Sentences with phrase «compulsory dues»

"Compulsory dues" refers to fees or payments that individuals are required to pay, often to a specific organization or group. These payments are mandatory, meaning people must contribute a certain amount of money as a part of their membership or participation. Full definition
The math on compulsory dues is straightforward: millions of members, paying nearly a thousand dollars per year in dues, generate billions in revenue.
As Dropout Nation noted in July, the U.S. Supreme Court has signaled that it may soon strike down compulsory dues in the public sector as a violation of free speech.
The large sums of money, derived from compulsory dues government employee unions like AFGE, AFSCME and the NEA spend lobbying for ever bigger government should be banned.
The lawsuit, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, challenges the right of states to require public sector employees to pay compulsory dues to unions doing collective bargaining on their behalf.
In the state of New Jersey, for instance, compulsory dues come to $ 936 per teacher, less than $ 200 of which go to national.
During the Friedrichs oral arguments, Justice Scalia signaled clearly that this arrangement violated the First Amendment, and that therefore he would join four other justices in prohibiting teachers» unions from collecting compulsory dues.
Without compulsory dues, the union leaders would be forced to solicit funds from all teachers, balancing the politics of education by giving voice to the pro-student voices in the teaching profession.
You open up an comment at the exchange, determine your temperament — this is compulsory due to Anti-Money-Laundering manners in most jurisdictions — and comment your comment with Dollar or Euro or whatever paper income you use.
He struts past Antonio Banderas and Jason Clarke and Kevin Corrigan and Nick Kroll and Joe Lo Truglio and Joe Manganiello nined in bespoke suits, sopping up his compulsory dues from behind the camera.
In Chicago, the compulsory dues that the AFT's Chicago Teachers Union deducts from paychecks amount to $ 1,060 per teacher a year, several hundred dollars more than go to Illinois and national combined.
You can have collective bargaining and you can have a strong union, but you don't have to have compulsory dues.
The CTA has used millions of dollars in compulsory dues to become one of the most powerful political organizations in the state of California.
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