Sentences with phrase «comprehensive immigration reform»

In 2013, he voted with his party against comprehensive immigration reform, an issue that's critical to the growth of the agricultural and tech sectors.
Congressman Crowley Calls for House to Take Immediate Action on Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill
«I'm here because I think it's really important for Asian Pacific Americans to show solidarity for immigrant communities to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation,» said law school graduate Michelle Lee, 25, who lives in Manhattan.
Amnesty and Open Borders: Hillary is a big supporter of comprehensive immigration reform for illegal aliens and with a Democratic Congress to help her, it's entirely possible she'll be able to succeed where George W. Bush failed with amnesty.
More recently, Cardinal Mahony offered a comprehensive account of the Church's position on comprehensive immigration reform at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.
While the political climate in Washington, D.C., is one of the most polarized U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner (D - Forest Hills) said he has experienced, he hopes to forge ahead with comprehensive immigration reform if elected to another term.
Securing the border should be a higher priority than immigration reform, said Phillips, who said he does not support measures like the McCain - Kennedy Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 which would have provided a path to citizenship for illegal aliens, or as Phillips put it, «amnesty.»
He and the Southern Baptist Convention have officially supported comprehensive immigration reform since 2006.
One possible path for conservatives would be to try to become more welcoming and inclusive, in part by embracing comprehensive immigration reform — the Washington political class euphemism for upfront legalization of unauthorized immigrants, and increased future low - skill immigration.
Presidents Bush and Obama favored comprehensive immigration reform, which would once again attempt to control the border and illegal entry and grant some form of amnesty to many of the undocumented.
Among other unfriendly business policies, he's known to favor eliminating federal financing support for exporters, and he opposes comprehensive immigration reform.
When the U.S. last undertook comprehensive immigration reform in 1986, Silicon Valley was more like a distant island kingdom marching to its own drum.
The majority of small - business owners want to see comprehensive immigration reform include a way for newcomers to the U.S. to achieve permanent legal status.
The RNC suggested comprehensive immigration reform as the cure to what ails the unwelcoming GOP.
She is «committed to introducing comprehensive immigration reform and a path to legitimate citizenship within the first 100 days of [her] presidency.»
The immigration bill in the Senate — we clearly need comprehensive immigration reform to secure our borders and to make sure that farmers have workers that they need — he opposes it.
The City Council instead opted to support a five - paragraph resolution from the city of Orlando backed by the U.S. Conference of Mayors that urges the federal government to enact comprehensive immigration reform.
Rubio initially won his U.S. Senate seat with strong Tea Party backing, but his 2013 support for comprehensive immigration reform legislation led to a decline in that support.
He told the local party chairs and other officials assembled he would place comprehensive immigration reform at the top of his agenda as majority leader.
In recent years, the senator has shifted from advocating comprehensive immigration reform to a stance that puts border security first, though with the possibility of a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants after 10 to 12 years.
Immigration: Clinton plans to push for comprehensive immigration reform within her first 100 days in office.
Sen. Rubio has discussed immigration during debates, but has not been asked about his participation in the so - called «Gang of 8,» which led a bipartisan push for comprehensive immigration reform just two years ago.
After hoping for a Democratic victory that could have created a path toward comprehensive immigration reform, these individuals are now bracing for a strongly anti-immigration Trump presidency.
Without comprehensive immigration reform, which President Barack Obama estimates could lead to an expansion of up to $ 250 billion in economic output, this effort marks the latest in a patchwork of initiatives proffered by the administration.
«This moment calls for compassionate people from across the political spectrum to have a difficult and honest conversation about comprehensive immigration reform
Obama is also calculating that he may finally be able to make good on his promise to achieve comprehensive immigration reform.
They hoped to persuade political leaders, particularly House Speaker John Boehner, to move on the now stalled comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed with bi-partisan support nearly six months ago.
«This bill does not address comprehensive immigration reform; instead it will restrict civil rights and further marginalize immigrant communities.
WASHINGTON - Chautauqua County's Congressman is hoping to include some key agricultural reforms in comprehensive immigration reform currently being taken up by Congress.
The mayor gave comprehensive immigration reform as an example, which he said is a fundamental issue for New Yorkers given that the city has half a million undocumented immigrants, saying the reform «would do arguably more for New York City than any city in the country.»
The deadlock essentially leaves the issue in the hands of the next president and Congress, and it deals a devastating blow to Obama's immigration legacy and his promise to deliver comprehensive immigration reform.
Sixty - three percent said they back comprehensive immigration reform, including increased border security and a pathway to citizenship.
Dramatic show of support seen in Congress behind Uniting American Families Act and inclusive comprehensive immigration reform bill.
Advocates for comprehensive immigration reform believe the lame duck session may the best opportunity to pass one concrete immigration reform measure before Republicans take control of the House of Representatives in January.
Democrats know that Latinos who voted for President Obama and other Democrats in 2008 are furious that Democrats have not yet kept the promise to advance comprehensive immigration reform.
The most effective solution to this problem is to enact federal legislation, such as the BRIDGE Act, a bill with broad bipartisan support in Congress, with an amendment that would extend DACA protections until comprehensive immigration reform is enacted.
They stand with the majority of Americans who support real comprehensive immigration reform, working to create the momentum that would transform a dysfunctional immigration system into one that works.
By making education, jobs and the economy, public safety, and comprehensive immigration reform cornerstones of her campaign — and by knocking on plenty of doors — Carmen Casillas seeks to represent this district in the Arizona House of Representatives.
As for the wall, NAHREP proposes that «the federal government... focus its efforts on comprehensive immigration reform strategies which would constitute a more effective use of $ 21.6 billion than a border wall,» recommending a multipronged approach involving deportation relief, immigrant and non-immigrant visas and a path to citizenship.
In 2006, the White House supported and Republican - led Senate passed comprehensive immigration reform that would eventually allow millions of illegal immigrants to become citizens, but the House (also led by Republicans) did not advance the bill.
Religious leaders that attended the meeting said the president spent more than an hour with them, and after making a few remarks at the top of the meeting he let each group discuss their priorities and problems with comprehensive immigration reform.
The National Review's criticism of immigration reform apparently doesn't extend to Grover Norquist, the GOP's beloved anti-tax crusader who has spoken out in favor of comprehensive immigration reform.
«The electoral advantages of anti-immigrant politics will only shrink over time, suggesting that Republicans should at some point — perhaps before the next presidential election — begin to embrace comprehensive immigration reform,» says Mark Price, a labor economist at the Keystone Research Center, a nonpartisan economic policy think tank in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
As a result, religious advocacy groups invariably favor comprehensive immigration reform that will allow for increased legal immigration, more rapid family reunification, and the legalization of irregular aliens.
Our March 2013 General Meeting will also include a Forum on Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Phrases with «comprehensive immigration reform»

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