Sentences with phrase «concentrated feedlot»

The ever - optimistic Ohio farmer Gene Logsdon, for instance, makes a persuasive case for returning to grass - feeding steers, hogs, chicken, dairy cows and sheep instead of the concentrated feedlot farming favored by industrial agribusiness.
They plan to expel farmers and graziers from most land areas, with food produced in concentrated feedlots, factory farms, communal gardens and hydroponics.

Not exact matches

The animals from which our meat comes must spend their entire life on the farm — absolutely no CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) or feedlots.
An Annex I listing would likely put an end to much of the «tuna ranching» operations in the Mediterranean, where trawlers catch live bluefin schools and concentrate them in aquatic feedlots, fattening them up for a few months before sending them to market.
You could not crowd animals into these feedlots or feed them this highly concentrated ration without giving them antibiotics.
Specifically under fire are concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, the large - scale feedlots where thousands of dairy cattle, poultry and pigs are confined for their entire lives.
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