Sentences with phrase «concept of nudge»

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Rather than forcing them at the onset and potentially having the entire concept melt down, make sure the process works well at the beginning and then invite and nudge others to be a part of it.
We've also retained the three - part construction of the concept that emphasizes sensitivity, inclination (previously the doomed «nudge»), and capacity.
The concept of «player skill» has been largely abandoned by mainstream developers keen to just nudge us gently through their narrative adventures, like kindly care home workers on a seaside day out.
The Obama administration successfully incorporated the concept of «nudges» into their policy work.
The concept of providing a default cookie option nudges the client into a better result.
Wikipedia defines the Nudge theory as «a concept in behaviour science, political theory and economics which argues that positive reinforcement and indirect suggestions to try to achieve non-forced compliance can influence the motives, incentives and decision making of groups and individuals, at least as effectively — if not more effectively — than direct instruction, legislation, or enforcement.»
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