Sentences with phrase «comprehensive response»

Today's school shootings call for the same kind of comprehensive response.
They need prompt, comprehensive response from their legal advisors.
To reverse opioid death rates, Bilsky called for comprehensive responses, informed both by the experiences of the nearly 100 million Americans who suffer from chronic pain each year, and those with an opioid use disorder, as well as scientific research and public policy prescriptions.
Some ideas favored by the students will reportedly be incorporated in comprehensive responses to the mass shooting being cobbled together in both the House and the Senate.
It would be recalled that in a letter dated 15 October 2015 and signed by Ann May of the Access to Information Team, the Bank said that «In response to your request under AI3982, we would like to inform you that we are still considering your request and need additional time to provide you with a more comprehensive response
To date, community re-entry provides the most comprehensive response in addressing the lack of post-release support programs for people exiting prison.
Although the risks are well known, «few countries and cities have mounted comprehensive responses for key populations,» which often face significant stigma and discrimination as well as laws that punish them for their behavior.
«We note that the expected comprehensive response from government will be in the interest of the larger Ghanaian populace who are eager to hear from government officially on the true state of the economy and the economic record of the government, especially as the recently launched NDC Manifesto appears to be largely silent on the Economic Record of the 8 - year NDC / John Mahama government.»
«I'm gathering evidence and relevant information so I can provide a single comprehensive response,» tweeted an account registered to Michael J. LaCour, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Los Angeles.»
Comprehensive response plans, effective training of employees, strong firewalls and regulatory compliance are all now essential tools in the corporate world for dealing with the threat of cyberattacks.
This tragic statistic should galvanise the nation and our governments — into comprehensive responses.
The resources in this section will help child welfare professionals, as well as those from related fields, to better understand the interplay of child welfare and human trafficking and to develop comprehensive responses that assist victims and potential victims.
Three bloggers have weighed in on the recent American Lawyer midlevel associate survey, with the kind of comprehensive responses that make a good business case for reading blogs, even for the busiest law firm partner.
Today Reconciliation Australia calls on all governments to take a new and more comprehensive response to the Bringing them home report, acknowledging our nation's past through truth, justice and healing.
Mr. Trump's announcement was welcomed by a leading Democratic trade hawk in the Senate, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, who said the tariffs were a first step toward a comprehensive response to China that should also include increased screening of foreign investment in the United States to ensure it does not hurt American jobs.
Furthermore, their refusal to allow release of a comprehensive response memorandum prepared by Committee Democrats is a transparent effort to suppress the full truth.
«Furthermore, their refusal to allow release of a comprehensive response memorandum prepared by Committee Democrats is a transparent effort to suppress the full truth,» the statement added.
CBA chairman Catherine Livingstone said in the ASX release that addressing the findings of the report would be a key focus for the board, which will now oversee a «comprehensive response» to APRA and use the report «to assess the adequacy of steps already underway, and to address the additional improvements needed to implement all its recommendations».
Cities worked hard not only to get their comprehensive responses turned in by a very tight deadline of Oct. 19, but to find creative ways of pitching themselves.
A comprehensive response is required.
We must therefore strongly welcome this document as the first serious attempt by any diocese in England for more than thirty years to offer a comprehensive response to the ills facing Catholic education.
As I mentioned, I think you should read Kevin DeYoung's review for a comprehensive response.
Clearly God's command to practice mercy and justice requires us to formulate a comprehensive response to gun violence.
Thanks so much for this comprehensive response that puts my nervousness about who is processing what at ease.
To help strengthen New York state's harassment laws, Sen. Terrence Murphy of Yorktown has sponsored legislation that is designed to be a comprehensive response to sexual harassment in New York's workplaces.
«Hackney Council sent a comprehensive response to the secretary of state in April this year, setting out the full benefits of circulating Hackney Today to our residents on a fortnightly basis,» a spokesperson for the council told
The NASUWT put in a comprehensive response to the consultation on the Code of Conduct and Practice and none of the Union's concerns have been addressed.
The statement said «though the government has till date not issued a comprehensive response to the Lecture delivered by Dr. Bawumia a fortnight ago, we are encouraged by the suggestions made by the Head of the Economic Management Team and Vice-President, H.E. Kwesi Bekoe Amissah - Arthur, over the weekend in Sunyani, that the government is still studying the Lecture and will in due course respond comprehensively to the Lecture.»
«The state's comprehensive response to help Hoosick Falls recover from water contamination caused by Saint Gobain and Honeywell has been unprecedented.
We need to work with other countries to give people safe and legal routes, as part of the comprehensive response that chancellor Merkel urgently wants to agree at European level.
Our mission is to promote and support communities in providing a coordinated investigation and comprehensive response to child victims of abuse through child advocacy centers and multidisciplinary teams.
Using her office as a tool to make systemic changes is also seen in her comprehensive response to the heroin scourge.
The hard - learned lessons from earlier Ebola outbreaks — early case identification, communicating how to protect oneself and tracking all people who may have been exposed — are challenging to apply in this epidemic, which is hobbled by poor health infrastructure, the massive scale of the outbreak and little funding to mount a comprehensive response.
And unlike for most other drug - resistant pathogens, we have evidence that, with a comprehensive response, drug - resistant tuberculosis epidemics can be rapidly reversed.
A comprehensive response requires the inclusion of perspectives from experts in such fields as mental health, juvenile justice, public health, and social welfare.
According to Secretary Schopp, the comprehensive response, including the salary increase, would not have been possible were it not for the groundwork laid by both parties and all stakeholders.
The diagram below illustrates what could be encompassed within a comprehensive response.
«While the former Lanning Square School site is our primary focus, there is the potential for additional sites as part of a comprehensive response,» he said in an email.
Orange County provides hurricane and storm emergency shelters as part of its comprehensive response to help individuals, families and communities respond to and recover from disasters.
As world leaders continue to fumble a coherent, rapid, and comprehensive response to climate change, citizens from around the world yesterday sent a message to inert politicians by participating in...
The 2015 UCL - Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change was formed to map out a comprehensive response to climate change, in order to ensure the highest attainable standards of health for populations worldwide.
As for the downside potential for a massive spill of crude oil fouling beaches, ruining fishing grounds, destroying the coastal tourism economy, and killing vast numbers of marine animals, the plan says we must be prepared «to provide a timely and comprehensive response
The documents you compiled for me on Monday covered all the angles and I was able to put together a comprehensive response for the client thanks to the work you did.
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