Sentences with phrase «computerized image»

There are a number of software tools that allow you upload a photograph of an empty room and then add computerized images of furnishings, fixtures, and even paint colors.
By translating shapes into computerized images, this system can turn any surface into a touch - screen.
By using computerized image processing to assess multiple clues at once, the technique can pick up subtle changes in cell function in response to drugs, toxins, and other factors.
Today this analysis can be automated by computerized image assessment.
Together, the results demonstrate, for the first time, that real objects exert a more powerful influence on attention and manual responses than do computerized images of objects, because images are not relevant for action.
Another imaging technology is magnetic resonance imaging (a.k.a MRI) test which uses magnets and radio waves to generate computerized images of the brain.
It can decipher several hands, (left) translating their shapes into computerized images (center) and maps of each hand's touchpoints (right).
One of the most popular uses of computerized images is in corporate presentations or speeches.
In a study, a group of researchers found that by taking a 40 - second break and simply looking at a computerized image of a green roof, employees» focus on a particular task improved.
Later, she shared a computerized image of herself in Che Guevara likeness.
Particles emitted from the site are then detected by positron emission tomography (PET), which creates a computerized image of the activity of the agent within the body.
Her lab examines how and why real tangible objects are processed and represented differently in the human brain compared to representations of objects, such as two - dimensional (2 - D) computerized images, three - dimensional (3 - D) stereo images, and immersive «virtual» reality displays.
Computerized images are able to offer a level of detail that standard radiographs do not allow, as well as a means for the doctor to manipulate the image to gain the best view.
Even when they were still, they didn't quite revert to computerized images.
Gary Hill is a Seattle - based American artist who dedicated his career as an author to examining the relationships and links between spoken words, sounds and computerized images.
In a study published in the journal Environmental Psychology, the University of Melbourne's Kate Lee and a group of colleagues found that interrupting a tedious, attention - demanding task with a 40 - second «microbreak» — in which one simply looks at a computerized image of a green roof — improved focus as well as subsequent performance on the task.
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