Sentences with phrase «comprehensive campaign»

On the other hand, comprehensive campaign finance reform, including public financing, can be enacted this year.
Provided clients with comprehensive campaign finance, lobbying and pay - to - play compliance solutions at the federal, state and local levels.
«Comprehensive campaign finance reform can change the culture,» he said.
Leaders in the Assembly and State Senate have announced their support for comprehensive campaign finance reform, including public financing of elections, which would stop the corrupting influence of big money in politics.
«The Fair Elections for New York campaign has been clear that all of our partners want to see the Senate pass comprehensive campaign finance reform with public funding at its core,» he said.
Good Government Groups to Cuomo and Legislative Leaders: Pass Reform Before Budget Deadline Several good - government groups, including the New York Public Interest Research Group, Common Cause, Citizen Action, the League of Women Voters, and the Brennan Center, gathered in Albany on Tuesday to encourage state leaders to enact comprehensive campaign finance reform.
The Journal News put forth an excellent editorial this week in favor of comprehensive campaign finance reform, including small donor matching funds.
«Senator Skelos and his conference don't want comprehensive campaign finance reform because they've figured out a way to collect tons of campaign cash from a wealthy few with very little oversight or accountability.
«Like the rest of the Democratic community, we continue to support comprehensive campaign finance reform, but until that happens, Senate Majority PAC is here to keep Democrats competitive with Republicans» unlimited spending.
The Carneys» gift is part of Brown University's $ 3 - billion BrownTogether comprehensive campaign, which has raised $ 1.7 billion to date.
Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause / NY, noted that «Hydraulic fracturing has been one of the most polarizing issues in recent history, with no shortage of political money invested by pro-fracking interests to achieve a favorable outcome... New York State needs comprehensive campaign finance and lobbying reform to assure New Yorkers that public policy is based on their interest, not the special interests.»
Good Government Groups, NYC City Councilman Ask Moreland Commission to Consider Comprehensive Campaign Finance Reform Good - government groups and a New York City Councilman were also present at the Moreland Commission hearing on Tuesday.
In a statement issued two weeks ago, Flanagan called for more comprehensive campaign finance reform.
ALBANY — State budget bills printed late Friday include public campaign financing for just one political office this year: The state comptroller, something good government advocates balked at as an overall failure to accomplish comprehensive campaign finance reform.
«That starts with a thorough examination of public corruption and builds towards truly comprehensive campaign finance reform.
And, they should institute comprehensive campaign finance reform, including establishing a program that allows candidates to run competitive campaigns by matching small donations from everyday citizens.»
Noting that he and Hein had separately called for comprehensive campaign contribution reform in their respective 2014 state - of - the - county messages, Parete had asked rhetorically, what happened to the executive's?
Cuomo said he has already issued the most comprehensive campaign platform of any candidate, a 224 - page booklet.
Public Campaign Action Fund is a national nonpartisan nonprofit organization that works to advance comprehensive campaign finance reform and hold elected officials accountable.
Hundreds of citizens rallied in Albany on May 29th to pressure their legislative representatives to pass comprehensive campaign finance reform with public financing.
«The Governor will continue to lead the fight to close the LLC loophole and is 100 percent focused on flipping the State Senate and forming a Democratic Senate majority so we can enact comprehensive campaign finance reform,» campaign spokeswoman Abbey Fashouer said.
The bill was first introduced by Democratic senators around the time Cuomo began a big push for comprehensive campaign finance reform, at the tail end of the 2013 legislative session.
Senator Carlucci to Host Public Hearing on Comprehensive Campaign Finance Reform for New York State in Rockland County added by dskriloff on May 2, 2013 View all posts by dskriloff →
«To be clear, we all want comprehensive campaign finance reform with public financing at the core and we feel public financing is the real game changer, but we're hearing a lot of myths around public financing in particular and trying to connect that to corruption in a bad way as opposed it to being a solution so we wanted to focus on that today,» he said.
The groups, also strong supporters of comprehensive campaign finance reform built around a core of public financing of elections, today focused on the urgent need for ethics reform as another essential way to address the problems created by a money culture in Albany.
Fundraising for the Warren Alpert Medical School and the Brown Institute for Translational Science is a priority for the $ 3 - billion BrownTogether comprehensive campaign the University launched publicly in fall 2015.
Democratic Assembly Speaker Silver and Independent Democratic Conference Senate Co-Leader Klein have both said they support comprehensive campaign finance reforms, including a voluntary system of public financing of elections.
Senator Warren Prods New York to Pass Comprehensive Campaign Finance Reform Last week, at St. Peter's Church in New York City, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman gave rousing speeches touching on campaign finance reform.
The new world of SEO means that boring link building simply doesn't cut it, so for those with the resources and buy - in to invest in a digital marketing campaign of content development, link building, social media and etc that matches their ideal audience, there is room for a full and comprehensive campaign.
Viral emails are great, but they're no substitute for a comprehensive campaign to use the internet to mobilize people to work in the real world.
For the WFP, that counterweight agenda includes bolstering health care benefits in New York that exist under the current Affordable Care Act, protecting Muslims, making it easier to register to vote and enacting «comprehensive campaign finance reform.»
The poll was conducted June 15 - 16, just days before the New York State Senate narrowly defeated a comprehensive campaign reform bill for that state that would have included public financing of campaigns.
But Mark Smith, Levy spokesman, said, «These same legislators talking about reform now thwarted the county executive's comprehensive campaign finance reform bill in 2006 - 07 because they liked the status quo.»
Voters across the state are letting their State Senators know that comprehensive campaign finance reform should be an important legislative priority before the end of the legislative session.
«We understand that you introduced a comprehensive campaign finance reform bill... However introducing a bill without working to get it passed is worth little to the people of New York,» the letter states.
Lauren later joined our inaugural class of Arena PAC Fellows, and over a six month period, we found and coached a campaign manager, advised on a comprehensive campaign plan, and helped create a closing video ad.
Closing the LLC loophole is an essential step toward achieving the comprehensive campaign finance reform, including publicly funded elections, that will put government back in the hands of voters.»
Following Ulrich, Larry Norden and Ian Vandewalker at the Brennan Center for Justice informed the Commission that comprehensive campaign finance reform was necessary to address the scale of corruption in Albany.
Despite New Yorkers» clamoring for comprehensive campaign finance reform, as shown by polls, petition campaigns, and countless op - eds and editorials, the legislature did nothing to address the crisis of corruption in Albany this year.
Senate Coalition Disintegrates As the legislative session came to a close last week, comprehensive campaign finance reform remained stalled.
«Public financing for comptroller - only candidates opens the door to campaign finance reform, but the Governor and the legislative leaders must now walk through that door and finish the job by Monday and agree to comprehensive campaign finance reform,» said Dick Dadey of Citizens Union in a statement.
«I hope that before the legislative session ends, there will be comprehensive campaign finance reform, as well as a reconsideration of the proposal I advanced, with realistic timeframes for successful implementation.»
«Comprehensive campaign finance reform continues to be an urgent need in New York State,» the comptroller said.
The answer to Albany corruption is crystal clear by now: limit outside income like the congressional model and enact comprehensive campaign finance reform, including public financing of elections and fully closing the LLC loophole.
As the legislative session came to a close last week, comprehensive campaign finance reform remained stalled.

Phrases with «comprehensive campaign»

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