Sentences with phrase «concept of art»

With echoes of Joseph Beuys's expanded concept of art as social sculpture or, more contentiously, Christoph Büchel's recent social practice intervention, THE MOSQUE (2015), at the 56th Venice Biennale, Serra's work is now more widely loved.
Of course, the rise of black - owned spaces has impact far beyond the market, and many prominent non-profit spaces, such as Rick Lowe's Houston - based Project Row Houses and artist Mark Bradford's Los Angeles - based Art + Practice, are positioned as «social sculpture,» an expanded concept of art coined by the German Fluxus artist Joseph Beuys, who sought to use art to address societal issues.
With our linear concept of art history starting to bend, it's time to recognize Mr. Goode as the innovator that he is — always was.
In Layers of Fear, the game fused a haunted house with concepts of art.
Huang Young Ping has been concerned about finding an intelligent balance between the Western concept of art and the Chinese art tradition, particularly as regards traditional materials and their uses.
In his second solo exhibition at Petzel Gallery, Beshty presents a generous selection of works that examine not only the aesthetics and concepts of art making, but also the physical and technical elements of artistry.
Sherman's pictures became key works in a time of turbulence for the very concept of art, and continue to challenge concepts of representation, identity and portrait.
The entire concept of the art form is predicated on the art of striking.
Mornings focus on specific skills and concepts of the arts discipline, and the afternoons are dedicated to collaborative planning of peer partners to develop a testable arts integrated lesson or unit.
«This is where the philistine concept of art turns up with all its deadly obtuseness — an idea to which all technical considerations are foreign and which feels that with the provocative appearance of the new technology its end has come» (Walter Benjamin: Kleine Geschichte der Photographie in Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit Frankfurt 1963 p. 69).
Art as selfless celebration or play is a very ancient concept of art, though it has been rather rare in the West since Goethe and romanticism.
This is not the first film to examine the often - contradictory concepts of art and propaganda, but the balanced perspective presented here instils the issue with freshness.
Some interesting new details on Star Wars: Battlefront has arrived along with two never seen before concept of art.
Seo - Bo Park — now in his mid-seventies — is considered one of the leading figures in bringing the European Modernist concept of art to Korea in the late fifties after the Korean War.
There will be talks about old master's techniques and contemporary concepts of art ranging from traditional, historic, realistic, Hudson Valley, impressionist and abstract approaches to human, animal and landscape subjects.
«Clark's ostensibly forthright watercolors... not only are glittering in their execution — bathed in sunlight, swathed in shadow, shimmering with sure - handed yet expansive and textured brushwork on papers by Fabriano, d'Arches, and Winsor & Newton — but also embody the postmodern concept of art - as - idea.
Later joined by sculptors Cesar (1921 - 98) and Niki de Saint Phalle (1930 - 2002), as well as the empaquetage (wrapping) artists Christo & Jeanne - Claude, these confident young artists proclaimed their «new sense of reality» and their determination to create a new concept of art which reemphasized the paramount importance of humanism in a society becoming more and more dominated by materialism.
Similar to other second - generation Surrealist artists like Frida Kahlo, she channeled her pain into the creative concepts of her art.
Everything Roth made involved acting out a central concept of art and life as utterly indivisible — a single enterprise in which material stuff is subservient to the emotional and sensual experience for which it stands.
bi» bak is very interested in the development of innovative and site - specific concepts of art education and participatory projects, relying on an exchange of ideas, knowledge and creativity.
With their exploration of borderline areas, Delmes & Zander have systematically expanded prevailing concepts of art.
Using a global and thematic approach, students will be introduced to the basic elements of art, while learning about a full range of media used to make art, and the fundamental concepts of art criticism.
He is a CG artist with remarkable and eye - catching concepts of art.
Huang Yong Ping (b. 1954) is one of the most outstanding Chinese artists from the «first generation'to adopt a Western concept of art.
Marcel Duchamp has shown several new concepts of art.
Tickling the very concept of art, the Italian artist gained fame by tinning his own profundities and taking a line for a four - mile walk — all before he died aged 29
All the works shown in this exhibition, beginning with Door by Joseph Beuys and ending with Wolf Vostell «s action objects, are indebted to this expanded concept of art.
The space is contemporary and welcoming, adapting the original Spanish restaurant's concept of art, culture and authentic cuisine for its first California location.
I love the concept of art imitating life imitating art, and this might be one of the most beautiful pieces of vintage art imitating floral printed lace that I ever did see...
Tishman, S. & Palmer, P. (2007) Works of art are good to think about: A study of the impact of the Artful Thinking program on students» and teachers» concepts of art, and students» concepts of thinking.
In this lesson − aligned to ACTFL standards − students will apply knowledge of vocabulary related to colors, demonstrate understanding of placement exceptions with descriptive adjectives, examine and apply the concept of reinforcing adjectives, identify proper usage of the comma in Spanish writing, and examine the concept of art as a way to express feelings through Doris Salcedo's sculptures.
This means that the procedures developed to explore program participants» concepts of art and concepts of thinking were designed to be learning - centered practices, integral to the spirit and goals of the program, rather than «add - on» evaluations.
Fortunately it looks like the industry is finally starting to take the concept of art direction seriously with the likes of BioShock and Team Fortress 2.
Had the concept of art fairs existed in 1410 (the date of some of the earliest surviving canvases), would we have had panels about canvas that praised it as a medium?
Unlimited Productions launched Urban Tales in 2015, a series of events introducing the concept of Art Night.
Isenstein reflects on the concept of art living beyond its creator and the role of the artist's hand, quite literally, within a work of art, most often utilizing the lexicon of comedy and magic as metaphors for larger contexts.
That Neanderthal engravings have been discovered in Gibraltar that should change our concept of both art and humankind
Meow Wolf words • alison m. gamache The concept of art means something fiercely different for each viewer, each artist and each person involved, at whatever capacity.
With his novel aesthetic inspired by Art Brut (a term he coined), Dubuffet succeeded in breaking away from modernist conventions and redefining the concept of art, and in doing so leaving his mark on the second half of the 20th century and exercising a considerable influence on numerous young artists.
But the 20th century was not just limited to debating, questioning and rejecting the concept of art; it also concerned itself with defining it and redefining it, testing its possibilities through a profusion of styles and movements.
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