Sentences with phrase «compulsion if»

«We must have population control at home, hopefully through a system of incentives and penalties, but by compulsion if voluntary methods fail... The birth rate must be brought into balance with the death rate or mankind will breed itself into oblivion.»
We must have population control at home, hopefully through a system of incentives and penalties, but by compulsion if voluntary methods fail.
The planters therefore demanded a guarantee of labor supply over the long term, enforceable by compulsion if necessary.

Not exact matches

If your soul - searching causes you to conclude that it's time to rein in your social media use for the sake of your sleep, be aware that there are lots of expert tips out there on how to get your compulsion to check these sites under control.
Anyway, I felt the compulsion to share that there is a tool (no issues with it that I can see, other than have zero bells and whistles) at Shnugi website (apologies if that is a «competing» site??)
But I have to ask where this compulsion towards morality originates from... if indeed you are just a random assortment of atoms?
Although they are terrible disorders I have learned to cope and not show my ticks (compulsions) if you will in front of others.
Would not pastors then be justified in allowing the lesser problem to increase if, in doing so, they are able to work significantly on the more severe compulsion that conceivably could cause something worse?
If ritual is rejected in theory, it will be aped in reality as a kind of compulsion.
Would you be willing to share what do you feel compulsion for, if anything?
If religion is understood in its elemental sense, and not merely in its sectarian expressions, it is entirely practicable for the public schools to educate religiously without violating any ideals of religious freedom, without partisanship for any historical tradition, and without transgressing the principle of persuasion, not compulsion, in all matters of faith.
His confession may be used as evidence against him «if it appear that same was freely made without compulsion or persuasion» and he waives «knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily» the rights previously mentioned, prior to and during the making of the statement.
«If the poet can say, «Everyone is drawn by his delight», not by necessity but by delight, not by compulsion but by sheer pleasure, then how much more must we say that a man is drawn by Christ, when he delights in truth, in blessedness, in holiness and in eternal life, all of which mean Christ?
That there may be some who need compulsion, some who, if they were free - footed, would riot in selfish pleasures like unruly beasts, is doubtless true; but a man must prove precisely that he is not of this number by the fact that he knows how to speak with dread and trembling; and out of reverence for the great one is bound to speak, lest it be forgotten for fear of the ill effect, which surely will fail to eventuate when a man talks in such a way that one knows it for the great, knows its terror — and apart from the terror one does not know the great at all.
It is not only the developed religions which have felt this compulsion; all men everywhere, insofar as they are at all religious, are driven to acts of worship, even if for sophisticated thought, the god or gods whom they worship do not seem adequate to man's need.
Initially, the compulsion to see her smile had an urgency about it, it was almost as if someone was holding a gun to my head and would blow it off if I couldn't give the right answer.
This murderous compulsion persisted until I was forced to abandon my post at the university, fearing that if this satanic force would overcome me, my strudents would be the victims.
Even under the irresistible compulsion of the pressures causing it to unite, Mankind will only find and shape itself if men can learn to love one another in the very act of drawing closer.
At one time, Brandeis said, the government «could compel the individual to testify — a compulsion effected, if need be, by torture.
His adroit, if nasty, dispatch of Amasa does not even have the justification of blood revenge which obtained in his murder of Abner, who, we recall, had under some real compulsion taken the life of Joab's brother Asahel (II Sam.
If you have been reading this blog for a while, or you follow me on instagram, you probably know that running is a passion, or maybe even a compulsion of mine.
baring injuries between now and chelsea, i'll be VERY interested to see if wenger can stop his compulsion to experiment and keep the same forward 4.
Even if he is in pain and my initial compulsion is to comfort him, the sound he makes drains all compassion from me and when at the start of his cries I had felt love and empathy, once the shrill crying sets in my feelings quickly dissolve into anger, disgust, and loathing.
Most of all, I think it's important for parents to be able to share their struggles and shortcomings with others without fear of judgment if we are to successfully overcome our compulsion to spank or to discipline punitively.
I was worried that if someone [like Rennard] has a compulsion, they are likely to be back.»
After all, if the point of mindfulness is to stand back dispassionately from all our ideas and impulses, couldn't an OCD patient use mindfulness to step back even from mortal fears and compulsions?
«If we're dealing with a serious compulsion, it's not enough to change our conscious mind... a New Year's resolution, a promise made to oneself to «really do it» this time, a fail - proof plan approved by experts.
If you are well hydrated, you will feel less compulsion to eat.
If you're someone who has struggled with disordered eating and / or exercise compulsions in the past, you probably know that these kinds of challenges aren't for you.
an illness if I'm being honest, so it's a fun way to use my «compulsions» to complete an outfit.
During my work with couples as a unit I analyze a level of its mental health, define troublesome behaviors, beliefs, compulsions, thoughts, or emotions in the couple, and if necessary try to improve relationships and social skills.
It's possible it might work for some of you guys but only because you would stand out in that crowd, and then only if some real SD wandered in there out of ignorance or compulsion.
If Black Panther were to seek therapy to resolve this inner conflict, the presenting symptom might be a repetition compulsion: The movie keeps looping back on itself, showing multiple versions of an initiation scene, a ritual combat, and (most telling of all) scenes of the deaths of fathers.
At this point, compulsion takes hold — it looks as if Nicky is willing to gamble away the couple's entire haul.
Collins» Ellen, an artist, is given several opportunities to talk about what drives her compulsion; it seems as if her explanation is begging to be spoken, but sarcasm comes out in its place.
It takes a similar plot (a girl's inexplicable obsession with a jerk as the crux of a police investigation), similar structure (flashbacks and an unreliable narrator expose the truth of the jerk's vanishing act), similar setting (a gothic academy), and even a similar conclusion (Abandon's is a million times sadder, if atonally winking in and of itself), but Gaghan, besides sparking with his characters in a way that is foreign to the makers of The Hole (there, director Nick Hamm is less interested in compulsion than in repulsion), has no use for sensationalism — The Hole is a piece of tabloid reportage next to Abandon, which wallows humanistically in the epidemic of loneliness.
If we reduce the aim of evangelical Christianity down to the twin compulsions of damnation and salvation, what Borat really does is reveal the hypocrisy at the root of our professed acceptance and, more troublingly, highlight how divorced we are from the guiding principles of this sea to shining sea.
But if we come to the conclusion that man is not a wolf to man, that man does not kill and does not overwhelm the other for pleasure or instinctive compulsion, the way will be open to the demand for other types of societies that allow humans live in a way different from what occurs nowadays.
So if the governors of an outstanding school elect to remain under the banner of a local authority, on what basis is their careful consideration of the costs and benefits of different arrangements to be challenged and turned into compulsion?
And compulsion, above all else, would be the line in the sand - as many of the other concerns would be diminished if one - size - fits - all academy status became something that was encouraged rather than compulsorily required.
If «repeated messages» don't work, then you simply force students to conform: «Sometimes compulsion is what is needed to get a habit started,» says William Kilpatrick.
He stresses the measures being announced by the government will be there for schools if they want and need them - there will be be no compulsion.
It doesn't so much matter if those plans or goals come to fruition, but I have a compulsion to make them.
This part too feels out of place; it's as if Fernando felt the compulsion to address the weighty theme in some way and couldn't quite manage a better fit.
If the Dame of Compulsion doesn't get off my back soon, I might ditch the entire project, despite my initial disappointing experience with a free - lance cover artist.
If you have a compulsion or addiction to shopping you should seek help from a therapist.
If i have taken a loan in new MCLR then after one year is it compulsion to change my rate of interest?
The price a willing buyer would pay a willing seller if neither was under any compulsion to buy or sell.
His compulsion can be the death of him if he runs into the street or chases and nips at children.
As a general rule of thumb, if your dog is barking due to fear, aggression or a compulsion - based disorder, it would be best to consult with a qualified behavior consultant.
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