Sentences with word «computable»

The commission's report, Better Growth, Better Climate: The New Climate Economy Report, discusses the limitations of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models, citing a Synapse critique of one such model used in the U.K.
You might be interested in Harry Surden's talk about Computable Contracts from earlier this year.
Targeted high - resolution simulations will be used to reduce and quantify uncertainties where needed to tighten estimates of SGS models of computable processes and to guard against overfitting to the present climate.
Adding to the complexity is the fact that there are benefits to the Roth that aren't easily computable like the ability to NOT HAVE TO TAKE required minimum distributions and the ability to pass the Roth on to relatives, which gives them the opportunity for tax - free withdrawals.
Wolfram Launches Computable Document Format (CDF): Bring Documents to Life with the Power of Computation
While the layperson may now be most familiar with Turing's work on Enigma and the later test that bears his name, Turing's most important mathematical contribution is his 1936 paper «On Computable Numbers,» which introduced the famous Turing machine.
Since some probabilities are unknown and some future states are unknown, «risk» is not computable number.
Turing is best known for a classic paper he published in 1936, «On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungs Problem,» in which he addressed the question of whether all mathematical problems could in principle be solved.
TITLE: Computable Models of the Law: Languages, Dialogues, Games, Ontologies.
ADAGE is a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model capable of investigating economic policies at the international, national, U.S. regional, and U.S. state levels.
This analytical document shows a small Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to study the impact of carbon taxes on GDP and emissions under alternative closure rules and hypotheses.
Professor Dr. Daniel Martin Katz of Michigan State University and the ReInvent Law Laboratory has posted Ethereum — A Revolutionary New Platform for Applications (including Computable Contracts), at Computational Legal Studies.
In situ production began in 1974, so no value is computable for 1970.
Now here's my favourite computable but not primitive recursive function implemented in lolcode
«Instead, we developed an approach to assess the performance of materials based on their easily computable characteristics.
Some breeders feel that all dogs with unknown carrier risk should be assigned the average risk of the breeding population; i.e., if it is estimated that 12 % of the population are carriers, then anyone without computable risk will be assigned a risk of 12 %.
He gradually moved on to the «hypercube» in 1978, a cube of four or more dimensions, which can exist mathematically even if it is difficult to fully comprehend: a space that is unimaginable yet computable.
Her main research interests include economy - environment modelling, regional economics, input - output analysis and regional computable general equilibrium modelling.
Dr. Roland Vogel of CodeX — The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics adds that, ``... anything around computable law will become more important.
Wolfram Alpha's long - term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone.
The Accord Project is an industry first that will facilitate the setting of much needed technical and legal standards for smart / computable legal contracts.»
Computable Document Format, or CDF, also allows users to avoid the static nature of traditional document creation software by allowing the user to change parameters during perusal and presentation of a document.
For example, document assembly and computable contracts in contracts law, data analytics and project management in negotiation, blockchain in evidence, cybersecurity, metadata and the extent to which competent lawyering mandates technology knowledge and usage in professional responsibility.
All known laws of physics have consequences that are computable by a series of approximations on a digital computer.
Shashank has extensive experience building and leveraging a wide variety of economic and energy system modeling, including computable general equilibrium models, econometric growth models, National Energy Modeling System, and input - output analysis, to inform market and policy - relevant energy, economic and environmental analysis.
Life inevitably presents a human with risk (outcome known, probabilities known), uncertainty (outcomes known, probabilities unknown) and ignorance (outcomes unknown, probabilities therefore not computable).
Frequentists are comfortable dealing with PDFs that are computable from a large number of samples and estimates of error.
Instead, it is dealing directly with raw, precise, computable knowledge.
Allows any system or programming language to compute anything that is computable (given sufficient resources), allowing for the deployment of smart contracts and decentralized applications.
Around the world, these early adopters were contributing to the realization of the Bitcoin ecosystem and bitcoin currency, a digital asset rooted in nothing but logical, computable, principles.
Pi, for example, is computable; even the ancient Greeks knew simple algorithms that can churn out pi to any number of decimal places.)
At the crux of the matter is the question of whether biological structure and behavior arise entirely from physical law and whether, moreover, physical law is computable — that is to say, amenable to computer simulation.
Even though the Analytical Engine would have been mechanical and powered by steam, it would likely have been Turing - complete — that is, capable of computing any computable function.
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