.
Ed is sitting on a pile of «big data» — a pretty - comprehensive body of cases, statutes, and other authorities — and imagining awesome things to do with it.
Retail service — whether free or fee - based — in the form of a website with a good search engine that permits professional - grade research into a comprehensive body of law is what most of us need.
Based on a comprehensive body of evidence, this report from the Project on Devolution and Urban Change examines how changes in Pennsylvania's welfare reform policies combined with a strong regional economy in the late 1990s to create substantial change in the welfare system in Philadelphia.
The New Jersey Legislature has passed statutes, and the Courts have made decisions, called precedents, that supplement the laws passed by the Legislature, together the statutes and cases provides a comprehensive body of law that covers hundreds of issues arising in a divorce.
The new Framework is grounded in a comprehensive body of research regarding what infants, toddlers, and preschoolers should know and be able to do.
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