Sentences with phrase «comprehensive energy legislation»

The president worked closely with members of Congress as they passed comprehensive energy legislation out of the House and is working with senators to pass a bill that will decrease our dependence on foreign oil, create jobs and enhance American competitiveness.
Last week senators Lisa Murkowski (R — AK) and Maria Cantwell (D — WA) introduced comprehensive energy legislation that would direct the DOE to set up two parallel research efforts, each headed by a national laboratory in partnership with allied industry and academic groups.
One of the reasons I support comprehensive energy legislation is that Minnesota is uniquely positioned to become a global leader in clean energy production.
Last summer, these discussions reached fruition when comprehensive energy legislation, House Bill 589, became law, requiring Duke Energy to implement a new solar rebate program.
Congress passed comprehensive energy legislation in 1992 that cleared the way for FERC to establish even more competitive generating markets.
It is clear that if Congress is to put together any kind of bill that deserves to be labeled as comprehensive energy legislation, we need to address the huge gap between where the nation's investment in energy technology research is and where in fact it ought to be.
I think these four items or elements should be at the heart of whatever comprehensive energy legislation we undertake in this Congress.
Clean energy is a proven, winning solution for our growing state — both now and in the future, and we hope that the NCGA will consider the way clean energy enhances the lives of all North Carolinians as they work toward future comprehensive energy legislation.
A spokesman for the US Government's Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)- which Holdren directs - said «the administration's primary focus is still to seek comprehensive energy legislation that can get us closer to a clean energy economy, and can create green jobs while reducing dependence on foreign oil.»
He will take that same approach as he works with the Senate to pass comprehensive energy legislation that invests in clean energy incentives that will create millions of jobs.
NCSEA Friends, As you likely know, comprehensive energy legislation was introduced on June 5 in the form of House Bill 589, «Competitive Energy Solutions for North Carolina.»
The latest changes to Illinois» massive and comprehensive energy legislation has won over some environmental advocates who previously opposed it.
Comprehensive energy legislation introduced today will help North Carolina remain globally competitive, while securing long - term economic opportunities across the state.
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