Sentences with phrase «concept of hell»

Some idea of the grim nature of the Hindu concept of these hells may be seen in the following passage:
The concept of Hell never has made any sense to me — it's hardly a remedial form of justice and what would be the point after the first five years?
You have the choice to mock God, mock scripture, mock Jesus, mock the concept of hell and heaven - because he gave you the free will to do so.
not yours... you seem to like justice... but you hate the concept of hell...
Personally, I find the concept of Hell to be illogical.
Not to mention the «reinforcement» given by the concept of hell.
Around junior high I had a hard time with the concept of hell and how a God who supposedly loves all his children could condemn anyone to hell indefinitely... over time I stopped believing in the religion entirely.
Sadly the concept of Hell was adopted to put fear in Christians by some denominations.
It's funny — the concept of hell itself has evolved from being oblivion (as Jesus and Paul saw it — hell was a fiery pit of garbage where people would merely be stuck outside of heaven) to this rather spiteful, revenge - fantasy - fueled Alighierian depiction.
this is my argument against the concept of Hell.
Islam definitely has a concept of Hell, though I believe that the system of who goes where is based on different criteria than in Christianity, not expert enough in the area to say yea or nea on that.
The concept of hell that I was taught, hasn't made any sense to me since I started listening to you.
Judaism, the original Abrahamic faith, has no concept of Hell as such.
you raise the concept of hell.
I'm sure that your looking at the concept of hell will attract a lot of criticism, Jeremy.
For this series, Bas has worked with the idea that concepts of hell are very personal.
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