Sentences with phrase «concept furthers their efforts»

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«Further, we recognize that a team approach is the only way to achieve a U.S. plaza that we can all be proud of and to that end we appreciate Governor Cuomo's support in the recently completed New York State Gateway project at the Peace Bridge, and the efforts of Senator Schumer in advancing the border pre-clearance concept that will enable these improvements to proceed.»
«Nonetheless, the proof of concept studies we have obtained thus far are extremely encouraging, and we are confident that with proper support and efforts we could translate our findings into experimental therapeutics for a variety of solid tumors that are driven by EphA2 overexpression, including breast, lung, prostate, pancreatic, and ovarian cancers,» said Pellecchia, who serves as the founding director of the Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine at UCR.
When the game is through, highlights in the script, acting and charm behind slightly intriguing subject matter are enough to bring the final product to the brink of decency, but this effort is far from that threshold, as underdeveloped, unlikable characters, aimlessly unfocused dragging and a cold directorial atmosphere behind a paper - thin story concept leave «Zero Charisma» to slip into mediocrity as a forgettable, under - inspired misfire.
For their follow - up effort, Skylanders Imaginators, the Life - to - Toys concept is taken one step further by empowering young... Read More
Some developers have taken this concept even further in an effort to literally hook gamers into products.
Though not the first film to use the concept of a story unfolding entirely on a computer screen (see «Unfriended,» «Open Windows»), this is by far the most acclaimed effort in that field with it not only scoring stellar...
Building a list of appropriately challenging books for your students that expand upon your social studies concept will further your interdisciplinary efforts.
Despite the promise of personalizing learning and some teachers» best efforts to give their students more agency in the education process, many educators wonder whether the concept goes far enough in preparing students for the wide array of learning opportunities outside the classroom.
Further, the qualitative findings revealed the positive effects of knowledge integration prompts in facilitating students to make intentional efforts to identify and explain major concepts and their relationships that are necessary for solving the ill - structured problem.
This theme is valuable to acknowledge here, as it may provide a further rationale for other teacher educators to use in an effort to work with student conceptions and misconceptions of core science concepts in a creative and authentic way in their science methods courses.
For their follow - up effort, Skylanders Imaginators, the Life - to - Toys concept is taken one step further by empowering young... Read More
It's the kind of needless, arbitrary, thoroughly Nintendo restriction that further hammers home a significant problem with a concept I otherwise really like — the rewards for using amiibo seem hardly worth the effort of pulling them down from a shelf.
Given the amount of support SR has in observation and previous experiment, I would predict that an enormous amount of effort would have been devoted to finding the flaws in the concept or execution of this experiment and only after far more work had been done would people slowly come around to the idea.
I don't like the concept either, but it is far better than them not existing at all — because at least they have the chance of someday returning to their ecological roles (i.e., if some of the disease mitigation efforts discussed by Woodhams et al can work).
They also see other uses for the room in the box than just students and weary parents; «Our room in a box concept has far reaching implications anywhere furniture is used, such as: daycares, temporary government offices or even disaster relief efforts
The further possible exception to equal sharing alluded to in para 86 was «where both parties had worked throughout the marriage, had pooled some of the assets built up by their efforts but had chosen to keep other such assets under their separate control, the latter, although unequal in amount, were unilateral assets which might not be subject to the sharing principle... we would prefer, so far as it is proper for us to do so, to keep the room for application of the concept closely confined».
Wikipedia offers further insight into the truth or fiction of the actual HCF concept, but my purpose in introducing the term is to use it as a framework to comment on the efforts of... [more]
The few cases identified in Quebec and touching upon this concept generally took the view that this concept could be seen as requiring the debtor of an obligation of means to use somewhat greater efforts than is generally required at law, but without going so far as requiring it to use «unreasonable» means in doing so.
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