Sentences with phrase «comprehensive process»

Establish and oversee a clear and comprehensive process for implementing the restart plan once approved, including a timeline for key activities and the role each major actor will play.
Only a much more comprehensive process could evaluate a teacher as contributing to an Outstanding judgement overall.
Safe school planning is an ongoing, comprehensive process which should involve the entire community.
It's a very comprehensive process, done right, and one of my favourite aspects of the game.
Most noted for comprehensive process analysis reports, accurate budget forecasting and the ability to work closely with any type of manager.
Even if that means a more comprehensive process to determining how / who to help those individuals who are trying desperately to get on with their lives and become contributing members of society.
Recognizing the difficulty of the climate change issue, the governments of the world in 1988 organized the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and it has set up a very comprehensive process of getting inputs and going through the review process, etc., etc. — including getting inputs from The Skeptics and others.
Improved production process documentation by developing comprehensive process maps, flow charts and implementing SWIs across key process areas of the plant.
This is evident in the practical, comprehensive processes Life Working has in place to manage hiring, development, and managing work across their team.
In Clout, Second Edition, world - renowned content strategist Colleen Jones introduces eight principles and an updated, comprehensive process for planning, creating, delivering, and optimizing content that will make your business thrive.
«Though we have worked through a lengthy, comprehensive process with the CFTC to get to this point, we recognize bitcoin is a new, uncharted market that will continue to evolve, requiring continued collaboration with the Commission and our clients going forward.
Psychoeducational testing, an even more comprehensive process, includes the aforementioned, as well as an examination of cognitive functioning and learning problems, which might impact a child or teenagers ability to be successful in school.
Interviewing for an internship with Yahoo is a very comprehensive process.
Empowering employees and fostering a climate of intelligent risk - taking is the best way to improve performance but so is following best practices and consistently adhering to comprehensive processes.
Franklin Templeton investment management teams perform extensive bottom - up investment analysis, employing rigorous and comprehensive processes to assess both the risk and return potential of the investments they consider.
Strategic Planning is a comprehensive process for determining what a business should become and how it can best achieve that goal.
Ultimately, price ratios are still just one piece of a comprehensive process for judging companies.
and capital efficiency (how much capital needs to be plowed back into the firm to maintain earnings) are critical to assessing the health of a company and its valuation, using free cash flow to evaluate companies is a better, more comprehensive process.
A further element in this new conception of reception, and an inheritance from the classical model of reception, is that it understands the agents of this comprehensive process to include all of the members of the Church, while specifying g the particular roles of Church leaders, of the whole body of the faithful, and of theologians.
Grand River Foods goes through a comprehensive process of selecting quality ingredients and plant testing, which helps the company to create innovative, custom - designed products.
The sale price secured by the Government was based on a comprehensive process of preparation, in which we took extensive professional advice and consulted with more than 500 investors.
«We have to put together a comprehensive process and I'm looking forward to meeting with a lot of my colleagues in Albany early next week to discuss that and the rest of this ticket.»
«In order to incorporate these dialogues in this comprehensive process, we will be hosting an online survey and several public forums across the city.
«Although the American Health Care Act is not a perfect piece of legislation, it is the first step in a comprehensive process to bring choice, affordability, and quality back to health care,» Tenney said.
Shaun Woodward, the shadow Northern Ireland secretary, has already called for the establishment of a comprehensive process to look into all the unresolved killings of the Troubles.
With his company, Advanced BioCell, Mr. Quateman has developed a comprehensive process for engaging, guiding and educating and servicing clients in the rapidly growing field of systems - based personalized functional medicine, the leading edge of the wellness industry.
Profiles are detailed and the website employs a comprehensive process of filters that helps in keeping scammers at bay.
Here's a warning from Ofsted of failing to do so: «Leaders and managers have put into place a comprehensive process to evaluate the provision, which they monitor termly.
Explore a comprehensive process that guides educators of all grade levels and subject areas in making strong instructional decisions on the basis of student assessment data.
Through a comprehensive process, an educator can set up and customize his or her classroom's site.
«This is our effort to recognize that student behaviors should not be dealt with in a haphazard fashion, but they should be evaluated and changed as part of a comprehensive process that's measured and involves increasingly intensive action in a positive way.»
The examination of these elements of effective instruction will inform a comprehensive process for lesson design that integrates both the science and art of teaching.
During that time, we recognized key ingredients to implementing impactful personalized learning models and combined them into one comprehensive process that effectively scales and successfully supports accelerated learning.
The initiative requires the state board of education — the final authorizing entity after a comprehensive process — to give preference to schools «designed to enroll and serve at - risk student populations.»
«We are working closely with the other schools to go through this comprehensive process [to become a magnet school] because a lot of things have to be in place,» Abrahams said.
Our program includes many benefits that a private seller or other programs just can't match, like a comprehensive process for delivering a level of accuracy, transparency and peace of mind unmatched in the industry.
PlatinumX Waterproofing Technology is our patent pending, durable, comprehensive process that completely waterproofs and corrosionproofs electronics down to 210 feet underwater.
Submission of manuscript is done via a comprehensive process to guarantee quality.
It truly is a comprehensive process that can mean the difference between a few unfinished (never - to - be-touched-again) chapters and publication for certain writers.
The major Canadian banks follow a comprehensive process of mortgage approval which can not be sped up under any circumstances.
This is a problem for property sales in urgent need of funds but there is no way to speed up this comprehensive process by the banks.
Major banks in Canada are required to follow a long, comprehensive process to approve loans and there is no way to speed up things.
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