Sentences with phrase «comprehensive measure»

To correct this, many economists have begun searching for more comprehensive measures of economic progress that reflect the overall state of a country.
The heat content of the upper layers of the world's oceans is the most comprehensive measure of changes in the temperature of the planet.
That prompted the Chinese government to warn it's willing to take «new comprehensive measures» in response.
First, compared with previous investigations, we used relatively comprehensive measures to index the belief in free will.
Although adolescents may provide accurate information about their own mental health, 66 there would have been stronger support for the results had more comprehensive measures such as clinical evaluations been available.
Instead of arguing against testing completely, we should be helping to outline more comprehensive measures of performance that begin with testing but include additional indicators that are not currently considered.
Only hours earlier, a key Republican and key Democratic issued a more comprehensive measure that they said had bipartisan support.
Eclipse provides comprehensive measuring and install videos for French Door Cutout configurations
This is a good thing because the ACT and the SAT - 1 are not comprehensive measures of a well - rounded secondary education.
VICTORIA - It's time for B.C. to implement comprehensive measures to help locate and protect missing seniors with dementia, says Selina Robinson, MLA for Coquitlam - Maillardville.
PERIES: Michael the International Monetary Fund is pushing for comprehensive measures to tackle Greece's debt burden.
When valuations exceeded even 12 times normalized earnings (on our most comprehensive measure discussed above), seemingly «favorable» market action was followed by profound losses averaging -69.8 % on an annualized basis (generally reflecting a few weeks of vertical losses until enough damage was done to kick the market action measures negative).
Our more comprehensive measures do not require such assumptions, and reflect both direct estimates of normalized earnings, and compound estimates derived from revenues, profit margins, book values, and return - on - equity.
«The Chinese side will follow suit to the end, not hesitate to pay any price, resolutely counterattack and take new comprehensive measures in response,» a ministry statement said citing an unnamed spokesman.
KELOWNA — In sharp contrast to the BC Liberal government, Adrian Dix and the New Democrats are prepared to revitalize BC's agricultural sector through comprehensive measures including grants to fruit growers, the purchase of BC foods by BC's health care...
But critics said Cuomo rushed a partial - loaf deal into the final budget and should have worked on a more comprehensive measure before the end of the session in June.
While it is always difficult to say what could have prevented an incident like the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school, here are a few comprehensive measures:
The international agreements forming the IPCC and the UNFCCC were designed to prevent greenhouse gas warming of the atmosphere, and as those agreements were hammered out, two American scientists, Roy Spencer and John Christy, developed a method that uses data collected from weather satellites to produce science's first comprehensive measure of global atmospheric temperatures.
«When you are planning a city, comprehensive measures need to be taken.
Led companywide safety meetings to educate employees on past incidents, and further recommended comprehensive measures to protect workers from potentially hazardous methods, processes, or materials.
In the infant - toddler period, comprehensive measures appropriate for social - emotional and behavioral problem screening are limited (Glascoe, 2000).
Although designed as an overall comprehensive measure, the SRLTAS scale was written to address five potential factors related to TA from previously under - represented recent empirical and theoretical components of effective learning situated in an established SRL theoretical framework.
The Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers» housing costs (CPIH), the most comprehensive measure of inflation, increased by 2.8 percent for the year to September from 2.7 percent in August, and annualized core inflation was flat at 2.7 percent during a similar period.
The Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact is a bipartisan initiative where local governments from four major counties — with a combined population of 5.6 million — are developing and implementing comprehensive measures to address climate impacts like sea - level rise.
As of last week, our most comprehensive measure of market valuation reached a price - to - normalized earnings multiple of 19.1, exceeding the peaks of August 1987 (18.6) and December 1973 (18.3).
The two companies» combined enterprise value, a more comprehensive measure of total value than market capitalization, would value the merger at more than $ 20 billion, the Journal reported.
I'm talking about the increasing number of apostates who advocate abandoning economic growth (as embodied by that oft - cited yet much - maligned bellwether, gross domestic product) and replacing it with a more comprehensive measure, sometimes called subjective well being (SWB) or simply happiness.
The employment cost index — a more comprehensive measure of compensation, including wages and other benefits paid to employees — rose 2.3 % over the 12 months ended June 30.
CBO data satisfy most of these criteria but only go back to 1979; [29] the historical Census family income data series and Piketty - Saez income concentration data cover a longer time span but use less - comprehensive measures of income and do not adjust for changes in the size and composition of households.
NEW YORK and MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — October 6, 2016 — Upwork in partnership with Freelancers Union today released the results of «Freelancing in America: 2016,» the most comprehensive measure of the U.S. independent workforce.
Comprehensive measures of the labor market are deteriorating and growth is at best mediocre.
A more comprehensive measure that factors in net investment income reveals that Germany has a current account surplus of nearly five percent of GDP, whereas Greece has a current account deficit of nearly ten percent of GDP.
Data through November 2013, released today by S&P Dow Jones Indices and Experian for the S&P / Experian Consumer Credit Default Indices, a comprehensive measure of changes in consumer credit defaults, showed stability in national default rates during the month.
The government cash grants before us now provide no basis for predicting that comprehensive measures of surveillance and controls will not follow [ibid., 621-6221.
But, comprehensive measures to tackle obesity will not come in a single convenient package.
The fiscal gap is a comprehensive measure of a government's total indebtedness.
This plan takes into consideration the needs of all New Yorkers, and includes a number of comprehensive measures to strengthen communities across the state.
Indiana Senate Democrats say they want more details on the GOP road funding plan before offering any support for the comprehensive measure.
A more comprehensive measure can be approved next year.
A strong inverse association between a comprehensive measure of income - based socioeconomic inequality and obesity was found among young white women, in a cross-sectional representative multiethnic sample of the United States population (10).
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