Sentences with phrase «computer model based»

Scientists had till now been using computer model based climate predictions
It is a computer model based on physics.
A computer model based on these figures was used to estimate the space rock's orbital path.
Using a computer model based on direct brain recordings from epilepsy patients, they are the first to show the existence of a network of neural regions that can push or pull on the synchronization of the regions directly involved in a seizure.
Second, the level was determined using a plastic, liquid filled, computer model based on a 220 - pound mannequin, not a child, an infant or a fetus.
DNDC Greenhouse Gas Modeling for California Vineyards - A short description of a new online tool to help calculate GHG emissions from your vineyard soil through a computer model based on DNDC (DeNitrification - DeComposition).
Please point to the section of the bible that explains the * MECHANISM * by which the universe was created, such that we can build a computer model based on scientific principles derived from the bible that will model the creation of the universe.
So Italy is installing a national system, called OEF, that feeds seismic readings into computer models based on historical data.
It was enough to lure him from a budding career as a physicist to build brainlike computer models based on the concepts of Hebb.
He and his team created computer models based on readings from the Cassini probe, which suggest that besides Janus, six other moons pitch in.
This is shonky computer modelling based on circular logic, masquerading as science, and exaggerated to the point of absurdity.
It is long past time to replace it with objective, evidence - based hypotheses rather than manipulated computer models based on alarmist - favored hypotheses not supported by the scientific method and objective analysis.
Still, I guess you can't blame the Unis or the academics for grabbing the cash and kudos before the whole edifice of AGW is shown to be based on little more than the output from computer models based on human programming.
Draft of new rockets, without faulty computer models based on unobserved hydrodynamical streamlines and notions of «catastrophic impact» of manned space missions on capsule pressure, is suggested.»
Control theory is why enzymologists don't construct complex computer models based on changing an single input into an integrated metabolic pathway, but do experiments instead.
NOAA also issued daily forecasts of where the oil slick might travel, using computer models based on ocean currents.
I skimmed a little bit of one of those papers and I «kinda» thought that it was basically computer modelling based on physics.

Not exact matches

«Everything has been pushed to the virtual world,» says the founder of Offload Studios, a B.C. - based company that specializes in turning 3 - D computer models into real - life statues.
At Thunderhill, teams tested two technological approaches: Systems based on so - called neural networks modeled after the human brain and those based on computer vision.
CP / M, the operating system devised by Digital Research Inc. of Pacific Grove, Calif., has become a de facto standard for personal business computers since Xerox decided to base its new Model 820 computer on the system.
Their job is less labor intensive; they buy and sell every day based strictly on the results of their computer model.
In the hyper - connected trading and investment world of 2018, quant funds, which utilize highly sophisticated computer - based models to automatically carry out trades, are gaining increasing appeal.
Lucy is not compelling because the skull is very clearly an primate of some sort and decidedly not human and there is an entire evolutionary step [in mankind] that is based around a computer model that began with a single tooth.
All of the proposed controls that would have such a significant impact on the world's economic future are based on computer models that are so complex and chaotic that many runs are needed before we can get an «average» answer.
This is not to say that human beings are automatic machines, nor that cybernetics affords a complete model of man, but only that the development of computers provides a basis for the unprecedented exploration of the structure of the human mind and spirit in their universal aspects.
The report was based on a computer model for long - term global trends.
It speaks of operations research, systems analysis, technological forecasting, information theory, game theory, simulation techniques, decision theory, Delphi method, cross-impact matrix analysis, statistical time - series, stochastic models, linear programming, input - output economics, computer based command and control systems, and so on.
In Chicago, the Park District will use a new high - tech system that uses computer software to give real - time predictions of bacteria counts based on such factors as water temperature, modeling of the lake bottom and wave action monitored by buoys.
Their report notes that the risks from other toxic chemicals including formaldehyde, styrene, tricholorethylene, the pesticide chlorpyrifos and many others have been downplayed and regulations have been delayed or denied due to similar industry - backed computer modeling tests — in many cases, even when the industry tests are contradicted by actual biologically - based experiments.
Climate models are complex numerical models based on physics that amount to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lines of computer code to model Earth's past, present and future.
Meanwhile, the new study suggests the effect will intensify in the future with continued climate change, based on computer models that attempt to project how rising temperatures would affect the Arctic's chemical reservoirs.
Because their goal was to simulate social phenomena on ordinary desktop computers, they pared agent - based modeling down to its essence: a set of simple agents that moved around a grid in search of «sugar» — a foodlike resource that was abundant in some places and scarce in others.
To find out more about how meteorologists use forecasting models to get ahead of Mother Nature as well as the limitations of this technology, Scientific American spoke with Thomas Else, chief meteorologist and director of meteorological services and computer programming for Hackettstown, N.J. - based weather forecasting consulting firm Weather Works LLC.
Those equation - based models were run first on paper and then on computers, and they are still used widely.
The researchers created a model and tested it using a computer - based simulation with part - time MBA students who work as managers in companies.
They also used a physically based computer model of the hydrologic cycle, which takes daily weather observations and computes the snow accumulation, melting, and runoff to estimate the total snowpack in the western U.S.
Only now, instead of following fixed story lines and predictions assembled ahead of time, they are using computers to play what - if with an entire artificial society: an advanced type of computer simulation called an agent - based model.
[The weather] information's based on computer models out of America, which is sort of marginal value, and they don't have any local information.
Previous estimates, Schultz said, were based solely on computer models and yielded a size estimate of only about 50 miles in diameter.
But Toronto - based AeroVelo's four - rotor, 115 - pound bicycle - powered vessel, dubbed Atlas, stayed aloft for 64.1 seconds thanks to a design by aeronautical engineers and computer modeling that fine - tuned the blueprints.
So the team developed computer software called VoxelNet, which creates a 3D model of the surrounding area based on video imagery sent from the drone to a laptop.
He put together an independent research proposal that was based on research he was already working on in his PI's lab: the development of computer models for gamma - ray bursts.
Jacobson's research, detailed in a paper published July 30 in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, is based on a three - dimensional computer model simulation of the impacts of biomass burning.
To see whether this increase in crops has influenced the region's unusual weather, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge used computers to model five different 30 - year climate simulations, based on data from 1982 to 2011.
Web - based distributed computing, by which models are run remotely on borrowed downtime on volunteers» personal computers — is one way around the problem.
In this study, the authors describe a computer model that can be used to calculate the probability that the presence of two Zika cases in a given area will lead to an epidemic, based on real - time simulations of all the counties in the state of Texas.
Research reported earlier this year hinted that events in the stratosphere might directly affect the oceans, but those findings were based on a single climate model and a computer simulation that modeled the stratosphere for a relatively short 260 years.
So, in a paper published today in Science, Atkinson, Gray and their colleagues address this using the type of geography - based computer modeling normally used by epidemiologists to track the spread of disease1.
The study, «The Impact of Clean Energy Innovation,» is based on McKinsey & Co.'s Low Carbon Economics computer modeling.
He developed sophisticated computer simulations, called agent - based models, of the interactions between ancestral peoples in the American Southwest and their environment.
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