Sentences with phrase «computer someone are using»

But, far more importantly, even where computers are used in classrooms, their impact on student learning outcomes is mixed at best.
They can answer questions, show how computers are used, and be available to provide other assistance.
This interconnected network of computers is used to transfer information from one point to another.
Our high performance computers are used by national and international research groups for various research projects.
Even where computers are used in the classroom, their impact on student performance is mixed at best.
They look at the browsing history on whatever computer you are using at the time to serve up ads specific to whatever sort of sites users on that particular computer have been visiting recently.
And the good news is, installation takes less than 4 seconds no matter what computer you're using — seriously!
When computers are used to support program goals and meet individual student needs they can help gifted students work smart.
Because computers are used extensively in business — to track shipments, manage inventory and store customer information, for example — familiarity with hardware and software programs be an advantage when job hunting.
A central computer is used to monitor the situation of the client order from very first phase of submission to the very last stage of delivery.
In his report, Wenglinsky found that if computers were used for drill or practice, they typically had a negative effect on student achievement.
This is especially important for small offices where there is a single computer, or if there is one computer that stores data while all other computers are used as workstations.
Greenhow's interest in the connective power of the technology stems from her childhood growing up outside of Boston, when her father worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and would take her into the city for demonstrations of technologies such as one in which computers were used to simulate the human voice.
That was before computers were used in law firms (except perhaps for accounting purposes), and before the Internet.
Otto runs on Raspberry Pi, a tiny open - source computer being used to tool up everything from public art to DIY home - alarm systems.
Ill tell you what use they are... They are the people that invent things like the wonderful computer you are using to deride them with.
The same computer was used to e-mail an announcement claiming «the discovery.»
In another, the D - Wave Two solved some problems 3600 times faster, but this might have been because the ordinary computer was using algorithms that had not been optimised for the task, says Scott Aaronson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
As at any level of K - 12 education, teachers» technology skills and interest also play a major role in how much computers are used in the high school classroom.
Without getting technical, emulation happens when a new computer is used to simulate the computer that originally ran the game.
First, they chop up the atmosphere into byte - sized chunks based on input from things like weather balloons and orbiting satellites, and then they run a whole series of mathematical equations to figure out the most likely future state of weather patterns — a process that's hugely computer intensive — indeed, some of the world's most powerful computers are used to forecast the weather.
However, in the future, when thinking computers are used to settle complex litigation issues and to initially screen cases, it may be an ethical violation if you have available to you a computer tool which can achieve this and you fail to make use of it.»
Also from time to time we would ask the court reporter operating the digital audio recording system to play back parts of the vive voce evidence and everyone in the courtroom was astounded at the clarity of the recording notwithstanding there were at least four laptop computers being used while the vive voce evidence was being given.
Many infected computers were used to mine currencies such as Monero, Zcash, Fantomcoin.
(Cisco Vo IP Telephone), desktop computers, laptop computers, disaster recovery systems, productions... to ensure that all executives and productions computers function properly, and personally provide services... pilot Mac systems running and 1, 000 rental computers being used in studio prior to the migration effort
We tend to agree with the pro-online side, not only because we're a website, but because computers are used for so much more than just reading newspapers and the environmental benefits of making information widely available and connecting like - minded people is vastly underestimated.
Older School Systems Will Support New Computer - Adaptive Testing There has been growing concern among officials in California — as well as other cash - strapped states — that the existing array of computers being used in districts may not have the hardware or operating systems to properly administer sophisticated tests.
The paper, written by the computer teacher's son Craig for a 9th - grade history class at the Cincinnati Country Day School here, has helped radically redefine how computers are used at the school.
[74]... In this case, Justice Phelan did not have the benefit of expert evidence about how computers work and the manner in which computers are used to put an abstract idea to use.
Farm Animals and Computers — Shows how computers are used to monitor pigs feeding during pregnancy and also how they are used to help farmers weigh ingredients so they can mix the correct food ingredients for cattle.
This means no matter what computer they are using, you can still track their activities associated with their Windows Live ID.
Historically (i.e., before computers were used), one of the purposes of double entry accounting was to catch arithmetic errors and data entry errors.
The OECD report - Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connections - found that, where computers are used in the classroom their impact on student learning outcomes is «mixed at best».
When they get to work, what's on their computer, what kind of apps, what kind of computer are they using, what do they buy.»
If you're in an Internet cafe, for example, and are worried that some no - gooder has installed key - logging software on the computer you're using, you can click a button on the browser to bring up the virtual keyboard.
This will save the password on the computer you're using to access the site.
Quantum theory and mechanics are both used to describe the beginning of the universe as well as the computer you are using.
Let's take this computer I am using — does anyone argue that someone made it?
The Google Ads you see are governed by many factors including the browsing and search history of the computer you're using.
So if you are seeing Harry Potter ads, it is because you (or the computer you are using) have recently been searching the internet for Harry Potter, or have been looking at the Harry Potter books on Amazon.
That computer you are using, maybe in your lifetime, in 1980, the PC.
So many believers are dismissive of science despite the fact the computer they are using is totally based on science and our theories of electrodynamics and material sciences (ALL THEORIES yet your computer still works).
Funny how the computer you are using works, since you doubt the existence of the basic building blocks of matter and energy, but believe in some mythical creature.
You never know what christian hands have touched the food your about to eat... hell a christian probably help built your house better get of there, I know the computer you are using is a PC and it probably went through my hands so you better turn that computer off and throw it away, again you never know...
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